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austin granger
22-Sep-2013, 19:39
The receptacles are filled with Holy Spirit. :)

Steve M Hostetter
23-Sep-2013, 11:52
102306 Footprint in hard clay, made with the iphone 4s

Scott Schroeder
23-Sep-2013, 16:44
Dead trees laying about.


austin granger
23-Sep-2013, 17:19
McDermitt, Nevada-Oregon


Scott Schroeder
23-Sep-2013, 18:46
oh no....more of the damn things....




23-Sep-2013, 20:58
Panasonic LX5

24-Sep-2013, 10:34

Pentax 67 - Takumar SMC 105mm - TRI X 400 - XTOL 1:1

Andrew O'Neill
24-Sep-2013, 12:40
Scott, I like your puffy things in the sky!

Leszek Vogt
24-Sep-2013, 23:18
Took this near Denali Natl PK recently. I missed the bull moose, since some commercial vehicle spooked it...and it ran into the bush. Taken with Nikon 400/3.5 + 1.4 extender. This image could be improved with some post processing (loptop just doesn't cut it).

Scott Schroeder
25-Sep-2013, 05:45



Peter Gomena
25-Sep-2013, 08:38
Scott, I need to move to Texas so I can photograph skies like these. You've created a great body of work in a short time. I'd print them in a Blurb book if they were mine.

Michael Graves
25-Sep-2013, 09:13
Some shots from my RB-67

austin granger
25-Sep-2013, 11:41
Two Chairs, Lake Oswego


25-Sep-2013, 23:23
I like the chairs, Austin.

Here's one from the back porch last week.

Rolleiflex 3.5F Planar, HP5+



26-Sep-2013, 08:40
Took this near Denali Natl PK recently. I missed the bull moose, since some commercial vehicle spooked it...and it ran into the bush. Taken with Nikon 400/3.5 + 1.4 extender. This image could be improved with some post processing (loptop just doesn't cut it).

Great colours you're working with, Leszek.

austin granger
26-Sep-2013, 08:49
My venture into nude photography wasn't as exciting as I thought it would be.

Nude, Portland


Tin Can
26-Sep-2013, 09:08
Those look like digital chairs, i.e. made of plastic.

And they are obviously having an analog disagreement.

Classic, 'I turn my back to you.'

Two Chairs, Lake Oswego


Scott Schroeder
26-Sep-2013, 13:56



26-Sep-2013, 14:32
I keep trying to get cloud shots, but the darn doves are flying this time of year and day!


Scott Schroeder
26-Sep-2013, 18:13
Gotta watch the birds....
AND the powerlines!
High points would have made it all so much easier ;-)

26-Sep-2013, 18:42
My venture into nude photography wasn't as exciting as I thought it would be.
Nude, Portland
A bit too static for my taste. More animation would improve it significantly IM(-H)O. :D

- Leigh

Scott Schroeder
26-Sep-2013, 19:22
A bit too static for my taste. More animation would improve it significantly IM(-H)O. :D

- Leigh

Light saber war between chairs?
I'm in yoda's corner

29-Sep-2013, 11:11
Padilla Bay, WA
M7II, 43mm, 400TMY

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3773/9994830374_b18eb170d5_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/9994830374/)
Padilla Bay, WA (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/9994830374/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

austin granger
29-Sep-2013, 15:38



Peter De Smidt
29-Sep-2013, 16:03
I like that one a lot, Tuco.

Tin Can
29-Sep-2013, 17:01
Austin, now you are showing off!

Very good combo!

29-Sep-2013, 17:03
Padilla Bay, WA
That's a great shot, Tuco. Very nicely done.

- Leigh

29-Sep-2013, 17:54
I like that one a lot, Tuco.

That's a great shot, Tuco. Very nicely done.

- Leigh

Thanks. In my neck of the woods, it doesn't look like we'll have a Fall season. It seems to have gone from summer to early winter with a flip of a switch.

More gloom...

Along the Padilla Bay shoreline walk
M7II, 43mm, 400TMY

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3722/10008338223_dac889871c_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/10008338223/)
Padilla Bay Shore Trail, WA (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/10008338223/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

29-Sep-2013, 18:35
Doing a bit of infrared at the race track with my lifepixel converted D100. Limerock Grand-Am race yesterday.





29-Sep-2013, 20:19
Red Desert, Wyoming:


29-Sep-2013, 20:42

30-Sep-2013, 09:24
Under the Bridge, Griffintown (Montreal). Russian Contax w/ Jupiter 8, test run.


austin granger
30-Sep-2013, 09:50
Thanks. In my neck of the woods, it doesn't look like we'll have a Fall season. It seems to have gone from summer to early winter with a flip of a switch. Sorry Tuco, it's my fault. Thinking there'd be an Autumn, I had the bright idea to paint the outside of my house. Just when I got everything finally prepped the weather turned. Again, I apologize. I enjoy it for photography though. I like your Padilla Bay photo.

30-Sep-2013, 14:17
Sorry Tuco, it's my fault. Thinking there'd be an Autumn, I had the bright idea to paint the outside of my house. Just when I got everything finally prepped the weather turned. Again, I apologize. I enjoy it for photography though. I like your Padilla Bay photo.

That explains it all.... ;)

Peter Gomena
30-Sep-2013, 18:43
Austin, you expected our usual beautiful Indian Summer.

So did I.

No deck maintenance this year. I'll be lucky if we can get the wooden deck furniture dry enough to store without growing mushrooms.

Scott Schroeder
30-Sep-2013, 18:44
Old House in Virginia




Scott Schroeder
30-Sep-2013, 18:45



Scott Schroeder
30-Sep-2013, 18:45
and last....


Ramiro Elena
1-Oct-2013, 09:22
Very nice Scott, as usual.
Here's one from a weekend trip to the mountain with the family. We hit the road to a really small medieval town after a short hike through the forest.

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5466/10039335053_a3b7a1f64b_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/10039335053/)
Can Galló (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/10039335053/) by rabato (http://www.flickr.com/people/rabato/), on Flickr

1-Oct-2013, 09:52
My parents are not picture people. Even family trips when I was young, they would maybe buy me a disposable because I wanted to take pictures but they never brought a camera themselves. I'm making up for lost time now as I always shoot lots of photos when I visit.

Anyway, I took this photo almost 6 months ago, but the film got lost, then I found it! I was very happy as it was a couple of rolls during a vacation with them.
Nikon F4, 35mm f/1.4 AI, Kodak Gold 200 (I have a subconscious bias against Gold, but actually it's a decent film!):


Scott Schroeder
1-Oct-2013, 19:23
Tye River


1-Oct-2013, 19:27
Not letting Ken Lee have all the good Maine seaweed landscapes, I went out with my Rolleiflex for some. Just kidding, photography isn't competitive, and I shoot a bit of everything at the shore.


and of course rocks. which we have plenty of.

Rolleiflex automat tessar. 120 tmy2 film in pyrocat hd.

Scott Schroeder
2-Oct-2013, 09:14

Leszek Vogt
2-Oct-2013, 21:13
Thanks, Ari. Haven't looked here lately....busy editing 2800 images.


3-Oct-2013, 12:49
You're welcome, Les.

I'd add this to Mark's pixie thread, but it's MF.

My daughter

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3719/10074210576_6b5deac58b_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zsari/10074210576/)
Mimi242 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zsari/10074210576/) by Ari4000 (http://www.flickr.com/people/zsari/), on Flickr

Pentax 67, 105mm, Acros

3-Oct-2013, 13:18
Ari; I think my daughter has the same wings! Keep shooting!

I don't think she knows what a pixie is. Tinkerbell/Unicorn/Alicorn/Butterfly definitely.

3-Oct-2013, 14:05
Thanks, JP; they all go through that wonderful innocent phase, it's great to see.
I have about ten more of these :)

Peter De Smidt
3-Oct-2013, 14:24
Great stuff, Ari.

3-Oct-2013, 15:13
Thank you, Peter; I'd post more of these, but I'd probably get chased away.
Deservedly so :)

Scott Schroeder
4-Oct-2013, 18:37
Leaves on a pond


Rick Rycroft
4-Oct-2013, 20:49
re; Leaves on a pond

I really like the depth in this, Scott. Are we seeing reflections of the sky or into the water past the leaves?

