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24-Nov-2014, 08:05
Pen-F 38mm/1.8. White Sands.


More here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/garrettsphotos/sets/72157649384459316/show/

austin granger
24-Nov-2014, 10:10
https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5610/15833744271_98d7301d7f_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/q8b5wT)Gate, Damascus, Oregon (https://flic.kr/p/q8b5wT) by austin granger (https://www.flickr.com/people/60005435@N08/), on Flickr

https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8254/15216597723_63821a9211_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/pbD3na)Sekhmet, Damascus, Oregon (https://flic.kr/p/pbD3na) by austin granger (https://www.flickr.com/people/60005435@N08/), on Flickr

24-Nov-2014, 10:32
Ogunquit Maine, 2004
Canon Point and Shoot

Ken, great shot. I surfed there a lot 50 years ago.

Principal Unix System Engineer, Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems(retired)

Scott Schroeder
24-Nov-2014, 15:33
Very cool Austin. Really like the second one

24-Nov-2014, 17:21
Pen-F 38mm/1.8. White Sands.


More here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/garrettsphotos/sets/72157649384459316/show/

Is this a pen f camera or a pen f lens mounted on some other camera? If a Pen F, what film was used? I really like the sky.

24-Nov-2014, 18:03
Beginning to work back through the 2014 digital works.
This was taken from my front yard on September 12, 2014
Nikon D800E 28-80/2.8 ISO 200 38mm/f2.8
https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7575/15686293959_3df71fb0c6_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/pU9mG8)Storm to the East (https://flic.kr/p/pU9mG8) by jmarmck (https://www.flickr.com/people/127213211@N06/), on Flickr

24-Nov-2014, 18:52
Pen-F 38mm/1.8. White Sands.


More here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/garrettsphotos/sets/72157649384459316/show/


David R Munson
24-Nov-2014, 19:52
Tokyo from a couple of weeks ago and Shanghai from a couple of days ago. Spot the big difference!

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7499/15250585444_43a8281a50_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/peDeJm)

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7546/15250621204_24ca7d026f_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/peDqmU)

This highlights for me the desire to get back to view camera work. Working from a tripod with a shift lens more often, at very least.

25-Nov-2014, 06:30
Is this a pen f camera or a pen f lens mounted on some other camera? If a Pen F, what film was used? I really like the sky.

I used a Pen-F lens, adapted onto a Fuji XE-1 body. It was quite windy, which is how the dunes are formed, gypsum crystals come off a dry lakebed, blow for about 20 miles, and drop here. Here is another.


David Schaller
25-Nov-2014, 06:57
Glad I'm not breathing that air (assuming the smog is in Shanghai).

David Schaller
25-Nov-2014, 06:59
I'm guessing the smog is Shanghai. Yikes.

Tokyo from a couple of weeks ago and Shanghai from a couple of days ago. Spot the big difference!

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7499/15250585444_43a8281a50_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/peDeJm)

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7546/15250621204_24ca7d026f_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/peDqmU)

This highlights for me the desire to get back to view camera work. Working from a tripod with a shift lens more often, at very least.

25-Nov-2014, 07:36
I used a Pen-F lens, adapted onto a Fuji XE-1 body. It was quite windy, which is how the dunes are formed, gypsum crystals come off a dry lakebed, blow for about 20 miles, and drop here. Here is another.


It looks like snow because of what I'm used to! I looked at the other photos and it messed with my mind to see someone wearing a winter hat and going barefoot in the white stuff.

25-Nov-2014, 08:25
Night flight ops aboard the USS Kearsarge
Nikon F3, 85mm f1.4, Kodak 3200

25-Nov-2014, 08:49
It looks like snow because of what I'm used to! I looked at the other photos and it messed with my mind to see someone wearing a winter hat and going barefoot in the white stuff.

Ha! Yeah, I always think of snow too. I posted this one on facebook, with the caption, "Hope got to practice some barefoot skiing" just to mess with people who can barefoot water ski.


David R Munson
25-Nov-2014, 09:20
Glad I'm not breathing that air (assuming the smog is in Shanghai).

I'm guessing the smog is Shanghai. Yikes.

Correct! I don't especially like it, but at least it does make for good atmospheric perspective.

Scott Schroeder
25-Nov-2014, 19:27
chaos on the hillside...


Scott Schroeder
27-Nov-2014, 12:28
Got my darkroom set up again. Reprinted this one from last summer.
A-1, 50/1.4, delta in Rollo Pyro
Printed with lith chems on fomatone


Peter De Smidt
27-Nov-2014, 17:30
Great stuff, Scott.

27-Nov-2014, 18:20
Your chaos photo is very nice!

Same scene this dusk at Birch Point Beach State Park in Owls Head ME. Just stepped a few steps to the left and rotated the camera and winter postcard becomes family snapshot. I photograph at this place year round.

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7541/15275277153_fa31036612_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/pgPMHt)_DSC8339 (https://flic.kr/p/pgPMHt) by philbrookjason (https://www.flickr.com/people/13759696@N02/), on Flickr

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7575/15894266112_07af8e0a9f_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/qdwgyU)_DSC8343 (https://flic.kr/p/qdwgyU) by philbrookjason (https://www.flickr.com/people/13759696@N02/), on Flickr

28-Nov-2014, 14:16
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery? Notice how he holds the toy camera!
Shot with a Fujica G690 and 100mm f/3.5 Tessar with bounce flash, on some old junky no-name 100-speed film. I used Acufine with some FX-39 soup from another development run, semi-stand for 45 minutes:


28-Nov-2014, 17:13
https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7481/15901185995_fbcf8db751_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/qe8JBe)
The Riviera Hotel (https://flic.kr/p/qe8JBe) by yo_tuco (https://www.flickr.com/people/29994198@N07/), on Flickr

Barry Kirsten
28-Nov-2014, 22:31
I keep coming back to look at this. Nice shot, Scott.

chaos on the hillside...


Scott Schroeder
29-Nov-2014, 10:17
Thanks Barry!

Andrew Plume
29-Nov-2014, 11:19
Tokyo from a couple of weeks ago and Shanghai from a couple of days ago. Spot the big difference!

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7499/15250585444_43a8281a50_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/peDeJm)

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7546/15250621204_24ca7d026f_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/peDqmU)

This highlights for me the desire to get back to view camera work. Working from a tripod with a shift lens more often, at very least.


great work in the Tokyo image, there's, err.............so much going on, putting it a little mildly that is


29-Nov-2014, 12:54
https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7481/15901185995_fbcf8db751_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/qe8JBe)
The Riviera Hotel (https://flic.kr/p/qe8JBe) by yo_tuco (https://www.flickr.com/people/29994198@N07/), on Flickr

Nice colour palette, makes me nostalgic.
Judging by the billboard and cars, this is no later than 1970.

29-Nov-2014, 16:06
Nice colour palette, makes me nostalgic.
Judging by the billboard and cars, this is no later than 1970.

I'm scanning some family slides. That is 1965. I also found some 1960 stock Hong Kong scenes that my mother purchased. Most better than my parents would have taken. Those stock shots are kind of fun to preserve. Most the slides before 1965 are in bad shape. They have what looks like fine cracking on the emulsion or something.

29-Nov-2014, 21:24
10-hour wedding today, whew!
Fooled around after the ceremony and got this:


austin granger
29-Nov-2014, 22:26
Nice colour palette, makes me nostalgic.
Judging by the billboard and cars, this is no later than 1970.

That is a nice color palette Tuco, and there are a great collection of details there as well. I like it, and not least of all because I used to drive that exact same car!

austin granger
29-Nov-2014, 22:28
https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8654/15723557380_abb522d5f4_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/pXrkNU)Disney World, Florida (https://flic.kr/p/pXrkNU) by austin granger (https://www.flickr.com/people/60005435@N08/), on Flickr

Leszek Vogt
30-Nov-2014, 01:43

This is from my recent SW trip. Bristlecone Forest....taken with D610 and Nikkor 20/2.8. The moon, aside from flashlight "painting", shows up sort of 3D.