Scott Schroeder
5-Oct-2013, 06:03
Thanks Rick. That's why I like it too. It could be either one but it's actually the vegetation below the surface.

6-Oct-2013, 04:10
From a trip to the coast a while back.

Tru-View plastic 120 camera, Tri-X (expired 2004).



Ken Lee
6-Oct-2013, 08:47
Pumpkin 2013

Steve M Hostetter
6-Oct-2013, 12:57
nice one ken

7-Oct-2013, 01:57
Portraiture session with the Pentax 67 and Kodak Portra 400.

...in normal lighting conditions:


...in "aaargh the sun has set and we still need to do two a couple of photos, so let's see how far we can push the Portra 400" conditions:


More photos here: http://thodorismarkou.com/blog/2013/10/sophie-portrait-pentax-67/

Scott Schroeder
7-Oct-2013, 07:33


gene LaFord
7-Oct-2013, 09:09
Here's a cell phone snap of fellow NELFPC photographer Dan Groth working his magic on the beach on Block Island during this past weekend's gathering.

7-Oct-2013, 10:44
Some sea stack shots this weekend at Cannon Beach, OR, with a Pentax 67.

67 55/4, 100ACR @ EI 12, O2 filter
https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2846/10131068633_a37dc0c76d_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/grfnK8)Sea Stacks, Cannon Beach, OR (https://flic.kr/p/grfnK8) by tuco (https://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

7-Oct-2013, 12:24
Tuco, I'd really digging that 2nd one! Nice.

Peter Gomena
7-Oct-2013, 12:48
Nice! The big rock to the right out of the frame is Haystack Rock. These are known locally as "The Needles."

7-Oct-2013, 13:03
I wish I lived in Oregon...
Awesome shots tuco. I also like the second one a lot, especially the sun back-lighting the left rock.

7-Oct-2013, 16:46
Tuco, I'd really digging that 2nd one! Nice.

Nice! The big rock to the right out of the frame is Haystack Rock. These are known locally as "The Needles."

I wish I lived in Oregon...
Awesome shots tuco. I also like the second one a lot, especially the sun back-lighting the left rock.

Thanks, you guys. Both shots done without using a light meter!

Scott Schroeder
7-Oct-2013, 17:53
this one might make you wig out a bit....


7-Oct-2013, 18:59
I like that Scott!


2013 Limerock grand-am races. Rolleiflex automat tessar. tmy2 in pyrocat hd.

Racer X 69
8-Oct-2013, 08:24
I like that Scott!


2013 Limerock grand-am races. Rolleiflex automat tessar. tmy2 in pyrocat hd.

Nice. I haven't been to a road race in far too long. I went to every one that happened on the Pacific Northwest from 1985 to about 1992 or so. Back when the IMSA GTP was going strong, and the Trans AM was still happening, and CART still existed.

I started road racing myself with the ICSCC and SCCA, running a production 240Z in 1989. That limited how much time I was able to spend as a spectator, of course. Pacific Raceways is my home track, there was Westwood in Coquitlam, BC (now gone), Mission Raceways in Mission, BC, Spokane Raceway Park in Spokane, WA, Portland International Raceway in Portland, OR, and Thunderhill in Willows, CA. The club also ran on some temporary airport circuits in Olympia, WA, Richland, WA, and Port Orford, OR.

Here is a Ferrari I shot at the SOVREN meet at what was SIR (Now Pacific Raceways) back in the late 1980's.


Sunoco Camaro Trans Am.


Racer X 69
8-Oct-2013, 08:24
More from the SOVREN meet.

An old Bentley.




An original Cobra.


8-Oct-2013, 11:40
More from the SOVREN meet.

Neat cars. I missed the car show this year that I've attended for several years around my parts. Last year I just worked on hood ornaments and gauges.

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8312/7966733522_5fedc75fcf_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/7966733522/)
1930 Duesenberg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/7966733522/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8302/7967537010_e711935053_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/7967537010/)
1949 Cadillac Convertible (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/7967537010/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8037/7969167488_c07d2a7c42_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/7969167488/)
1947 Ferrari Dash (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/7969167488/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

8-Oct-2013, 11:59
On my route home from the Oregon Coast, I often stop by these points of interest and take a shot. For both shots, the conditions of the tide and all really affect what you can shoot that day.

The Wreck of The Peter Iredale, Fort Stevens, Astoria, OR
Pentax 67, 67 55/4, 400TMY @ EI 50, NDX400 + O2 Orange Filter

https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3801/10142645455_f9260b1b13_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/gsgH8v)The Wreck of The Peter Iredale (https://flic.kr/p/gsgH8v) by tuco (https://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

A derelict along the Columbia River near Astoria, OR. There is only one spot to take this shot. You have to beat back the blackberry bushes using your tripod as a machete and you'll bear the scars from them too. It is a small area and if the tide is up you have only some rocks to balance on.

Pentax 67, 6x7 90/2.8, 400TMY @ EI 50, NDX400 + O2 Orange Filter

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5511/10142542394_a53224d4e6_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/gsgbuA)Derelict Along The Columbia River (https://flic.kr/p/gsgbuA) by tuco (https://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

Hasselblad, CF 80/2.8, 100ACR, NDX400 + O2 Orange Filter

https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4087/4957196895_2ebf247f03_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/8y3VVZ)Abandoned Ship 2010 (https://flic.kr/p/8y3VVZ) by tuco (https://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/), on Flickr


https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3496/3978938563_fce789557a_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/74B6P2)Abandoned Ship (https://flic.kr/p/74B6P2) by tuco (https://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

8-Oct-2013, 15:33
Fantastic, Tuco; I am especially taken with the last photo.

Peter De Smidt
8-Oct-2013, 16:19
I'm with Ari. Absolutely superb work, Tuco!

8-Oct-2013, 17:47

I photographed that ship a few times and never got it quite right. You did! Well done.

8-Oct-2013, 18:43
Fantastic, Tuco; I am especially taken with the last photo.

I'm with Ari. Absolutely superb work, Tuco!


I photographed that ship a few times and never got it quite right. You did! Well done.

Thanks you guys.

Scott Schroeder
8-Oct-2013, 18:55




8-Oct-2013, 20:00
No need to avoid any projectiles, Scott, I think these are the best yet.
I don't know if you've slightly altered your processing method or if the clouds were extra-special today, but the photos are just gorgeous.

8-Oct-2013, 20:09
I'm starting to see faces in the clouds!
#3 I held my hand at about a 30 deg angle to cover one of those beady eyes right across the Michael Jackson nose. I see a cheek bone, hair whisking over an ear and shoulder. You have to extrapolate for a mouth. Hm, I don't know if that's a good thing or not.

Scott Schroeder
20-Oct-2013, 07:05
Glad to see this place back up. Looks like we lost a few posts in the recovery process.

austin granger
20-Oct-2013, 08:17
Let's see, where were we? Ah yes, here we go.

North Bend, Oregon


20-Oct-2013, 08:43
One of the girls walking in the woods. Cropped from D600 with Helios 44 m39 lens. Dappled light in the woods is a bitch with regard to digital capture, so rather than fight it, I made it an important aspect of the photo.


Austin; I studied that photo on Flickr and it's got a lot of nice things going for it that work together.

20-Oct-2013, 12:34
Geesh, what a crash this site had.

Here is another Cannon Beach shot with 100ACR and some highlight compression work

https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2824/10218944336_8f245e5867_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/gz1L8s)Cannon Beach, Oregon (https://flic.kr/p/gz1L8s) by tuco (https://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

20-Oct-2013, 15:05
Sailing up the Intercostal Waterway in South Carolina:


austin granger
21-Oct-2013, 09:30
Austin; I studied that photo on Flickr and it's got a lot of nice things going for it that work together.

Thanks jp. I liked the repeating forms (and all the various incarnations of wood), but the passing cloud made it for me. Sometimes I get lucky like that.