David R Munson
30-Nov-2014, 05:38

great work in the Tokyo image, there's, err.............so much going on, putting it a little mildly that is


I have become fascinated by the complexity of scenes like this. You should see all there is to see at 100%! I'd love to print it big and go exploring, so to speak. In everyday experience, with everything moving and our attention at a premium, we miss out on so much. Freeze the world in an image, it all holds still while you look it over.

Scott Schroeder
30-Nov-2014, 08:56
Dad and son


30-Nov-2014, 11:00
Nikon D800E, 50mm f/1.2 AIS @ f/2, two flashes, one bounced from the ceiling and one to the left held by my assistant:


30-Nov-2014, 11:42
10-hour wedding today, whew!
Fooled around after the ceremony and got this:


Pretty cool. The tree symbolizes life and strength, and the stars infinity/eternity!

30-Nov-2014, 11:49
That's a pretty cool way to think about it :)

David Schaller
30-Nov-2014, 12:40
Pretty cool. The tree symbolizes life and strength, and the stars infinity/eternity!

And the water hazard... Is pretty well hidden.

30-Nov-2014, 15:13
10-hour wedding today, whew!
Fooled around after the ceremony and got this:

Nice wedding shots. And what meaning or fortune does the transparent people symbolize?

That is a nice color palette Tuco, and there are a great collection of details there as well. I like it, and not least of all because I used to drive that exact same car!


30-Nov-2014, 16:39
I got my 15 minutes of Fall today. Used my 'new' 1950s Kern Macro Switar lens. Arizona has about 2 months of Fall and Winter, then right back to baking, thermonuclear heat.



austin granger
30-Nov-2014, 20:03
I enjoy photographing happy families as well...

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7561/15299641443_a0d5558367_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/piYEnr)Happy Families, Portland Airport (https://flic.kr/p/piYEnr) by austin granger (https://www.flickr.com/people/60005435@N08/), on Flickr

Scott Schroeder
30-Nov-2014, 21:30


Scott Schroeder
30-Nov-2014, 21:30


1-Dec-2014, 08:15
Fire hydrant, Ilford FP4


2-Dec-2014, 13:51
Still working with the FX-39 developer but so far I'm blown away. Has anyone else used FX-39? I used some last week with a sheet of 8x10 Delta 100 and the tonality is beautiful. Even small-format 35mm stuff has a gorgeous tonal scale and still is extremely fine-grained. fb+f is literally 0. This was from a couple of weeks ago but here's two images downtown on a bright sunny fall day:

http://www.oceanstarproductions.com/photosharing/downtown-0565.jpg http://www.oceanstarproductions.com/photosharing/downtown-0588.jpg

Shot with a Leica M6, Nikkor 3.5cm f/3.5 S-mount w/ Amedeo adapter, orange filter, on T-Max 100.

2-Dec-2014, 20:19
... Has anyone else used FX-39? ... This was from a couple of weeks ago but here's two images downtown on a bright sunny fall day:

The results look fine and make a person want to give a try. Your two week ago weather looks like mine about eight weeks ago.

Peter De Smidt
2-Dec-2014, 20:27
Corran, I used it a bit, and I liked the results, but I didn't do any in-depth comparisons.

2-Dec-2014, 21:57
tuco you should try it, I'd love to see your results!

My friend once said that while all my developer testing was cool and all, one day I'd find something that was "just right" and that'd be it. FX-39 might be it, at least for T-grain films. It's like Rodinal, but way better grain and no speed loss!

Scott Schroeder
5-Dec-2014, 18:59
Dust in the corner


Scott Schroeder
6-Dec-2014, 08:23

Barry Kirsten
6-Dec-2014, 13:27
Another great shot, Scott. I'm curious about the 'look' of your work - sharpness, focus, tonality etc. Care to share some details like film, development, format you use? Thanks, and keep sharing. Barry.


6-Dec-2014, 16:09
Fall does come to the Deep South but it is more muted than those spectacular maples and aspens. It is a mixture of earthy tones with very few vibrant color. However, it does not mean that fall in the Deep South is any less special than in the north or mountain regions. This is my front yard, well kind of. This on the abandoned golf course that is my front yard.
Nikor D800e 28-70
https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8584/15962348695_b9e10dff1f_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/qjxd9x)Sun Streaks (https://flic.kr/p/qjxd9x) by jmarmck (https://www.flickr.com/people/127213211@N06/), on Flickr
This is on the other side of the golf course at the Flint River. I love that Sycamore tree.
https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8568/15774958158_87bd2fa59f_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/q2YMtd)Flint & Sycamore (https://flic.kr/p/q2YMtd) by jmarmck (https://www.flickr.com/people/127213211@N06/), on Flickr
and finally
https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7461/15342731833_78bd9865a3_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/pnMvDc)Flint River in Fall (https://flic.kr/p/pnMvDc) by jmarmck (https://www.flickr.com/people/127213211@N06/), on Flickr

6-Dec-2014, 17:59
Wow Marty, you've got a nice yard!

Scott Schroeder
7-Dec-2014, 10:14
Another great shot, Scott. I'm curious about the 'look' of your work - sharpness, focus, tonality etc. Care to share some details like film, development, format you use? Thanks, and keep sharing. Barry.

Thanks Barry. I was good at putting the camera and 'film' on each post but only for a few times...
Anything recent I've posted is from a Canon 5D with a plasticy 50/1.8. I love the combo. The PS work I talked about somewhere earlier in this thread. It's more or less what I still use I suppose. If it looks grainy or something, that's a lith print from a 35mm negative. If it's recent that's going to be Delta 100 shot at 50 and developed in rollo pyro. The lith chemistry is a lot different than usually dilutions. I make it really strong and use fomatone paper (i like 133). Lately I've been adding just a little bit of concentrated LPD to the lith developer. The strong lith minimizes the pinks that can easily happen with that paper. However, it can still shift that way. The more LPD I add, the more it shifts to an olive color. So I'm still dabbling there....I wish I had a better enlarger because the cheap cadet II I picked up is rickety and barely tamable.

Barry Kirsten
7-Dec-2014, 13:05
Thanks Scott, that's very helpful. I've never used the lith process, but it's obviously contributing to the look of your work, and something I should investigate. At the moment I don't have a darkroom, which is very annoying. For printing the best I can do is crappy inkjet, which is just not on, so I just don't do any. A darkroom is a priority for me. Thanks very much for sharing your methods as well as your inspiring photos.


7-Dec-2014, 15:24
Yeah, what a nice front yard and pictures. And I wish it was that warm here. I don't recall ever waiting spring/summer to return as much as I do these days.

I probably posted these before. But I've been updating some older shots done in an 8-bit workflow to a 16-bit version and getting them cataloged while it is not very inviting to go outside.
500C/M, CF T* 80/2.8

https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2688/4173815098_c7ed1e9a5f_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/7mPTPh)
A $5 Special (https://flic.kr/p/7mPTPh) by yo_tuco (https://www.flickr.com/people/29994198@N07/), on Flickr

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5268/5796524417_a4cb463f2b_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/9QdGLa)
Watching The Game (https://flic.kr/p/9QdGLa) by yo_tuco (https://www.flickr.com/people/29994198@N07/), on Flickr

7-Dec-2014, 18:25
Those look good Tuco!

It was not raining/sleeting/snowing here today so I decided fresh air would be good. It was about 20f and wind was out of the NW, so I went to the beach where it is open to the SE, thus little to no wind for me! I spent about an hour walking and shooting 8 sheets of 4x5 at Birch Point Beach state park. I was completely alone there, which is unusual for a small convenient state park. Then I ran out of light and started the walk back. I was blown away by the colors and beauty. I seated myself still on a rock for about ten minutes and just observed. Toward the end, my wife texted me that is was time to go onto the next busy day thing, so I shot a quick video and a couple photos while I had my phone out. My cell phone records photo tones with the same subtlety as it's audio, but I can set the whitebalance which is good. All warmed back up now, so off to the darkroom shortly.



7-Dec-2014, 20:53
Those look good Tuco!

Thanks. Yes, very nice to be out shooting on the beach with no one around.

Scott Schroeder
8-Dec-2014, 14:59
Canon 5D 50/1.8


8-Dec-2014, 17:45
Working on a small project with leafs I'm finding on the ground:
Nikon D800, 55mm f2.8 Macro

8-Dec-2014, 22:53
Just blowing some film on a somewhat nippy winter afternoon (at least, for south GA).
Shot with Agfa Optima 160 35mm film adapted into a 6x12 back, Chamonix 45n1, Nikkor 90mm and Schneider 58mm XL (clearly not LF :rolleyes:):


9-Dec-2014, 02:27
I still love those sprocket hole exposures of yours,Corran; great! I currently have some superia 200 loaded into a mamiya 645, but I still have to shoot most of that roll. Maybe if things work out I can post a few on here as well.

9-Dec-2014, 05:19
Just blowing some film on a somewhat nippy winter afternoon (at least, for south GA).
Shot with Agfa Optima 160 35mm film adapted into a 6x12 back, Chamonix 45n1, Nikkor 90mm and Schneider 58mm XL (clearly not LF :rolleyes:):


This is pretty neat, can you share your technique?

9-Dec-2014, 07:09
Just blowing some film on a somewhat nippy winter afternoon (at least, for south GA).
Shot with Agfa Optima 160 35mm film adapted into a 6x12 back, Chamonix 45n1, Nikkor 90mm and Schneider 58mm XL (clearly not LF :rolleyes:):


Bryan I really like that second one. Just the small splash of color from the dead leaves really adds to the shot.

9-Dec-2014, 07:25
Thanks guys!

It's really a simple trick. 120 -> 35mm adapters can be found on eBay from various sellers, usually in limited quantities (I never can find the same ones twice). Here's a rougher looking set then mine:

Those look a little too fat to work well in most cameras but you get the idea. I have two sets of those, and put them in my Horseman 6x12 back. I use a second empty bulk-load cartridge to wind the 35mm into, which allows me to rotate new film into the back as I shoot if I want. The results are really quite good even shooting at typical f/22 and similar apertures.

I should take some pictures next time I setup/load the back and post it on my blog but I hope that gives you a clear idea of what I do. Good luck!

My favorite shots are with my 38XL or 47XL lenses at hyperfocal. I can shoot them hand-held. Fun for casual snapshots and such (I use a 12mm viewfinder from the Voigtlander 12mm f/5.6 to kinda frame). I'd like to build (or have made) a tiny cone to shoot those lenses (the Travelwide will be too long, if you are thinking about that camera) without anything but the back. Would be much lighter.

Scott Schroeder
9-Dec-2014, 10:02
Canon A-1 50/1.4; delta 100 at 50; dev in Rollo Pyro. To print, strong lith chems and a tad of lpd. On fomatone



Tin Can
9-Dec-2014, 10:29
Thanks guys!

It's really a simple trick. 120 -> 35mm adapters can be found on eBay from various sellers, usually in limited quantities (I never can find the same ones twice). Here's a rougher looking set then mine:

Those look a little too fat to work well in most cameras but you get the idea. I have two sets of those, and put them in my Horseman 6x12 back. I use a second empty bulk-load cartridge to wind the 35mm into, which allows me to rotate new film into the back as I shoot if I want. The results are really quite good even shooting at typical f/22 and similar apertures.

I should take some pictures next time I setup/load the back and post it on my blog but I hope that gives you a clear idea of what I do. Good luck!

My favorite shots are with my 38XL or 47XL lenses at hyperfocal. I can shoot them hand-held. Fun for casual snapshots and such (I use a 12mm viewfinder from the Voigtlander 12mm f/5.6 to kinda frame). I'd like to build (or have made) a tiny cone to shoot those lenses (the Travelwide will be too long, if you are thinking about that camera) without anything but the back. Would be much lighter.

Very nice Bryan. Thanks for the link. I bought 2 set's ~$15 delivered from UK. If they are too fat, I will turn them down.

9-Dec-2014, 12:00
Cool, glad I could help. I do need to take photos of the loading and usage of the adapters - I always get lots of interest and questions. Hope to see some images when you get yours!

9-Dec-2014, 20:01
I've been photographing these two for several years now. It's really nice to establish client relationships to the point where taking photographs of their kids is super easy because they know you and it's very relaxed.

Leica M9, Cosina-Voigtlander 85mm f/3.5 APO-Lanthar (S-mount + Amedeo adapter), wide-open, w/ fill-flash:


10-Dec-2014, 20:41
Just blowing some film on a somewhat nippy winter afternoon (at least, for south GA).
Shot with Agfa Optima 160 35mm film adapted into a 6x12 back, Chamonix 45n1, Nikkor 90mm and Schneider 58mm XL (clearly not LF :rolleyes:):


Man these are really cool. I love the sprocket holes

I like shooting with Nikon's 35mm f1.8G DX lens on a full frame camera.

And a shot of the moonlight over the ocean with some P3200

11-Dec-2014, 10:48
I went to Mt. Athos and took a Rollei with me.

https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8621/15996842161_20e4130260_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/qnzZRt)
Wounded Church (https://flic.kr/p/qnzZRt) by andreios (https://www.flickr.com/people/30673996@N04/), on Flickr

(https://flic.kr/p/qmvNS2)One of the last... (https://flic.kr/p/qmvNS2) by andreios (https://www.flickr.com/people/30673996@N04/), on Flickr

Lith prints on Fomatone and Varycon, respectively.
You may view the whole series here: From the Holy Mountain (http://andrejkutarna.net/athos/).

Peter De Smidt
11-Dec-2014, 11:22
Kav, the moonlit ocean shot is terrific.
Andreios, "one of the last" is outstanding. The composition, tonality and image color are all very appealing.

Barry Kirsten
11-Dec-2014, 13:22
Andreios, those lith prints are beautiful. Thank you for sharing them. Your website is also wonderful and I am inspired by your work. Thank you again.

11-Dec-2014, 13:46
Thank you very much for your kind words, Peter & Barry

11-Dec-2014, 22:20
I went to Mt. Athos and took a Rollei with me.

https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8621/15996842161_20e4130260_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/qnzZRt)
Wounded Church (https://flic.kr/p/qnzZRt) by andreios (https://www.flickr.com/people/30673996@N04/), on Flickr

(https://flic.kr/p/qmvNS2)One of the last... (https://flic.kr/p/qmvNS2) by andreios (https://www.flickr.com/people/30673996@N04/), on Flickr

Lith prints on Fomatone and Varycon, respectively.
You may view the whole series here: From the Holy Mountain (http://andrejkutarna.net/athos/).

Andrej, beautiful work!

12-Dec-2014, 00:32
Thank you, Nana! If my desire will come true and I'll manage to get there once more then I'll have to figure out how to do it with LF...

Brian Legge
12-Dec-2014, 01:30
Leica M4 w/ Elmar 50mm 2.8 V1, Tri X at 200

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7371/13596846554_fbd7a79f79_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/mHvoLS)Untitled (https://flic.kr/p/mHvoLS)

12-Dec-2014, 05:28
Peter: thank you! I shot that on a whim thinking if it works I'm going to love it. If not, its only one frame.

One more from the flight deck of the ship I was on from the same roll:

13-Dec-2014, 23:13
It was a cold winter's day but more importantly the first day I've had off and nothing going on in, like, months. Went on a short hike.
Leica M6, Nikkor 3.5cm f/3.5 (chrome), Plus-X, XTOL 1:2


14-Dec-2014, 07:40
It was a cold winter's day but more importantly the first day I've had off and nothing going on in, like, months. Went on a short hike.
Leica M6, Nikkor 3.5cm f/3.5 (chrome), Plus-X, XTOL 1:2

Yummy picture. Maybe it's the scene but it feels inviting and warm.