Corner, Florence, Oregon


21-Oct-2013, 10:58
Nice, Austin.

With all the pictures I take, I'm finding just how few I have taken of family members. One of the last pictures I've took of my father. He built his RC planes from scratch and still used the old-school gas engines and controllers. In his later years, he just wanted simple planes but has built many WWII scale models also from scratch.


http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7419/10357054045_46e414da75_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/10357054045/)
Model Airplane Builder BW Version (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/10357054045/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

21-Oct-2013, 11:18
Lovely portrait, Tuco; I make sure to get one 8x10 or 4x5 of my Dad each time he visits.

My friend Luka, on my former (and his new) motorcycle, the gorgeous 1997 Triumph Speed Triple:

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8557/10226184586_cf30dff8a0_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zsari/10226184586/)
Luka247 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zsari/10226184586/) by Ari4000 (http://www.flickr.com/people/zsari/), on Flickr

And shot recently in Montreal outside my former haunt, an acquaintance sipping his coffee:

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3708/10226083844_c078cd9148_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zsari/10226083844/)
Roben246 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zsari/10226083844/) by Ari4000 (http://www.flickr.com/people/zsari/), on Flickr

Both are Pentax 67, 105mm, Acros 120

21-Oct-2013, 19:00
Lovely portrait, Tuco; I make sure to get one 8x10 or 4x5 of my Dad each time he visits.

My friend Luka, on my former (and his new) motorcycle, the gorgeous 1997 Triumph Speed Triple:

Thanks. My shot is from a 4x5.

Those are some might fine shots you took there.

21-Oct-2013, 19:05
Thanks. My shot is from a 4x5.

Those are some might fine shots you took there.

Why thank you, sir; the Pentax is serving me well, I really enjoy it.

Got any more portraits hidden away?

austin granger
21-Oct-2013, 19:43
The spiders grow pretty big up here in Oregon.

In the Dunes, Oregon Coast


21-Oct-2013, 20:38
Got any more portraits hidden away?

Some I need to scan. But here's one messing around using my Pentax 6x7 and 320TXP

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5290/5250300481_a9b16768f3_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/5250300481/)
Hold On (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/5250300481/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

22-Oct-2013, 06:23
A young Jimmy Buffett!

22-Oct-2013, 07:27
Nope. Just a dude.

22-Oct-2013, 08:07
Nice placement of the one distinct cloud!

23-Oct-2013, 01:43
Nice, Austin.
With all the pictures I take, I'm finding just how few I have taken of family members. One of the last pictures I've took of my father. He built his RC planes from scratch and still used the old-school gas engines and controllers. In his later years, he just wanted simple planes but has built many WWII scale models also from scratch.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7419/10357054045_46e414da75_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/10357054045/)
Model Airplane Builder BW Version (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/10357054045/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

Hi Tuco,
A nice portrait of a man and his hobby. It's a good thing to take images like this of our loved ones. Reminds me to visit and photograph my parents more often! Yes, we're always (too) busy but they're gone before you know it... I'm lucky to have a nice portrait of my grandmother at 93.
And wouldn't it be nice for our grand-grand children to have a good picture of their ancestors in about a hundred years or so? A proper analogue print will survive this long (contrary to all the digital snapshots on a harddisk, CD or SD card). Just don't forget to mark on the back of the photo who, when and where he is.
Thank you for the reminder.
Bert from Holland

23-Oct-2013, 02:47
As my nephews will tell you, when the eyebrow goes up it's time to back off.

Canon FTb, 50mm, Tri-X.



23-Oct-2013, 04:04
Pinhole Landscape #1

I made this image with my pinhole camera from a boat on the water. It was cloudy and a little bit of wind rocked the boat softly. The exposure was 40 seconds hand held so I wasn't sure how it would turn out, but is has a nice hint of "Pictorialism". I was pleasantly surprised.

Pinhole Landscape #2

Here is a second pinhole landscape (as a start of a series??) made with the same camera and film on an other day during my holiday week with even more overcast weather (at about noon). This one is made from the shore of the lake - also hand held exposure for 40 seconds.

I love pinhole photography: no view finder, no histograms and no LCD screens. Only the picture in your mind as guidance and guestimating the exposure times.
I like to build wooden pinhole cameras or rebuild old cameras into pinhole cameras like an Agfa Clack or Agfa Click. These images were made with a rebuild Gevabox camera on roll film.

103441 (Gevaert Gevabox from 1951)

I took (= broke) out the the black focusing ring and the glass lens element and put in a pinhole on the inside of the body. It makes 6x9 cm negatives on 120 roll film with a nice focal length. And because of its size & model it is easy to make hand held longtime exposures.

Bert from Holland
~ ~ ~ ~
Tech info for both images:
Location: Giethoorn, The Netherlands
Equipment Used: old Gevabox converted into pinhole camera
Exposure: 40 seconds handheld
Film & Developer: Konica PRO400 (expired) in C-41
Paper & Developer: straight scan from negative, also (chemical) C-print (8x12 inch)
Filter: no glass, no filter, no Photoshopping either!
Scanner: Epson 3200 PHOTO & Silverfast software (no digital rework what so ever though)

Peter Gomena
23-Oct-2013, 07:49
I really like the abstract aspect of Pinhole #1, Bert. Handheld pinhole. Hmm, another thing to try.

23-Oct-2013, 08:44
Can't resist adding one more from the last six rolls I developed.

My daughter, in a very rare quiet moment.
http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7336/10226086394_19e249c5bd_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zsari/10226086394/)
Mimi250 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zsari/10226086394/) by Ari4000 (http://www.flickr.com/people/zsari/), on Flickr
Pentax 67, 105mm, Acros

austin granger
23-Oct-2013, 08:45
I seem to be making a lot of animal related photos lately. I'm not sure what's up with that.

Little Bird Haiku, Oregon Coast

Black Door with Pelicans, North Bend, Oregon

Whalebox, Oregon Coast


austin granger
23-Oct-2013, 08:48
That's nice Ari. I should photograph my daughter more, before she gets older and starts sneering at me.

23-Oct-2013, 08:53
Thanks, Austin; I like the bird & fish motif, and the Whalebox is killer.
Yes, photograph your wife, daughter, son, mom, dad, those are the photos that will count eventually.
My daughter now runs away when I take out the LF, but I can steal some photos with the MF camera.
And the sneering is already there, so I just go ahead and snap away!

23-Oct-2013, 11:20
just a couple of prints from last month's trip to France



23-Oct-2013, 11:49
Gorgeous, Andreios! I love the second photo especially, but they both share a wonderful aesthetic.
Are these PS-worked or darkroom, if you don't mind my asking?

23-Oct-2013, 12:37
Gorgeous, Andreios! I love the second photo especially, but they both share a wonderful aesthetic.
Are these PS-worked or darkroom, if you don't mind my asking?

Thank you, Ari. It is a part of what begins to look like a series of lith prints - no PS or whatever involved apart from scanning (and adjusting the curves to match the print as close as possible).

23-Oct-2013, 13:21
Lovely, Andreios; did you shoot on MF? Looks like it could be on an old Rollei.

Scott Schroeder
23-Oct-2013, 13:26
Andreios I saw these on APUG but didn't know they were Lith.
What chems did you use on the bottom print? I love that color.

23-Oct-2013, 18:15
So I couldn't resist when this little gem came up for auction, so I just recently nabbed a late '50s era Nikkor-O 2.1cm f/4 lens, the F-mount version (the rangefinder model sells for 20x more, sadly).

This lens is identical in design though to the RF model and requires mirror lock-up to poke the rear element way into the throat of either the Nikon F or F2 (and an external viewfinder). It's prized for superlative distortion control and sharpness. Well, I shot a test roll today and indeed those things are true. Here's a shot of the campus library I shot at f/8, 1/250, on TMX, with a yellow filter, developed also in testing with Acufine, 1:5, for 40 minutes with 3 agitation cycles:


23-Oct-2013, 18:53
Hi Tuco,
A nice portrait of a man and his hobby. It's a good thing to take images like this of our loved ones.