14-Dec-2014, 08:37
That is really nice Bryan.

14-Dec-2014, 09:08
Thanks Marty and tuco.

I can see how you would feel warmth from that scene, and indeed the sunset and light was gorgeous and warm. Funny thing is it's indicative of the winter months here when the humidity isn't 100% like the rest of the year. These super clear sunsets are typical this time of year. It's great for hiking.

Here's two color shots from the same place. First with the same 3.5cm lens, second one with my CV 12mm f/5.6 Heliar, both on Superia 200. Straight scans here - this was the color in real life:



Scott Schroeder
15-Dec-2014, 16:21
5D 50/1.8

Rio Grande River

Dead Yucca

Jay Decker
15-Dec-2014, 21:07


Pentacon Six TL
Zeiss Jena Biometar 120mm f/2.8
Kodak Portra 160NC
Richland, WA

Scott Schroeder
16-Dec-2014, 05:37
5D 50/1.8

Turks head


Scott Schroeder
19-Dec-2014, 06:01
More desert Veg


19-Dec-2014, 07:10
Scott you are killing me! That first shot of the Rio Grande is a tough nut. Nice.

19-Dec-2014, 07:33
More desert Veg


I REALLY like this one. This kind of scene is so hard to do simply because there is little main subject interest (I know because I've tried therm). But this is wonderful.


Scott Schroeder
19-Dec-2014, 20:33
Thanks y'all. It was a nice little trip.

19-Dec-2014, 21:10
Hmmm, I may have to reroute on the return trip.

19-Dec-2014, 23:50
Meagan and I reflected in a big Christmas ornament. Went to a friend's photography exhibit at a local coffee shop and tested my new F2 motor drive. What a fun camera!

35/1.4 AI, TMZ, Acufine:

20-Dec-2014, 06:04
https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7566/16060726601_71df7abb5d_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/qteqtk)
Vide, et visita vineam istam: et perfice eam quam plantavit dextera tua (https://flic.kr/p/qteqtk) by andreios (https://www.flickr.com/people/30673996@N04/), on Flickr

See more here: andrejkutarna.net/athos/ (http://andrejkutarna.net/athos/)

20-Dec-2014, 06:06
Yeah, Those F2 drives are cool. I managed to purchase (and rebuild) the rechargeable battery packs and charger.
Nice self portrait! Merry Christmas, Bryan.

20-Dec-2014, 08:48
Yeah, Those F2 drives are cool. I managed to purchase (and rebuild) the rechargeable battery packs and charger.
Nice self portrait! Merry Christmas, Bryan.

Neat, did you put newer rechargeables that are less prone to memory? NiMH or whatever?
I use Eneloop batteries in all of my gear. I have 40+ batteries.

Scott Schroeder
20-Dec-2014, 10:56
Desert grass. 5d 50/1.8


Barry Kirsten
20-Dec-2014, 12:55
VERY nice!

Desert grass. 5d 50/1.8


Jay Decker
20-Dec-2014, 14:17

Daughter & Boyfriend
Rolleiflex 2.8 C Xenotar
T-MAX 400 in XTOL 1:1
Burbank, WA

Tin Can
20-Dec-2014, 17:02
Jay, very nice.

Did you use a filter?

Jay Decker
20-Dec-2014, 17:31
Did you use a filter?

Thanks. And, no filter.

Tin Can
20-Dec-2014, 17:36
Thanks. And, no filter.

I need to shoot all the TMAX I have then. :)

And I am buying a box of 11x14 TMAX 400 from Keith Canham asap.

Maybe 2 boxes. Whoopee!

20-Dec-2014, 17:43
Walk in the desert today, I discovered some strange and beautiful things. Kern 75mm Macro Switar.



20-Dec-2014, 17:46
I even found something not drying out. Didn't even know this pond was here, I spotted the top of one lone, yellow tree about a mile in the distance. I said to myself, "self, you ought to check that out..." Same lens, unMacro'd.


20-Dec-2014, 18:53
Those are great. I especially like the last one. What region is this? I might swing down that way on my way west.

21-Dec-2014, 05:45
Thanks. I'm on the SE side of Tucson, AZ. Arizona deserts are very diverse, and photogenic. You can go from mountain Ponderosa Pines, to rocky hillside Saguaro Cacti, to sweeping grasslands in a 2 hour drive.

Scott Schroeder
21-Dec-2014, 07:03
Jay, that's a great portrait. Is that a print or a neg scan?
Garrett, is that first one a yucca. Their decay is fascinating.

Here's a desert road 5D 50/1.8


Jay Decker
21-Dec-2014, 09:36
Jay, that's a great portrait. Is that a print or a neg scan?

It's a negative scan (Nikon 9000).

The technical things that work in this photo are 1) T-MAX 400 developed in XTOL produces a broad midtone range with tonal separation and 2) the Xenotar lens is a lens that produces greater color contrast, which helps tonal seperation.

21-Dec-2014, 11:19
Scott, you know, I see drying desert plants a lot, but I don't think I've identified this one. Don't think it's a yukka though. The other pic, drying out purple, is an Agave. Chollas dry out into interesting hollowed out tubes, with symmetrical holes. Saguaro dry out to be just ribs, that can continue to stand tall for a decade. This might be a Prickly Pear. I'll go out today and look for more and figure it out. Here's a crop so you can see it better, I agree it's fascinating!


21-Dec-2014, 12:11
Some friends of mine had a little "show" at their house last month, with art hanging up in their double garage, live "music" (screamo, definitely NOT my thing), a bonfire, and lots of Christmas lights...
I shot some of my precious Elite Chrome 400 with my Nikon SP 2005 and 35mm f/1.8 (reissue):



Tin Can
21-Dec-2014, 13:56
I knew this was you before I scrolled up. Meaning I see the images first, as I read threads 'backwards'.

If you know the Band, it's all good. I only 'see' my friend's bands and they are legion.

21-Dec-2014, 14:07
I've shot them before, yeah. Most of the bands around here know me. The cool old camera guy!

Tin Can
21-Dec-2014, 15:49
I've shot them before, yeah. Most of the bands around here know me. The cool old camera guy!

Around here, most of my friends are musician, actor, artiste', photographer, or filmmaker. Couple poets too.

I even have a friend who is a famous groupie. Look up, Cynthia Plaster Caster. NSFW

22-Dec-2014, 20:51
From my hike up Bishop Pass this past September.


Sigma DP3 Merrill

22-Dec-2014, 22:09
The cool old camera guy!

Do they mean the guy with the cool old camera or the cool old guy with a camera? Ha, just kidding.

Scott Schroeder
23-Dec-2014, 12:48
Little petal things...
Canon A-1 50/1.4 delta 100 at 50, Rollo Pyro, strong lith chems


Steve M Hostetter
23-Dec-2014, 16:52
127087 Nikon D800 w/ Rokinon 85mm 1.4 wide open

Tin Can
23-Dec-2014, 17:15
127087 Nikon D800 w/ Rokinon 85mm 1.4 wide open

Nicely framed, great subjects, such mirrors of each other.

Steve M Hostetter
23-Dec-2014, 22:56
Thank you Randy, no one can calm her down like her grandma Shoo Shoo

Scott Schroeder
24-Dec-2014, 21:03
Little more desert landscape 5D 50/1.8




24-Dec-2014, 21:20
Scott you are providing me with great inspiration when facing tough subjects.


Scott Schroeder
25-Dec-2014, 08:55
Very glad to hear that Steve. It can be challenging to derive the elements from a vast landscape. But I love the desert and all of its variations.

Scott Schroeder
25-Dec-2014, 20:05
Empty pockets.... 5D 50/1.8


austin granger
27-Dec-2014, 19:32
https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7563/16098619516_838caff992_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/qwzCHs)Portland (https://flic.kr/p/qwzCHs) by austin granger (https://www.flickr.com/people/60005435@N08/), on Flickr

28-Dec-2014, 01:29
Here is some from my month long trip to Normandy. The first is MF the rest are 135.





28-Dec-2014, 08:05
Wow, I can see the curve of the earth in that first one... :) Growing up in Colorado we had friends who hiked those peaks and took photos from up there. A little tilt in the camera with a wide angle and you'd get that curved horizon, so that was the joke.

Did you use a graduated ND filter on the 135 shots? Those are nicely done.


Scott Schroeder
28-Dec-2014, 09:16
For some strange reason I remembered this photograph and had to find out if I scanned it. Amazingly I did (I'm terribly organized).
Canon A-1 50/1.4, Pan F at 12.5, rollo pyro 9min


Scott Schroeder
28-Dec-2014, 09:24
The reason I remembered that photo was the bokeh.
I'd love to pair that FD lens to my 5D but read some pretty bad things about converters.
I did come across Edmika though. http://r.ebay.com/IpfVrt
Anyone ever try this?

28-Dec-2014, 10:42
Wow, I can see the curve of the earth in that first one... :) Growing up in Colorado we had friends who hiked those peaks and took photos from up there. A little tilt in the camera with a wide angle and you'd get that curved horizon, so that was the joke.

Did you use a graduated ND filter on the 135 shots? Those are nicely done.


First one shot with Zodiak russian fisheye lens. The 135 ones had all red filter and ND graduation filter on some of them.

28-Dec-2014, 11:03
Local Warming
Lumix FZ-200

Scott Schroeder
29-Dec-2014, 20:04
5D 50/1.8


31-Dec-2014, 00:17
Just starting to get my Christmas vacation photos developed and scanned. Here's some gators pulling Santa's sleigh from the Celebration in the Oaks in New Orleans' City Park.
Nikon F2, 35mm f/1.4, Portra 400:


1-Jan-2015, 19:46
Dusk on Penobscot Bay from Birch Point Beach state park this afternoon. (D600 and 50mm cropped a teeny bit)

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7541/15984317699_806cc764f5_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/qmtNLt)
_DSC8848 (https://flic.kr/p/qmtNLt) by philbrookjason (https://www.flickr.com/people/13759696@N02/), on Flickr

2-Jan-2015, 13:33
Chalmette Battlefield Graveyard, near New Orleans.
Nikon F2, 20mm f/4 AI, T-Max 100, Acufine:


Tin Can
2-Jan-2015, 13:46
Chalmette Battlefield Graveyard, near New Orleans.
Nikon F2, 20mm f/4 AI, T-Max 100, Acufine:


Interesting shot of well preserved graves.

I hope to spend 2 weeks in NOLA in May.

With camera baggage!

2-Jan-2015, 13:52
It was a beautiful sight. One of the nicest Civil War memorials / graveyards I've been to. It was also early on a wonderful morning and no one was there save me and my GF, which is always nice.

Tin Can
2-Jan-2015, 14:00
It was a beautiful sight. One of the nicest Civil War memorials / graveyards I've been to. It was also early on a wonderful morning and no one was there save me and my GF, which is always nice.

Is that a normal size oak tree for the south?

Very few that big up north.

2-Jan-2015, 14:58
It was pretty big, but not terribly uncommon to see.

Peter De Smidt
2-Jan-2015, 15:43
Terrific photo, Bryan.

The oaks do get that big up here, but most were cut down long ago.

2-Jan-2015, 23:26
Chalmette Battlefield Graveyard, near New Orleans.
Nikon F2, 20mm f/4 AI, T-Max 100, Acufine:

Wonderful shot and scene.

3-Jan-2015, 02:23
Happy New Year. May your life always be filled with books.
..... and dogs


3-Jan-2015, 10:00
Thanks Peter and tuco.
Richard, that's a funny photo! Does he think he's a parrot?

3-Jan-2015, 12:48

3-Jan-2015, 13:15
My Leica M9 about a foot away from bottle rockets. Hmm...not smart you say? Good point, probably wasn't. That's my friend Hunter, blurred to the right.

12mm Voigtlander Heliar, 45s exposure:


3-Jan-2015, 14:01
Richard, that's a funny photo! Does he think he's a parrot?

May be Ratatouile? :-)

Tin Can
3-Jan-2015, 14:05
My Leica M9 about a foot away from bottle rockets. Hmm...not smart you say? Good point, probably wasn't. That's my friend Hunter, blurred to the right.

12mm Voigtlander Heliar, 45s exposure:


Did you have a protective filter on your lens?

I never get that close anymore, I worry about losing an eye...

3-Jan-2015, 14:21
Nope! A 3ft. cable release though!

Tin Can
3-Jan-2015, 14:42
Nope! A 3ft. cable release though!

I see!

John Rodriguez
3-Jan-2015, 20:07
Pines In Afternoon Light - Yosemite

Went out with the camera for the first time in a year (2 toddlers at home). Took 3 shots, got one keeper. Not bad. Here's to getting out a lot more this year.


Dan Quan
3-Jan-2015, 20:52

3-Jan-2015, 22:09
Two from the museum:



Both shot on CN200 Digibase film. I shot a few rolls of it, and so far I like it.

4-Jan-2015, 12:32
I hope everyone had a happy holiday. I got a cold this xmas break and never made it to the sand dunes for my winter shots and the weather was good there. I never scanned this shot before. It was one of those warmup shots you take to get everyone comfortable before you take real ones. Last time I posted a picture of this gal someone expressed disappointment of where the shot was cropped off. Well, this time the high beams are more visible.

67 165/4 LS, Y2 Filter, 100TMX, fill flash

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7504/16189215452_f79fa53879_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/qEzXJm)

4-Jan-2015, 12:43

Lovely, Jon; is this an IR-converted digital camera or IR filter?

4-Jan-2015, 17:08
The ceiling of the Presbytere in New Orleans, in their Katrina exhibit.


Upstairs is an exhibit on the history of Mardi Gras. Here's an ornate costume on display:


Both w/ Leica M6, 25mm f/4 CV Skopar, Tri-X pushed to 1600 in XTOL 1:1.

Tin Can
4-Jan-2015, 17:18
Very colorful!


4-Jan-2015, 17:24

4-Jan-2015, 21:44
Very colorful!


Speaking of, here's two colorful photos from NOLA. Taken with my Nikon F, Nikkor-S 5cm f/2 (1st ver.), Provia 100F:


Tin Can
4-Jan-2015, 22:32
Speaking of, here's two colorful photos from NOLA. Taken with my Nikon F, Nikkor-S 5cm f/2 (1st ver.), Provia 100F:


I must start saving $ for NOLA, I have not been there in 20 years and then it was a horrible business trip. Horrible because of my idiot coworker who insisted on acting drunk fool in strip clubs. I walked out on him.

6-Jan-2015, 14:57
Lovely, Jon; is this an IR-converted digital camera or IR filter?

Thanks Ari! I used my IR-converted Nikon D2x.

Scott Schroeder
7-Jan-2015, 20:32
This is going to be fun!
Canon 5D, Super-Takumar 50/1.4 @ f/2


7-Jan-2015, 20:46
Sunflower farmer

7-Jan-2015, 22:58
This is going to be fun!
Canon 5D, Super-Takumar 50/1.4 @ f/2

I can only focus about 6 feet out with a M42 to Nikon mount when using that Super Tak.

Scott Schroeder
8-Jan-2015, 08:07
I did some research and found that the super takumar on the 5D may or may not clear the mirror. I found it won't make it to infinity but close. However, one place said that the one with SMC spelled all the way out (super multi coated) would clear. So I tracked one of those down....The first thing I checked was infinity and sure enough it cleared.