Thanks. Yes, take them while you can because it can be too late one day.


http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2874/10450289555_84ba71c9b3_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/10450289555/)

austin granger
23-Oct-2013, 20:57
Lincoln City, Oregon


24-Oct-2013, 00:07
Lovely, Andreios; did you shoot on MF? Looks like it could be on an old Rollei.

Thank you. Yes, it is MF - a Bronica SQ-A with a standard 80mm lens. I do use a Rolleicord quite often but on that particular trip the Rollei was "reserved" for IR film and therefore used more outdoors. (There are some prints of that as well, might show them once I've scanned them...)

Andreios I saw these on APUG but didn't know they were Lith.
What chems did you use on the bottom print? I love that color.

Thank you, Scott! It's Fomatone paper (the older emulsion), developed in Moersch Easylith with some of his additives and a very short 2nd bath (more like a dip) in a strange but proved concoction of chemicals. :) Quite an alchemy - as lith often is - as you well know :-)

24-Oct-2013, 03:07
So I couldn't resist when this little gem came up for auction, so I just recently nabbed a late '50s era Nikkor-O 2.1cm f/4 lens, the F-mount version (the rangefinder model sells for 20x more, sadly).

This lens is identical in design though to the RF model and requires mirror lock-up to poke the rear element way into the throat of either the Nikon F or F2 (and an external viewfinder). It's prized for superlative distortion control and sharpness. Well, I shot a test roll today and indeed those things are true. Here's a shot of the campus library I shot at f/8, 1/250, on TMX, with a yellow filter, developed also in testing with Acufine, 1:5, for 40 minutes with 3 agitation cycles:


Looks stunning! What did you shoot it on?

24-Oct-2013, 04:37
Thanks. Yes, take them while you can because it can be too late one day.

Very moving that second one - says more than words can

24-Oct-2013, 09:10
Very moving that second one - says more than words can


24-Oct-2013, 09:35
Looks stunning! What did you shoot it on?

Thanks! An original Nikon F. You can check out my blog linked in my signature for more images/details.

Racer X 69
24-Oct-2013, 11:18
Thunderclouds, Seven Persons, Alberta.


24-Oct-2013, 14:46
Very nice Racer. A lot going on there and it's all good. :)

Racer X 69
24-Oct-2013, 19:19
Very nice Racer. A lot going on there and it's all good. :)

Thank you Bob!

I was returning from Saskatoon, and had just passed through Medicine Hat, heading West on Highway 3 towards Lethbridge. The sun was dropping low in the sky and the thermals were pushing the clouds up, the fading light of the day was just starting to get nice, and I stopped and shot a few photos.

The picture doesn't quite convey the feeling I had while standing in the field looking up at the massive cloud formation though. It really felt powerful.

Like the thunder clouds I shot in Billings earlier this year.

24-Oct-2013, 23:07
My problem was how to photograph a sleeping animal without it looking like road kill. I shot a series of photos of this lion in Kenya. I liked several individual shots but no one shot seemed to really tell the story. Then I got the idea of story boarding the series and the result is attached... Pentax K10D. 200mm103561

25-Oct-2013, 03:36
Thanks! An original Nikon F. You can check out my blog linked in my signature for more images/details.

Lovely! Would like to try it sometime. Is the lens compatible with all Nikons?

Tapatalk doesn't show the signatures unfortunately. Will check once on the system.

25-Oct-2013, 05:35
Sadly no, only the F and F2, and if it's one of the later lenses, also the Nikkormats.

At least officially. It definitely doesn't fit onto my F4, or D800, I tried. I have a feeling the newer lenses may though, somehow, because the rear element was later modified to fit onto the Nikkormats.

What I'd love to know though is if it'll fit onto the new Sony A7R when it comes out...

austin granger
25-Oct-2013, 09:54
Along Highway 101, Oregon Coast


Scott Schroeder
25-Oct-2013, 16:50
That's really wild Austin. Looks like a massive conduit to some huge plumbing thinga-ma-jig

austin granger
25-Oct-2013, 17:19
Yeah, I'm still not exactly sure what it was. It appeared to be abandoned, with some tools lying around inside. Maybe a woodworking shop? It would have made a good bar as well.

Joseph O'Neil
26-Oct-2013, 07:17

Had my D7000 converted to infra-red. 850nm range so everything at this point is black & white. Kolari Vision did a good job for me. 24mm Nikkor at either f5.6 or f8. Staring to enjoy this modification a lot.
Local wetland in my city known as "teh Coves", taken maybe a week ago, a couple hours before sunset. I had to shrink this to get it online, the orignal 8.8 meg file looks a wee bit sharper.


austin granger
26-Oct-2013, 09:00
Some more stuff from my trip to the coast.





Peter De Smidt
26-Oct-2013, 10:23
Good stuff, as usual, Austin.

Peter De Smidt
26-Oct-2013, 10:39
Here's a portrait of a friend's son:

26-Oct-2013, 18:28
Spent the morning in some desert boneyards. Canon P, Nikkor 50/1.4 and Fuji 200.


8 more here:

26-Oct-2013, 19:06
Garrett; I'd have a lot of fun in a desert boneyard! We don't have that sort of stuff as things don't last long outside up here.

Below, I visited a blueberry field in Rockport ME for some fall photos. After the sun went behind the hill, things got real tranquil and I managed a photo showing that.

Rolleiflex automat tessar, tmy2 film in pyrocat hd

27-Oct-2013, 13:43
Flash backs. I found a few rolls of Tech Pan, TP 6415, in 120 roll I shot in 1990. I've never scanned them so I though I'd give one a try. Definitely fine grain. I remember shooting it from the roadside. Back before everyone was so hostile about you taking pictures of their land.

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3766/10501486694_24d29abdd7_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/10501486694/)

Looking at old transparencies my parents took to scan on an Argus Electromatic 500 slide projector.

http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2884/10517375374_dfcfcda87d_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/10517375374/)

28-Oct-2013, 10:26


Pentax 67 - Takumar SMC 105mm F2.4 - Acros - XTOL 1:1

28-Oct-2013, 11:39

Pentax 67 - Takumar SMC 105mm F2.4 - Acros - XTOL 1:1

Nice to see more. I love doing these. I'm glad you showed me. But I really need to work on them more. While struggling with the focus, I tend to miss seeing how it looks in such a tight framing.

28-Oct-2013, 11:59
Nice to see more. I love doing these. I'm glad you showed me. But I really need to work on them more. While struggling with the focus, I tend to miss seeing how it looks in such a tight framing.

You're welcome! I know what you mean - if I don't trip the shutter within 10 seconds I start shaking like hell :-) I wouldn't be a good sniper ;-)

Michael Graves
29-Oct-2013, 07:14
Out walking around Burlington's railroad yards near the pier. Shot this with an old Nikon F I acquired. I don't recall what lens I had on it. I didn't take notes. Probably the 50mm.

austin granger
29-Oct-2013, 09:33
In the Dunes, Oregon Coast

Yeah, they're mine.



29-Oct-2013, 11:09
Yeah, they're mine.

You're going to start a new trend: confessional photography. If I had behind-the-scenes shots of my work it would show some degree of manipulation for most of my images. Even when photographing found scenes around the house I usually have to move some distracting objects out of the way, so while they are not staged still lifes per se, they are often not purely as found either.


29-Oct-2013, 16:19
In the Dunes, Oregon Coast
Yeah, they're mine.

No dune buggy tracks on your trip? Don't go the day after Labor Day I found out. ;)

29-Oct-2013, 19:16
Four new ones from a recent work trip to Palm Desert, CA all done with the Nikon D600

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7309/10514662885_2d6beb787d_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/10514662885/)
the bowels of the resort (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/10514662885/) by Clay Percy (http://www.flickr.com/people/ca_percy/), on Flickr

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5537/10493582145_1aeac417c3_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/10493582145/)
resort staging area 2 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/10493582145/) by Clay Percy (http://www.flickr.com/people/ca_percy/), on Flickr

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5524/10515072285_526b9d9b06_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/10515072285/)
under control (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/10515072285/) by Clay Percy (http://www.flickr.com/people/ca_percy/), on Flickr

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5542/10525604674_b08b2de2b0_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/10525604674/)
pools edge (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/10525604674/) by Clay Percy (http://www.flickr.com/people/ca_percy/), on Flickr

29-Oct-2013, 19:24
They are great, but the first photo is gorgeous; good work!

Brian Sims
29-Oct-2013, 20:27
In the Dunes, Oregon Coast

Yeah, they're mine.



Does that make it sculpture or photography?

29-Oct-2013, 21:34

I agree with Ari, this one is fabulous!


Peter Gomena
29-Oct-2013, 22:48
This image actually gives me the shivers. Something about the positive/negative space between the middle-distance aperture in the wall gives my eyes and brain the willies. Well done!

30-Oct-2013, 01:24
Leica M4, Voigtlander Ultron 28mm/f2, Ilford Delta 100, Diafine.

http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2842/10552860685_eb7867b8ce_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/thicktheo/10552860685/)

30-Oct-2013, 06:17
I agree with Ari, this one is fabulous!


This image actually gives me the shivers. Something about the positive/negative space between the middle-distance aperture in the wall gives my eyes and brain the willies. Well done!

They are great, but the first photo is gorgeous; good work!

Thank you guys, yeah it does kind of jump back forth. I made a 17" x 25" print of this one that I really like.

30-Oct-2013, 18:44
Going home from a camping trip, we stopped in Richland, GA, a tiny town in western GA. We found an abandoned carousel, left to the elements on an old lot. Here's a shot of one of the horses:

Nikon F2, 10.5cm f/2.5 (ver1), expired Velvia 50:

Michael Graves
31-Oct-2013, 06:11
Going home from a camping trip, we stopped in Richland, GA, a tiny town in western GA. We found an abandoned carousel, left to the elements on an old lot. Here's a shot of one of the horses:

Nikon F2, 10.5cm f/2.5 (ver1), expired Velvia 50:

This one is way cool. The texture almost make it seem alive...but very ill. I feel sad.

31-Oct-2013, 09:09
Thanks Michael. Interesting reaction!

1-Nov-2013, 03:44
It's better to have a camera with you rather than no camera, I suppose, even if that camera is a low-end digital point-and-shoot.

My nephew at the Mount St. Helens visitor center.



Peter De Smidt
1-Nov-2013, 05:53
You're right, Jonathan. Nice photo!

1-Nov-2013, 12:17
Thanks, Peter. I wish I'd shot this on film (I'll admit to that bias), but then again it was the long zoom on the digital camera that created the near-far compression that makes the image what it is.


1-Nov-2013, 13:03
It's better to have a camera with you rather than no camera, I suppose, even if that camera is a low-end digital point-and-shoot.

My nephew at the Mount St. Helens visitor center.


Yes, nice shot. You don't need to make excuses for using a digital camera if you value the image more than the gear. ;)

1-Nov-2013, 13:16
I didn't mean to make excuses, it's just that when I look at the image even bigger on my screen I see all kinds of fringing artifacts and other noise that distracts me from the composition, although I take great pleasure in the image regardless. What this really points to is my own ambivalence about investing in decent digital equipment. On one hand I lament that I have only a $75 digital camera, but on the other I have trouble with the idea of spending real money on gear that will be outmoded and obsolete in a heartbeat. Try telling that to my sixty year-old Rolleiflex!


1-Nov-2013, 13:40
Nice one indeed, Jonathan; I love the perspective and especially the silhouette.

1-Nov-2013, 14:42
... but on the other I have trouble with the idea of spending real money on gear that will be outmoded and obsolete in a heartbeat. ...

Yes, if you caught up in the hype of having the latest and greatest digital gear it is gets expensive. Buying 2nd or 3rd generation digital gear is a way to minimize costs if that is not your primary camera.

When I'm shooting film for myself, I have no problem with the effort of developing and scanning film. It's a labor of love. I don't process high volumes. But when I'm tasked to take a picture for someone else, I reach for my digital camera because now the effort of developing/scanning seems more burdensome often.

Steve M Hostetter
1-Nov-2013, 16:08
103975 Nikon D5000 / 50mm 1.4 wide open @ 3200th of sec. color corrected in ps and sharpened

1-Nov-2013, 16:13
But when I'm tasked to take a picture for someone else, I reach for my digital camera because now the effort of developing/scanning seems more burdensome.

Amen to that. With the exception of the LF stuff I shot, the wedding I photographed this summer may as well have been shot digitally, and doing so would have saved me dozens of hours of processing and scanning. I thought some of the shots (especially the Rolleiflex Tri-X ones) had a quality that set them apart from digital, but the couple really just wanted images for Facebook; film vs. digital was not something they cared much about. If I'd had a capable digital outfit I would have used it.


Peter De Smidt
1-Nov-2013, 16:53
Nicely done, Steve.

Steve M Hostetter
1-Nov-2013, 17:02
thank you Peter

3-Nov-2013, 10:18
And now, a groovy set of photos about pumpkins...

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3690/10650700263_701dcd7577_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zsari/10650700263/)
Pumpkin (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zsari/10650700263/) by Ari4000 (http://www.flickr.com/people/zsari/), on Flickr

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7326/10650699393_0d3e1fe644_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zsari/10650699393/)
Pumpkin2 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zsari/10650699393/) by Ari4000 (http://www.flickr.com/people/zsari/), on Flickr

Both Pentax 67, 105mm, Acros

3-Nov-2013, 10:23
http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7365/9481569962_c76a19e2b3_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/69541531@N04/9481569962/)
Voigtländer Avus 6x9 - Ilford XP2 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/69541531@N04/9481569962/) von Michael Relguag (http://www.flickr.com/people/69541531@N04/) auf Flickr

Botanic gardens / Innsbruck Tyrol / Austria

Peter De Smidt
3-Nov-2013, 11:01
Ari, I particularly like the first one.

Here's a photo of a brown leaf at 2x magnification:

3-Nov-2013, 11:48
Thank you, Peter; do you use a macro for these lovely close-ups?

Peter De Smidt
3-Nov-2013, 12:23
Hi Ari,

In this case I used a reversed 80mm Rodagon at F5.6 on the lens. (The aperture is fixed.) This is from one exposure using my dslr scanner. To get maximum sharpness, I'd have to focus stack, which I'm just learning about.

3-Nov-2013, 14:28
Hi Ari,

In this case I used a reversed 80mm Rodagon at F5.6 on the lens. (The aperture is fixed.) This is from one exposure using my dslr scanner. To get maximum sharpness, I'd have to focus stack, which I'm just learning about.

Very nice, and thanks for the details, Peter.
I hope the DSLR scanner is working out well, I try to keep up with it in the DIY section.

3-Nov-2013, 15:23
I haven't been shooting much lately so here's one from the archives.

Mamiya 7, 80mm, Ektachrome E100S.



Scott Schroeder
3-Nov-2013, 16:17
Love that leaf detail Peter. Very cool.

Peter De Smidt
3-Nov-2013, 16:32
Thank you, Scott.

3-Nov-2013, 23:13
I haven't been shooting much lately so here's one from the archives.

Mamiya 7, 80mm, Ektachrome E100S.



Very nice action picture. I like it.
So, open up those archives even more!!
Bert from Holland

4-Nov-2013, 13:05
Thanks, Bert. This is not the sort of photo I usually take, but I was asked to photograph this motocross rider for the company I worked for at the time because we were sponsoring him. Most of the images from the shoot were much sharper (so that all the logos and brand name patches were visible), but this one is my favorite of the bunch since it better conveys a sense of speed and motion.


4-Nov-2013, 14:12
Another couple from my "Light and Stone" series, both silver gelatine lith prints



4-Nov-2013, 17:36
Not much scenery to see on a hike yesterday.
XP1, 18-55mm

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3738/10664299155_4808334bc7_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/10664299155/)
Beckler Peak Hike (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/10664299155/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

Peter De Smidt
4-Nov-2013, 18:18
Looks pretty good to me.

4-Nov-2013, 19:50
Looks pretty good to me.

Thanks. But that peekaboo view was about it. Mostly socked in the clouds the higher we hiked.