Peter Lewin
8-Jan-2015, 12:12
I've been using my Sony Alpha7 to make "sketches" of still life set-ups before I make the actual 4x5 B&W versions. I've found that while the snaps don't take into account the focus adjustments I will ultimately make with the view camera, they give me a way to better consider lighting, shadows, and alternative set-ups of the objects themselves. They are also "quickies," hand-held as close to the big camera as I can get, so their view point is a bit different, but again close enough for me to live with the image for a day to decide whether I like it. Anyway, turns out I even like the snapshots, so here are two works-in-progress:

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7489/16046484377_c4cb8fca3f_n.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/qrYqKK)fish-bottle (https://flic.kr/p/qrYqKK) by Pete Lewin (https://www.flickr.com/people/90970144@N06/), on Flickr

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7578/16046234539_aecf295853_n.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/qrX9uc)siddurs (https://flic.kr/p/qrX9uc) by Pete Lewin (https://www.flickr.com/people/90970144@N06/), on Flickr

8-Jan-2015, 12:36
I like the snaps as well, Peter; tat's a nice lighting set-up you have.
Post the LF shots if you get around to doing so.

Ramiro Elena
8-Jan-2015, 13:39
I did some research and found that the super takumar on the 5D may or may not clear the mirror. I found it won't make it to infinity but close. However, one place said that the one with SMC spelled all the way out (super multi coated) would clear. So I tracked one of those down....The first thing I checked was infinity and sure enough it cleared.

That's one of the reasons I would get a Canon. All the nice M42 lenses can be focussed with them. I use my mom's Super Takumar on a Nikon D700 and as Tuco says you're very restricted focus wise. Another awesome lens to use is the Soligor 135mm f2.8.
How was that Rioja Scott? I haven't seen it around here. :)

Scott Schroeder
8-Jan-2015, 15:06
I had to look up rioja. Haha. It was OK. It was a gift. Not much of a wine drinker. I love beer though... ;-)
Yes I was glad to have full focus. I think that would tick me off if I was limited. I hadn't bought a lens in 7 years or so for the dslr... I have the FD 50/1.4 but it says 10ft limit converting it by edmica way.

8-Jan-2015, 20:35
"Selfie" Jan 2014. One of the last photos I took before I left. I shall return, hopefully in 2015! I think the exposure is 4 or 8 seconds.


Scott Schroeder
9-Jan-2015, 20:25
Pooch again...
5D Super Takumar 50/1.4 (good stuff)

10-Jan-2015, 09:38
Pooch again...
5D Super Takumar 50/1.4 (good stuff)

The eyes look to say, "not again". :)

Here is another test shot I tried lamp glare and all with that Super Tak on a D810. When I got the M42 adapter, I knew it would be like shooting with an extension tube but I was hoping for a little more focus distance to try it on people.

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5604/15639343347_5ce92b3410_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/pPZHUP)
Slide Rule (https://flic.kr/p/pPZHUP) by yo_tuco (https://www.flickr.com/people/29994198@N07/), on Flickr

Peter Lewin
10-Jan-2015, 13:19
Tuco: and here I thought I was the only one left who still owned one of those yellow magnesium Pickett slide rules! But even with a piece of paper somewhere that says something about a BA in math, I don't think I could keep up with your textbook any more...

Michael Graves
10-Jan-2015, 13:42
Tuco: and here I thought I was the only one left who still owned one of those yellow magnesium Pickett slide rules! But even with a piece of paper somewhere that says something about a BA in math, I don't think I could keep up with your textbook any more...

I have the white one packed away in a box somewhere. I seriously doubt I could ever remember how to use it...but it looks cool, so I packed it away with my William Fuld Ouija board.

10-Jan-2015, 20:52
Tuco: and here I thought I was the only one left who still owned one of those yellow magnesium Pickett slide rules! But even with a piece of paper somewhere that says something about a BA in math, I don't think I could keep up with your textbook any more...

I have the white one packed away in a box somewhere. I seriously doubt I could ever remember how to use it...but it looks cool, so I packed it away with my William Fuld Ouija board.

Ha, some are still around then. Off the top of my head, I can't remember how to use this slide rule either. And don't feel too bad. I'm sure I can't work one of those exercises in that book anymore either without a considerable effort of reviewing all the concepts leading up that point again.

Michael Graves
11-Jan-2015, 07:54
Mill Creek in Fairfax after our last light dusting. Nikon D750 with an old 35-70 zoom borrowed from a 2020.

11-Jan-2015, 10:00
Copenhagen 2011

11-Jan-2015, 14:29
Melting snow, fog and rain made for hardly any pictures on yesterdays hike.
Df, Zeiss 18/3.5

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7481/16070048600_82911933b8_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/qu4czs)
Socked in Pilchuck Hike (https://flic.kr/p/qu4czs) by yo_tuco (https://www.flickr.com/people/29994198@N07/), on Flickr

11-Jan-2015, 18:28
Just a fun snap of the snowy Olympic Mountains, Washington state.


This is from the west side of the Peninsula, looking east into Olympic Nat'l Park. Behind me is the Pacific Ocean. If you can pick out the tallest snowy peak out there, that's Mount Olympus.

Upper left is the Sol Duc River valley, with the mighty river meandering down to Highway 101 on its way to the Pacific Ocean. I imagine lots of people here have traveled that very stretch of Highway!

I estimate I've taken 200 or 300 LF shots somewhere in the vast area you see out there.

Nikon N90s
Nikon 28-70mm f/3.5-4.5

11-Jan-2015, 20:46

Resting on the ice after a busy afternoon outdoors. Nexus7 tablet, because I wanted color and my TLR had B&W film.

Scott Schroeder
12-Jan-2015, 19:40
5D super takumar 50/1.4


14-Jan-2015, 00:51
Contax G1
Planar 35/2
Adonal 1+40

14-Jan-2015, 07:56
San Juan Mountains in Colorado as viewed form somewhere SW of Farmington, NM
Nikon D800e 70-200/f2.8. 200mm, 200 ISO, 1/180 sec @ f2.8, Dec 23, 2014
https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7555/16078051780_80891307c4_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/quLdDj)Sunrise on the San Juan Mtns (https://flic.kr/p/quLdDj) by jmarmck (https://www.flickr.com/people/127213211@N06/), on Flickr

14-Jan-2015, 19:53
5D super takumar 50/1.4

The old Tak is doing okay.

Scott Schroeder
15-Jan-2015, 07:28
I'm liking it. The weather has been crappy here. Hopefully this weekend I'll get out and take some photos other than indoors....

17-Jan-2015, 10:50
From Mondays photoshoot:


17-Jan-2015, 16:29
From Mondays photoshoot:


Awesome shot!

Scott Schroeder
17-Jan-2015, 18:53
Kav, that's excellent. That must have been one fast shutter.

Here's a birdhouse..... (yea didn't get far today...)
5D, super takumar 50/1.4 @f/2


17-Jan-2015, 18:59
Thanks guys, it was a hard shot to get. Basically we only got one pass due to the fog. Its not quite what we were looking for, and will try again this summer. I used 1/60s for this photo with some going as low as 1/5s for some of them.

Scott Schroeder
17-Jan-2015, 19:05
Really, 1/60. That's slower than I would have thought.

Here's some roots


17-Jan-2015, 19:10
I have a few tricks up my sleeve. But if we had better weather then I think most of them would have been 1/20s or slower. We just didn't have the time to set up the aircraft, and safety come before all.

Here's a 1/5s shot this while not as clear as I want, I did like:


17-Jan-2015, 19:20
Scott you really have my curiosity piqued, how are you using that lens on large format?

Kav, that's excellent. That must have been one fast shutter.

Here's a birdhouse..... (yea didn't get far today...)
5D, super takumar 50/1.4 @f/2


Scott Schroeder
17-Jan-2015, 19:22
That's still way more clarity than I would have thought at 1/5. Must be good tricks! The only thing I can think of is one helluva coordination between both aircraft. The blades are pretty cool in this one.

17-Jan-2015, 19:25
Thanks! It took tons of planning. Would the weather have been good I think most if the photos would have turned out. We are looking to do this in 4x5. If that works out it will be amazing.

Scott Schroeder
17-Jan-2015, 19:29
I guess with those shutter speeds you could do that LF with the right lens. That would be pretty damn cool to pull off.

Steve-this is the small format thread in the lounge. It's a Canon 5D, not a Century 10A or something. ;-)

18-Jan-2015, 05:39
I guess with those shutter speeds you could do that LF with the right lens. That would be pretty damn cool to pull off.

Steve-this is the small format thread in the lounge. It's a Canon 5D, not a Century 10A or something. ;-)

You are correct of course, Just tired last night I think. Duh.

18-Jan-2015, 14:39
From Mondays photoshoot:

Yes, cool shot.

Scott Schroeder
18-Jan-2015, 17:59
She's due in a couple of weeks and wanted some wet plates. I think we did pretty well with the limited UV.
Here's one of the digital photos.
5D, super takumar 50/1.4 at 2.8.


18-Jan-2015, 18:17
She's due in a couple of weeks and wanted some wet plates. I think we did pretty well with the limited UV.
Here's one of the digital photos.
5D, super takumar 50/1.4 at 2.8.


Any chance of a pregnant nude?

Scott Schroeder
18-Jan-2015, 20:17
My photos probably aren't coming through because of a ddos attack. Oh the horror! Haha. I had no idea Wtf that was.

C. D. Keth
18-Jan-2015, 22:20
https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7476/16127691940_f74953068c_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/qz9CW9)Untitled (https://flic.kr/p/qz9CW9) by CKeth (https://www.flickr.com/people/79873735@N03/), on Flickr

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7569/16289133936_04ee519ed4_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/qPq51Q)Untitled (https://flic.kr/p/qPq51Q) by CKeth (https://www.flickr.com/people/79873735@N03/), on Flickr

19-Jan-2015, 07:28
I really like the first one Chris.
The child does not look happy.

Scott Schroeder
22-Jan-2015, 09:47
5d super takumar 50/1.4


22-Jan-2015, 16:33
Winnemucca, Nevada.


Tin Can
22-Jan-2015, 17:23
Winnemucca, Nevada.


Cool town, I stayed there one night in 2000 and ate at best restaurant in town, which specialized in Basque food. Excellent, but I forgot the name of the place.

Scott Schroeder
23-Jan-2015, 19:27
This is a big WTF for most of y'all...
It's from work. I couldn't resist the color.
Just my phone...


Tin Can
23-Jan-2015, 20:18
This is a big WTF for most of y'all...
It's from work. I couldn't resist the color.
Just my phone...


2 tubes and a diode, must be Hipster electronics. :) I've heard about Austin...

Scott Schroeder
23-Jan-2015, 20:26
Well the electronics are from the early 90s and still kickin.
I prefer to be around hippie-sters than hipsters....

Tin Can
23-Jan-2015, 20:37
Well the electronics are from the early 90s and still kickin.
I prefer to be around hippie-sters than hipsters....

At my age they are the same thing.

C. D. Keth
24-Jan-2015, 08:44
https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8662/16355478565_f05cbe2c37_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/qVh6XK)Untitled (https://flic.kr/p/qVh6XK) by CKeth (https://www.flickr.com/people/79873735@N03/), on Flickr

24-Jan-2015, 10:04
This is a big WTF for most of y'all...
It's from work. I couldn't resist the color.
Just my phone...


Hey, Scott; they have these now: :)

25-Jan-2015, 16:11
Shiprock still some distance away. I was a bit late for sunrise. Nikon D800e. December 23, 2014
https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7372/16365752171_59d64842f0_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/qWbKWT)Shiprock (https://flic.kr/p/qWbKWT) by jmarmck (https://www.flickr.com/people/127213211@N06/), on Flickr

26-Jan-2015, 06:55
Something different for me.. Color. Enjoying the 50/1.4 HSM Sigma. Got out in the woods this weekend with nice light. After this week's expected snow, it won't be so easy to walk through the woods.

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7404/16346001966_abe909a3a6_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/qUrwU7)
_DSC8997 (https://flic.kr/p/qUrwU7) by philbrookjason (https://www.flickr.com/people/13759696@N02/), on Flickr
https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7349/16185747539_12bb1815fb_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/qEhbQK)
_DSC9027 (https://flic.kr/p/qEhbQK) by philbrookjason (https://www.flickr.com/people/13759696@N02/), on Flickr

Scott Schroeder
28-Jan-2015, 17:49

29-Jan-2015, 23:51
Beer Friday! I can't let Scott have all the fun with that Super. I liked the beer too.
D810, SMC Super Tak 50/1.4 at f8

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7360/16212995868_f7782df633_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/qGFQPw)
Beer Friday (https://flic.kr/p/qGFQPw) by yo_tuco (https://www.flickr.com/people/29994198@N07/), on Flickr

Scott Schroeder
30-Jan-2015, 11:15
Nice one. I've heard that's a helluva camera. Nice to know you can use that lens. Was that the camera with limited focus with the tak? And where do you get all these props?!

30-Jan-2015, 11:42
Nice one. I've heard that's a helluva camera. Nice to know you can use that lens. Was that the camera with limited focus with the tak? And where do you get all these props?!

Thanks. Yes, limited focus to about 8 feet out is all. It's like shooting with an extension tube. The props are just stuff I have collected over the years.

Peter Lewin
30-Jan-2015, 16:19
My response to Tuco's "Flyer's Beer" photo, motivated by finding an old (empty :() bottle, and the fact that tourism to Cuba is opening up again. This is actually a Sony A7 "sketch," to be followed by a 4x5 B&W exposure.

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7281/16404877492_63abc68c18_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/qZDhxo)cubanrum (https://flic.kr/p/qZDhxo) by Pete Lewin (https://www.flickr.com/people/90970144@N06/), on Flickr

30-Jan-2015, 17:20
My response to Tuco's "Flyer's Beer" photo, motivated by finding an old (empty :() bottle, and the fact that tourism to Cuba is opening up again.

Looks great. I'd really like to go to Cuba one of these days.

1-Feb-2015, 11:50
Some scenes from a hike to Barclay Lake. That is ice on the lake and darn near the clearest lake I've seen in a long time.
Df, Zeiss 18/3.5

https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8679/15795985523_6061505419_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/q4QyaZ)
Inverted Barclay Lake (https://flic.kr/p/q4QyaZ) by yo_tuco (https://www.flickr.com/people/29994198@N07/), on Flickr

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7303/16420728955_756c96d45d_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/r23wCt)
Barclay Creek Hike (https://flic.kr/p/r23wCt) by yo_tuco (https://www.flickr.com/people/29994198@N07/), on Flickr

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7411/16420729155_64fc3072d1_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/r23wFV)
Barclay Creek Hike (https://flic.kr/p/r23wFV) by yo_tuco (https://www.flickr.com/people/29994198@N07/), on Flickr

1-Feb-2015, 12:20
Intriguing Tuco. Very nice work.

Scott Schroeder
1-Feb-2015, 13:25
Wow, that first one is a trip! I love the roots in the third one.
Here's another with the super tak

"Bachelor Rings" ;-)

Peter De Smidt
1-Feb-2015, 15:32

http://i955.photobucket.com/albums/ae37/peterdesmidt/L_Back_CR_zps4ugln0ed.jpg (http://s955.photobucket.com/user/peterdesmidt/media/L_Back_CR_zps4ugln0ed.jpg.html)

Scott Schroeder
1-Feb-2015, 18:39
see he loves me....


1-Feb-2015, 23:05
Intriguing Tuco. Very nice work.

Nice one.

see he loves me....
He knows the routing...