5-Nov-2013, 08:30


Pentax 67 - Takumar SMC 105mm F2.4 - TRI X 400 - XTOL 1:1

5-Nov-2013, 13:40

Pentax 67 - Takumar SMC 105mm F2.4 - TRI X 400 - XTOL 1:1

Nice. The #2 extension tube?

I don't remember if I posted this one. It was more of a reject. I didn't like the camera angle and not enough base to anchor it I think. But it was a #2 extension tube and I find just a little harder to use.

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5521/9977897525_693e75c119_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/9977897525/)
Faces (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/9977897525/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

5-Nov-2013, 15:51
Nice. The #2 extension tube?

I don't remember if I posted this one. It was more of a reject. I didn't like the camera angle and not enough base to anchor it I think. But it was a #2 extension tube and I find just a little harder to use.

Thanks Tuco - this one was with the #1 extension tube. Yes I know what you mean, if you get real close the framing of the head gets more difficult. If you come from too low distortion of the nose gets weird sometimes :-) with the #1 I often am balancing on the minimal focusing distance and that's very annoying. I didn't try yet how far I can back off with the #2. Did you push the film for this portrait?

5-Nov-2013, 16:10
Did you push the film for this portrait?

Yes, I did.

5-Nov-2013, 16:15
Another couple from my "Light and Stone" series, both silver gelatine lith prints
Those are wonderful, Andreois. I didn't have a chance to comment on them earlier.

- Leigh

austin granger
5-Nov-2013, 19:48
St. Francis with his Friends, Portland

One of my favorite of Portland's many interesting sculptures. By the late Berthold "Tex" Schiwetz, 1966


Scott Schroeder
5-Nov-2013, 20:27


5-Nov-2013, 21:48
Another from the archives, newly scanned.

When my wife and I got married in Ireland in 1992, I was the photographer out of necessity, but in the registry office the only way to get a shot of everyone was to have the officiant take it. Needless to say my very quick explanation of how to use the Toyo 45A and Horseman 6x7 back was a bit confusing to the uninitiated, and the kind gentleman did not fully wind to the next frame between shots. It cracks me up how the guys are all stone faced and the ladies are smiling.

Toyo 45A w/6x7 back, 90mm Grandagon, Ektachrome E100S



5-Nov-2013, 22:02
A few more recent "digi-pics" as they have been called by some.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7417/10585974035_479cd1f17e_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/10585974035/)
clearance 9 feet (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/10585974035/) by Clay Percy (http://www.flickr.com/people/ca_percy/), on Flickr

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7380/10586236463_e26b212206_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/10586236463/)
mission bank (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/10586236463/) by Clay Percy (http://www.flickr.com/people/ca_percy/), on Flickr

http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2808/10603139603_45fac36a8d_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/10603139603/)
cuvert series revisited (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/10603139603/) by Clay Percy (http://www.flickr.com/people/ca_percy/), on Flickr

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3699/10602900974_e2e88efd3f_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/10602900974/)
eroded erosion control (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/10602900974/) by Clay Percy (http://www.flickr.com/people/ca_percy/), on Flickr

5-Nov-2013, 22:08
I haven't been shooting much lately so here's one from the archives.

Mamiya 7, 80mm, Ektachrome E100S.



If you had not posted this one I would have never associated it with you Jonathan. I did not know you were also accomplished at action photography, nice shot. (how's it look in B&W?)

5-Nov-2013, 23:32
If you had not posted this one I would have never associated it with you Jonathan. I did not know you were also accomplished at action photography, nice shot. (how's it look in B&W?)

It's certainly not a shot I would typically take, that's true. I'm not sure I qualify as 'accomplished' at this, but I was asked to do it for a former employer and gave it my best. (Not sure how this would look in B&W. I'm such a literalist that it never occurs to me to convert my color shots to gray scale.)

As for your 'digi-pics,' I think they're just 'pics'. I don't really care what the capture medium is (digital, LF, MF, tin can pinhole, etc.) as long as the photos are good, and I enjoy your night shots particularly.


6-Nov-2013, 00:17
Those are wonderful, Andreois. I didn't have a chance to comment on them earlier.

- Leigh
Leigh, thank you! I am now finally working on some prints from the large negatives from the same place, they'll appear soon in the "alternative" thread. :)

6-Nov-2013, 10:26
Jonathan, that's a pretty funny photo!
Here's an abstraction I took yesterday. Nikon SP, Nikkor 1.4 RF, Nikon Selenium Meter, Fuji Superia:


austin granger
6-Nov-2013, 10:40
Another from the archives, newly scanned.

When my wife and I got married in Ireland in 1992, I was the photographer out of necessity, but in the registry office the only way to get a shot of everyone was to have the officiant take it. Needless to say my very quick explanation of how to use the Toyo 45A and Horseman 6x7 back was a bit confusing to the uninitiated, and the kind gentleman did not fully wind to the next frame between shots. It cracks me up how the guys are all stone faced and the ladies are smiling.

Toyo 45A w/6x7 back, 90mm Grandagon, Ektachrome E100S

That's awesome, though I imagine you might have preferred a straight version. For some reason it reminds me of this:

When my parents got married the only camera that was there was my dad's half broken Mamiya with the shutter speed stuck on something like half a second so they look like ghosts in every single picture. They're pretty interesting actually.

austin granger
6-Nov-2013, 11:05
Haystack Rock, Oregon


6-Nov-2013, 14:30

Your shot reminds me of this one I took at the Luxembourg Gardens in Paris a number of years ago:



EDIT: Here's a quick B&W conversion for comparison. Makes me wish I'd shot it in B&W originally:


Scott Schroeder
6-Nov-2013, 18:22
St ed's park here in Austin.



Scott Schroeder
6-Nov-2013, 18:22
Having a good time.


7-Nov-2013, 07:09
Austin, Your shot reminds me of this one I took at the Luxembourg Gardens in Paris a number of years ago:
EDIT: Here's a quick B&W conversion for comparison. Makes me wish I'd shot it in B&W originally:

I agree: colours can be very distracting sometimes ....
If I have made a colour image I really like, I'll convert it to B&W and view the image upside-down to see if it is still a good image (composition, etc.) or just a nice combination of colours.
I wish I had also lived before the 1930's when all the B&W images turned into colour images ..... (http://www.thetoadmen.blogspot.nl/2013/04/how-b-pictures-turned-into-color-images.html) ;)
Bert from Holland

austin granger
7-Nov-2013, 22:33
Base, Municipal Elevator, Oregon City


8-Nov-2013, 00:52

My brother's rescue Mastiff.
Isla has a tendancy to go apeshit towards black cameras (Nikon Digital, and a Welmy six folder), but perfectly fine with a chrome Makina II.
Anticomar f2.9 10cm, f6 1/100 (ish likely a little slower). FP4 in 1:100 Rodinal Stand process 90mins.

8-Nov-2013, 01:38
Base, Municipal Elevator, Oregon City

If you want to put your Zone System skills to the test, go to this place to master you contrast, highlights and shadow details. ;)

8-Nov-2013, 02:50
Shooting from the hip with a Holga. Street photography is not my thing, but it's fun to try.



8-Nov-2013, 13:38
Shooting from the hip with a Holga.


I guess that makes you a hipster then? ;)

On a more serious note, it looks sharper than I'd have expected from a holga if you didn't mention it.

8-Nov-2013, 13:49
A pose of cooperative patience. From an early 90's lighting setup test roll with a volunteer.

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5488/10639631025_af17ecc156_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/10639631025/)
Old Portrait Practice (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/10639631025/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

67 165/4 LS, Yellow Filter, Old Gen 100TMX

8-Nov-2013, 14:09
Now THAT'S tiny.

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3766/10525065393_c6847e8021_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/harrlequin/10525065393/)
PB-Sunset (http://www.flickr.com/photos/harrlequin/10525065393/) by James Harr Photo (http://www.flickr.com/people/harrlequin/), on Flickr

8-Nov-2013, 15:29
It looks sharper than I'd have expected from a Holga if you didn't mention it.

I thought so, too. The reason for that is two-fold, I think: 1) I shot with the 645 mask in place and this was cropped ever further so I'm getting the best of the center part of the image and 2) I must have gotten lucky and "nailed" the focus.


austin granger
8-Nov-2013, 19:14
From a stroll around the little town of Oregon City:





austin granger
8-Nov-2013, 19:15
Oregon City continued:





8-Nov-2013, 19:26
As usual, I love your work Austin...but...does the sun ever shine where you live?

Also, are you still shooting with the Yashica TLR?

8-Nov-2013, 19:37
From a stroll around the little town of Portland, Oregon. (And no, Randy, we won't see the sun until May of next year.)

Tru-View Plastic 120 Camera





8-Nov-2013, 19:52
(And no, Randy, we won't see the sun until May of next year.)Lucky bastards! Most of the time, when me lady says..."Hey, lets go take some pictures"...my response is, "no...sun is out".

austin granger
8-Nov-2013, 20:32
Well, you know they say, "It only rains twice a year in Portland: October through April and May through June." Ba-dum ching!

Actually, you both had me laughing as just after I posted the pictures above I was thinking; "Man, what a drab bunch of photos!" But I suppose drab photos befit a drab day.

Jonathan and I have been mulling over giving each other photo assignments, where I send him someplace (determined as randomly as possible) and he sends me someplace, just to see what we can come up with. I imagine the pictures might look something like these last couple of pages. :)

8-Nov-2013, 21:23
Jonathan and I have been mulling over giving each other photo assignments, where I send him someplace (determined as randomly as possible) and he sends me someplace, just to see what we can come up with. I imagine the pictures might look something like these last couple of pages.

I'm still up for this idea. Maybe we should write down various intersections on slips of paper and draw them out of a hat. Your photos above remind me that I should go back to Oregon City myself. It seems like a very photogenic place and worlds away from Portland without actually being that far down the road.

And honestly, I prefer overcast skies for photography. Sunlight perplexes me.


austin granger
8-Nov-2013, 22:40
Also, are you still shooting with the Yashica TLR?

Sorry Randy, I forgot to answer your question. For the past year or so I've been mostly using a Fuji GF670. As much as I like my Yashica Mat, I prefer to have an eye level finder, and overall the GF is a joy both to carry and to use. While it's definitely not for everyone, I'll say that it's been my favorite medium format camera yet (and I've used a lot of them).

9-Nov-2013, 06:06
Rats! I was hoping those were taken with the Yashica, as I have the D model. Now, if I want to take pictures as good as yours I have to spend more money :( ...but...if I want to take pictures as good as Jonathan, I have to spend less money.

austin granger
9-Nov-2013, 09:15
Rats! I was hoping those were taken with the Yashica, as I have the D model. Now, if I want to take pictures as good as yours I have to spend more money :( ...but...if I want to take pictures as good as Jonathan, I have to spend less money.

I've honestly not noticed any difference in image quality between the Yashica Mat and the Fuji. The lenses in Yashica Mats are fine. As far as I'm concerned, the only significant difference in the two cameras is in how they operate. Now Holgas or Tru-Views, that's a different story, though as demonstrated above, they too are perfectly capable of making arresting pictures. Or check out this guy I know from flickr. I believe most, if not all of his stuff is done with a Holga: http://www.flickr.com/photos/menlo/ Wow!

Ramiro Elena
9-Nov-2013, 09:59
Those are nice Austin, I've always liked Gordon's work with the Holga. (http://www.flickr.com/photos/eyecaramba/sets/72157601751892731/)

Joel Truckenbrod
9-Nov-2013, 11:48
Oregon City continued:

This particular set is very evocative, Austin. Very moody images.

9-Nov-2013, 13:14
Austin & Ramiro - Those Flickr sets are quite good. Looks like it's time for me to step up my plastic camera game.


9-Nov-2013, 15:35
Wow, those are some great shots in those Holga links.

I tried some efke IR820 with a R72 IR filter on a 120N once. It was tripod and bulb work with that film.

http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2651/3708843318_531d214f66_z.jpg?zz=1 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/3708843318/)
Stuck On Land (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/3708843318/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

Ramiro Elena
9-Nov-2013, 15:48
That's amazingly sharp and nice Tuco.
Here's an old one while we're at it.


Jan Pedersen
9-Nov-2013, 16:15
Wow, very nice work on those last two Holga photos.

austin granger
10-Nov-2013, 07:16
Lots of closet Holga users on the Large Format Forum. Seriously, those are great. I'm pretty sure I've posted this before, but it's probably my favorite Holga picture so I'm going to make you look at it again.

Lamp, Steel Bridge, Portland


Michael Cienfuegos
10-Nov-2013, 08:34
I was going to buy a Holga, then looked at my old Brownie Hawkeye. I decided that my little plastic Hawkeye was cooler than the Holga,, even if I have to use 620 spools.


Peter De Smidt
10-Nov-2013, 09:25
That's terrific, Austin.

Ramiro Elena
10-Nov-2013, 09:31
I've used the hawkeye with 120 film. Just clip the plastic spool with nail clippers.
You guys must have gotten the sharp holga versions!

10-Nov-2013, 09:38
Really some interesting holga work.. I do believe that it also depends on your sample of the thing - with mine I almost never succeed in anything reasonably sharp - be it on close distance or infinity...

Scott Schroeder
10-Nov-2013, 10:26
Sunday morning laziness


10-Nov-2013, 11:34
I was going to buy a Holga, then looked at my old Brownie Hawkeye. I decided that my little plastic Hawkeye was cooler than the Holga,, even if I have to use 620 spools.

You're absolutely right.
And if you get tired of respooling, get something like a nice Agfa Clack or an old Gevabox for $15.
A lot cheaper, nicer to look at and no garanteed light leaks:)

10-Nov-2013, 11:35
Sunday morning laziness


Wow, nice self-portrait.

Scott Schroeder
10-Nov-2013, 11:44
I was afraid of that.....needs more content. It's my girlfriend. Maybe I should post a wider shot to go along with this one.

Scott Schroeder
10-Nov-2013, 12:19

10-Nov-2013, 13:41
You guys must have gotten the sharp Holga versions!

I do believe that it also depends on your sample of the thing - with mine I almost never succeed in anything reasonably sharp - be it on close distance or infinity...

Closet Holga users unite! I agree that there seems to be a lot of sample variation in the lens quality. (Not a surprise!) I was never able to get the results from my Holga that I wanted, although I use all kinds of other toy cameras that I enjoy, primarily the Diana variants of which the "Tru-View" is one and some faux TLRs.

The most fun I had with the Holga was running 35mm film through it. This was also posted before, but for reference:



austin granger
10-Nov-2013, 16:39
That's terrific, Austin.

Thanks Peter. You're always very kind.

I was going to buy a Holga, then looked at my old Brownie Hawkeye. I decided that my little plastic Hawkeye was cooler than the Holga,, even if I have to use 620 spools.


I've shot a little with my grandfather's old Brownie but I find the Holga's lens to be quite a bit sharper. Technology marches on I guess. Ha ha ha

Cornmaze Holgarama


10-Nov-2013, 21:06
If your get the Holga Turbo 9000 available to the 120N model, it will sharpen it up a lot. ;) Here is a shot without the Turbo 9000 and one with it on.

http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2026/3710611342_e5df0e1f2e_z.jpg?zz=1 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/3710611342/)

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5532/10792188816_f22472bae6_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/10792188816/)


Michael Cienfuegos
10-Nov-2013, 22:33
You're absolutely right.
And if you get tired of respooling, get something like a nice Agfa Clack or an old Gevabox for $15.
A lot cheaper, nicer to look at and no garanteed light leaks:)

Actually, I discovered that I can use a roll of 120 film as long as the take up spool is 620. It's a fun little camera. I took it to Balboa Park one weekend and had a ball photographing the street people and such. They were fascinated by this old camera and most were quite willing to let me photograph them.

11-Nov-2013, 08:08
I have to interrupt the Holga orgy, but only briefly...