1-Feb-2015, 23:15
Another Super Tak 50/1.4 test and some stuff tossed together. This beer was not to my liking so much. I'm a stout and porter man.

https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8666/16423328831_78efd7b3e8_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/r2gRtV)
Beer Friday (https://flic.kr/p/r2gRtV) by yo_tuco (https://www.flickr.com/people/29994198@N07/), on Flickr

Peter De Smidt
1-Feb-2015, 23:26
Nice one.

Thanks, Tuco.

2-Feb-2015, 07:19
Mamiya AFDIII + 80/2.8 + Aptus54s (b/c sometime shooting 8x10 is just too slow)

https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8634/16239947630_ec5c1ce73b_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/qK4YD5)Red dress set (https://flic.kr/p/qK4YD5) by Sergei Rodionov (https://www.flickr.com/people/24930737@N05/), on Flickr

Scott Schroeder
3-Feb-2015, 06:31
5D super takumar 50/1.4


Scott Schroeder
3-Feb-2015, 22:03
Ya know...looking at that again.....
ha! damn....

Scott Schroeder
3-Feb-2015, 22:42
Another Super Tak 50/1.4 test and some stuff tossed together. This beer was not to my liking so much. I'm a stout and porter man.

Well then you can pass me your IPAs...

For whatever reason this happened in my dark room. sans dark.


Dan Quan
5-Feb-2015, 14:39
Another Super Tak 50/1.4 test and some stuff tossed together. This beer was not to my liking so much. I'm a stout and porter man.

https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8666/16423328831_78efd7b3e8_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/r2gRtV)
Beer Friday (https://flic.kr/p/r2gRtV) by yo_tuco (https://www.flickr.com/people/29994198@N07/), on Flickr

I realize I may be WAAAAAY outa line here, but as a hardcore dark beer fan I thought I would mention the Happy Camper IPA from Santa Fe Brewing. It's really good and the only IPA I like.

5-Feb-2015, 17:18
I realize I may be WAAAAAY outa line here, but as a hardcore dark beer fan I thought I would mention the Happy Camper IPA from Santa Fe Brewing. It's really good and the only IPA I like.

I like other types of beers too. I just wasn't too fond of that Stumptown Tart. It's a fruit-flavored Belgian Beer and its tart taste perhaps takes some getting use to. I have another one from Silver City Brewery named WhoopPass which is an IPA. I just need to find some props to go with that. Maybe a can of Whoopass or something.

Scott Schroeder
5-Feb-2015, 18:22
Lovejoys was a great bar that is no longer there....




5-Feb-2015, 21:44
Reflection, Tree

Nikon SP 2005, 2.8cm f/3.5, Tri-X @250, SPUR HRX

6-Feb-2015, 08:09
Playing with soft focus in Photoshop again. This time with inverted "apply image" copy layer set to "soft light" D300, Sigma 30 1.4 wide open 1600 ASA, ~40% crop Topaz B&W conversion


Peter De Smidt
6-Feb-2015, 09:03
Nice effect, Alan. Could you describe the technique a little more?

6-Feb-2015, 10:30
Nice effect, Alan. Could you describe the technique a little more?
First of all, after this image was taken I noticed a lot of front focus with the "autofocus fine tuning" setting I was using with this lens on the D300. So, the point of auto focus is just ahead of the back edge of the DOF envelope. So, completely by mistake, I think I've found a way to make the DOF look like a bigger format (as long as there isn't anything in the foreground).

After some de-noise, dodging/burning/cropping I followed this tutorial:
http://www.ethiriel.com/wordpress/archives/1189 Which is nice since it doesn't rely on Gaussian blur. I also applied a mask to the soft layer and painted some sharpness back into her eyes.

After flattening, I also experimented with luminosity masking with maximum feathering and Gaussian to spread the highlights a little on a new copy layer. After fading that new layer and playing with layer modes (ending up in "lighten" I think) though I'm not sure it even contributed to the final effect much because I reduced the opacity so much.

Conversion is with Topaz Labs B&W plug in, one of the "platinum" pre-sets with a simulation of Ilford Pan F grain added.

Hope that helps!

PS: The lighting is Tungsten Fresnel spotlights.

Peter De Smidt
6-Feb-2015, 10:48
Hi Alan,

That does help. Thanks!

6-Feb-2015, 14:47
Playing with soft focus in Photoshop again. This time with inverted "apply image" copy layer set to "soft light" D300, Sigma 30 1.4 wide open 1600 ASA, ~40% crop Topaz B&W conversion


Could you post the straight image before manipulation?


6-Feb-2015, 15:34
Could you post the straight image before manipulation?


You bet. Here is the original converted to jpeg from NEF and a crop of same:


By the way, the first thing I generally do is a frequency seperation via one of the actions found here: http://www.modelmayhem.com/forums/post/439098http://, but I honestly don't remember which one I downloaded for use. Frequency separation is an amazing tool I use but don't completely understand.

The great thing, of course is that we can use anything post processing has to offer on scanned negatives as well as digital captures.

Scott Schroeder
6-Feb-2015, 18:29



7-Feb-2015, 09:30
The Civil War Remembered
Digital captures, heavily manipulated.
The Minstrel Boy

The Generals

The Flag Bearer

The Scout

8-Feb-2015, 09:45
Lovejoys was a great bar that is no longer there....

Nice shots of its character.

This is the Salty Dawg Saloon in Homer, Alaska. More tourists there than locals I'm sure.
500C/M, 400TMY

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7439/15850683683_93e9298c5b_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/q9EU2H)
Salty Dawg Saloon (https://flic.kr/p/q9EU2H) by yo_tuco (https://www.flickr.com/people/29994198@N07/), on Flickr

8-Feb-2015, 17:40
JP, nice snow shots!

8-Feb-2015, 17:44
Camping in an Arizona winter. We were in bare feet daytimes. Kern Macro Switar 75mm.



Scott Schroeder
9-Feb-2015, 20:21
Reflection, Tree

Nikon SP 2005, 2.8cm f/3.5, Tri-X @250, SPUR HRX

Bryan these are excellent. I really like the "portrait" of the second one. That tree has some character.

9-Feb-2015, 20:46
Thanks Scott. I've been finding a lot of new and interesting scenes/compositions with the continual flooding in this swamp. But I have to wear rubber boots and wade through all kinds of muck to get anywhere.

9-Feb-2015, 21:28
nikon fm2, 50mm, kodak 50d


Scott Schroeder
10-Feb-2015, 05:49
Nice shots of its character.

This is the Salty Dawg Saloon in Homer, Alaska. More tourists there than locals I'm sure.
500C/M, 400TMY

I knew this reminded me of some place...Capt Tony's in Key West.
Looks like it's still there....probably more bras than money though.

10-Feb-2015, 21:04
Rolleiflex 4x4 w/ 6cm f/3.5, Plus-X (35mm), Acufine


11-Feb-2015, 20:39
Oljata, Utah (circa Monument Valley)
Nikon D800e. 2.8/28-70.
https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7448/16480727606_84a22d01b8_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/r7m38Y)Monument Valley (https://flic.kr/p/r7m38Y) by jmarmck (https://www.flickr.com/people/127213211@N06/), on Flickr
https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7459/16318946378_dfb1d53920_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/qS3Sds)Christmas Morning (https://flic.kr/p/qS3Sds) by jmarmck (https://www.flickr.com/people/127213211@N06/), on Flickr

12-Feb-2015, 09:27
A few projects from last year...I used a Sony P&S, M43, Fuji X and Leica M240 and MM.







Scott Schroeder
12-Feb-2015, 18:05
Marty those are fantastic panos. It makes me want to go back there.

12-Feb-2015, 19:29
Thanks Scott. I would love to have access to the SW year round.
I have been back just at one month and I am ready for another road trip.
I still have about 40 E6 and 10 C-41 4x5 to process.

Scott Schroeder
12-Feb-2015, 20:48
Cool. I hope you find some discoveries in there. That's always fun after a long trip. What's cool is you might find even more discoveries looking at them five years from now....