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3675/10800426744_e01d59ed90_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zsari/10800426744/)
Pole294 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zsari/10800426744/) by Ari4000 (http://www.flickr.com/people/zsari/), on Flickr

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5499/10800541193_8dca2d7d55_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zsari/10800541193/)
Rock296 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zsari/10800541193/) by Ari4000 (http://www.flickr.com/people/zsari/), on Flickr

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5486/10800540453_86023333f3_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zsari/10800540453/)
Snip295 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zsari/10800540453/) by Ari4000 (http://www.flickr.com/people/zsari/), on Flickr

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3777/10800424874_527e2e7fac_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zsari/10800424874/)
Window293 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zsari/10800424874/) by Ari4000 (http://www.flickr.com/people/zsari/), on Flickr

And now, back to more Holga photos...

Peter De Smidt
11-Nov-2013, 08:18
Nice textures, Ari.

11-Nov-2013, 08:25
Thank you, Peter; I guess that's what I was looking for when I snapped these yesterday.

Ramiro Elena
11-Nov-2013, 09:39
Aargh!! All that sharpness is burning my eyes after all the Holgas!!

I gotta try Across someday, nice as always Ari.

11-Nov-2013, 09:43
Thanks, Ramiro; sorry for the sharpening, it was necessary to bring out some texture.

11-Nov-2013, 12:19
I was on the Gulf Coast of Florida, a place called Cedar Keys all weekend. I normally don't even bring my digital camera anymore but I did with my big 300mm for birding this trip, and a 20mm prime just in case. I took some startrails photos with film too but here's the one I did on digital last night:

Nikon D800E, 20mm f/2.8D, 1.5 hour exposure in 30-second intervals @ f/4.5, ISO 800:
http://www.oceanstarproductions.com/photosharing/Startrails-Cedar Key-small.jpg

11-Nov-2013, 13:19
I was on the Gulf Coast of Florida, a place called Cedar Keys all weekend. I normally don't even bring my digital camera anymore but I did with my big 300mm for birding this trip, and a 20mm prime just in case. I took some startrails photos with film too but here's the one I did on digital last night:

Nikon D800E, 20mm f/2.8D, 1.5 hour exposure in 30-second intervals @ f/4.5, ISO 800:

Cool shot. I've been wanting to try that technique out. Dang, the celestial pole is so low in the sky way down yonder there.

Peter De Smidt
11-Nov-2013, 13:57
Corran, cool shot! Do you manually fire off each of those exposures?

11-Nov-2013, 14:48
The D800/E as well as other Nikon DSLRs have a built-in intervalometer.

11-Nov-2013, 15:13
The D800/E as well as other Nikon DSLRs have a built-in intervalometer.

Pardon my digital ignorance, but does this mean the shutter fires every thirty seconds or does the sensor itself turn off and on every thirty seconds while the shutter remains open? Seems like the shutter firing 240 times over a two hour exposure would sure increase the risk of vibration.


11-Nov-2013, 15:31
Thanks guys!

Actually I usually use a remote intervalometer, but I forgot it. I also use the digital so infrequently I forget it has one internally, ha!! So, the solution was that I jerry-rigged a microphone boom stand to push the shutter button down and use a small weight to hold it. I've done this numerous times (I always forgot the intervalometer).

Jonathan - yes the whole mirror/shutter assembly fires every time. I never have vibration issues though. Probably just due to the long shutter speed. There's not much mirror bounce generally anyway (compared to my Pentax 67 especially!).

tuco, I've never really thought about it, but true about the celestial pole! You should try this technique. It is superior to just one long-exposure due to noise problems. However, especially with the newer Sony sensors, there is a lot of specks of noise in these exposures. When I remember to do it, I often take a bunch of dark frames as well to average out the noise.

I used to try to do astrophotography often but sadly the weather and/or my schedule has sucked so bad that this is my first real astro photo in over a year. Now tonight I'll develop the two sheets of Fuji T64 and hopefully they came out even better...

11-Nov-2013, 15:52
Actually I usually use a remote intervalometer, but I forgot it

There are a couple of menu choices/variations of the intervalometer. I put it in the custom My Menu so I could find and use it fast. It's one of those options you only find in the menu when you're at home. Out in the field, it never seems to be there. ;) Also, I put the shutter delay option in the My Menu too. Good for when you're using a tripod and want to make sure. It locks the mirror up then delays 1, 2 or 3 seconds before taking the picture.

11-Nov-2013, 16:22
... Seems like the shutter firing 240 times over a two hour exposure would sure increase the risk of vibration.


As said, shutter vibration is way too short of a duration to be recorded with about a 5 second and longer exposure.

11-Nov-2013, 16:31
As said, shutter vibration is way too short of a duration to be recorded with about a 5 second and longer exposure.

Got it--the relative duration of the vibration to the exposure time is insignificant. I guess I thought the aggregate "little jiggles" of the shutter firing would somehow show up as micro-squiggles in the star trails. Not only do I have no experience with digital cameras but I also have never done star trail shots in general. Consider me schooled!


11-Nov-2013, 16:44
In this multiple exposure to make one long exposure, I think any jitters come from the software and perhaps any significant time between the next shot. I've only read the procedure and haven't tried it myself. It looks like a lot of work in post. It's hard to beat one long continuous exposure on film as long as the film doesn't move like I think what happen with my sundial shot a while back.

11-Nov-2013, 16:55
The software I use recently updated with an algorithm that fixes the space in-between photos. Just Google Startrails.exe and you'll find the software. Anyway, yes before I indeed had little spaces in between each interval, so at large magnification the trails looked like dashes.

It's really no post-processing at all. I batch edit the RAWs, fixing the exposure/white balance/etc. in just one and copy/pasting it to the rest, output the files, and load them up in the software. It takes about 5-10 minutes to render the whole thing. A lot of times I don't even shoot RAW, I just get the WB just right at the time I shoot and let it be. That's what I did here because I didn't have much card space left. Shooting full RAW files, it's easy to fill up a 16GB card in about 2 hours of constant 30-second photos. Often I'll set up the intervalometer to do 1-minute or 2-minute interval shots depending.

*But I do agree that film is easier, assuming reciprocity calculations are done correctly!

Scott Schroeder
12-Nov-2013, 19:11
Bamboo lined sidewalk


Scott Schroeder
12-Nov-2013, 19:15


12-Nov-2013, 21:23
Dropped anchor in NC and enjoyed the sunset.


12-Nov-2013, 22:07
The software I use recently updated with an algorithm that fixes the space in-between photos. Just Google Startrails.exe and you'll find the software.

Okay, I'll look into it. But I don't have a box that will execute a *.exe binary. All my computers are UNIX based. Perhaps one's available for OSX at least. I was looking how I might do it in Photoshop.

The new Nikon DF has generated some buzz. Their ad campaign and this product shot of the Black DF With A Modern Lens (http://nikonrumors.com/2013/11/07/nikon-df-demand-not-as-strong-as-the-d800.aspx/) was the inspiration for this bit of a spoof. With all the market talk implying, finally, Pure Photography once again... got me thinking. If pure photography on the camera end is turning dials for the camera's primary controls and manually focusing, sheesh, most here -if not all- have been doing that and even take it one step further. Plus no waiting on the pre-order list either. Since there are some Pentax 6x7 owners here, I used that camera for the shot.

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3730/10773778333_7ae69fa505_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/10773778333/)
Gear p0rn (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/10773778333/) by yo_tuco (http://www.flickr.com/people/yo_tuco/), on Flickr

12-Nov-2013, 22:16
Dropped anchor in NC and enjoyed the sunset.

Brings back some memories. I use to sail here in the Puget Sound a lot. Never on a ketch though.

12-Nov-2013, 22:34
here are a couple rare images of mine with a human presence.

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3773/10792108705_883ee7eeba_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/10792108705/)
julia & the malevolent presence (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/10792108705/) by Clay Percy (http://www.flickr.com/people/ca_percy/), on Flickr

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7365/10832021565_05118e2c91_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/10832021565/)
karen in desolation (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ca_percy/10832021565/) by Clay Percy (http://www.flickr.com/people/ca_percy/), on Flickr