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14-Jul-2012, 11:40
A few from the zoo in Chiang Mai, Thailand with a D7000 and a 50mm f1.4:

I like the compositions for the no doubt many shooting constraints.

14-Jul-2012, 12:13
I like the compositions for the no doubt many shooting constraints.

Thanks, I found out that you can just walk up to most of the animals there. And they tend to be rather tame for lack of a better term. For 30 cents you can feed some of them, so you can get some great close-ups. I only took two lenses and only really only used one. I figured if I spent all my time changing lenses trying to get "the perfect photo" I needed to rethink even going. Using the two lens limit I think I came away with far more keepers. Also, I really like how there's very little glass there. In the states zoos feel cagey. To me I feel too much like an outsider trying to look in. In the few zoos I've visited overseas you are much more apart of of the zoo if that makes any sense. I'm hoping to take my son to this zoo next year. He'd be to young to remember it afterwords, but would love it regardless.

Here's a few more:




14-Jul-2012, 12:47
Thanks, I found out that you can just walk up to most of the animals there.

I've noticed this is a popular genre in gear forums of those wanting to show off the marvels of their modern technological gear. ;)

14-Jul-2012, 15:25
Bandana, long hair, knee-high socks. Does anyone else have a flash-back to the 70's?

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8011/7566264102_113a3a02d9_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/7566264102/)

Delta3200, EI400, Y2 Yellow

austin granger
14-Jul-2012, 15:34
Indians have been on my mind lately. Celilo Village (third picture, below) is a small Native American Community located near the site of Celilo Falls, an ancient tribal fishing area erased by the construction of the Dalles Dam.

The Dalles

Petroglyph, Columbia River Gorge, Washinton

Jack-o'-lantern, Celilo Village, Columbia River Gorge, Oregon


Frank Petronio
14-Jul-2012, 19:57
Bandana, long hair, knee-high socks. Does anyone else have a flash-back to the 70's?

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8011/7566264102_113a3a02d9_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/7566264102/)

Delta3200, EI400, Y2 Yellow

It's Eugene, the entire place is caught in a 70s time-warp, with better coffee and more potent weed.

Frank Petronio
14-Jul-2012, 20:46
I'm really proud of this for what used to be normal operating procedure... walking backwards and manually focusing an 85/1.4 wide open on a 35mm. It is so hard after twenty years of auto-focus!

To think we used to shoot action photos with 180mm and 300mm lenses at f/2.8 with manual focus is awe-inspiring to me now....


David R Munson
15-Jul-2012, 15:32
The more I look at it, the more I like this shot of my friend Michael from back when I was living in Korea. It was going to be for some magazine thing originally, but the film got lost for a while and resurfaced a year or two later.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7139/7539799802_11ee3159d4_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidrmunson/7539799802/)
Michael E., Changwon (http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidrmunson/7539799802/) by David R Munson (http://www.flickr.com/people/davidrmunson/), on Flickr

Reminds me of a lot of good times had in that part of town (Changwon's entertainment district, Sangnam-dong).

15-Jul-2012, 16:29
The P67 with a WLF and no lens is about 1380 grams-force (note grams is a unit of mass not weight in the SI system). And since you're into landscapes, that is the only way to shoot a P67 for that scenario, IMHO.

I purchased the WLF for the P67 but even for landscape, I still compose a lot in portrait mode. This is quite difficult with the WLF...
The standrad prism with a -1 diopter is a pleasure to use on the P67 at the cost of the extra weight that is very true.



15-Jul-2012, 16:31
The more I look at it, the more I like this shot of my friend Michael from back when I was living in Korea. It was going to be for some magazine thing originally, but the film got lost for a while and resurfaced a year or two later.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7139/7539799802_11ee3159d4_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidrmunson/7539799802/)
Michael E., Changwon (http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidrmunson/7539799802/) by David R Munson (http://www.flickr.com/people/davidrmunson/), on Flickr

Reminds me of a lot of good times had in that part of town (Changwon's entertainment district, Sangnam-dong).

Cannot comment on your friend himself i.e. if this is a good representation of him but I can certainly agree with you that this is a great composition very busy but with everything holding perfectly together which is difficult to achieve (at least for me).



15-Jul-2012, 22:35
A couple of graduation images for a friend of my girlfriend. Feel free to critique as I'm always trying to improve, especially in portraiture. Ignore the silly watermark. Taken with Nikon D800E, 85mm f/1.8D:



16-Jul-2012, 03:03
A game of cribbage.

Mamiya 7, Fuji NPH

(And yeah, my color correction skills suck eggs.)



16-Jul-2012, 05:16
Recycled iron, alu (yes there are yoyos) and glass on digital MF and a short lens.




16-Jul-2012, 07:17
Tiny formats you say? Here's two off a Pen-FV half frame camera I'm testing. Kodak 200 film.



16-Jul-2012, 08:51
The more I look at it, the more I like this shot of my friend Michael from back when I was living in Korea. It was going to be for some magazine thing originally, but the film got lost for a while and resurfaced a year or two later.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7139/7539799802_11ee3159d4_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidrmunson/7539799802/)
Michael E., Changwon (http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidrmunson/7539799802/) by David R Munson (http://www.flickr.com/people/davidrmunson/), on Flickr

Reminds me of a lot of good times had in that part of town (Changwon's entertainment district, Sangnam-dong).

Very awesome.

16-Jul-2012, 10:20
The more I look at it, the more I like this shot of my friend Michael from back when I was living in Korea. It was going to be for some magazine thing originally, but the film got lost for a while and resurfaced a year or two later.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7139/7539799802_11ee3159d4_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidrmunson/7539799802/)
Michael E., Changwon (http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidrmunson/7539799802/) by David R Munson (http://www.flickr.com/people/davidrmunson/), on Flickr

Reminds me of a lot of good times had in that part of town (Changwon's entertainment district, Sangnam-dong).

Boy, South Korea has surely come a long way since I was there last - 1968. Back then the Korean "miracle economy" was just starting to kick in and on the streets of Seoul you would see a mixture of Koreans dressed in western business suits along with automobiles wizzing by and Koreans dressed traditionally transporting their goods with A frames and oxen-pulled carts.


16-Jul-2012, 16:11
Merrique once again with my old box camera.

Canon EOS D60, EF 17-40mm ƒ4L, ASA 400.


16-Jul-2012, 16:30
Merrique once again with my old box camera.

Canon EOS D60, EF 17-40mm ƒ4L, ASA 400.

Ouch don't do that to me at work - I already have a touch of cholesterol - I don't need the very high blood pressure on top :p
Difficult to decide what is nicer the model of the photo so I will give applause to both (not that she would care ;) )



16-Jul-2012, 16:46
Very nice, Steve. Glad we got your attention. :D

- Leigh

austin granger
16-Jul-2012, 18:47
Good God, I've really got to start photographing models... oh wait, was that out loud? I meant to say, nice picture Sam!

And now I'll return to my usual pathos...

Kent, Oregon


16-Jul-2012, 19:18
The aftermath of an late afternoon session cutting temporary lens mounts from cardboard to test-fit a bunch of barrel lenses.

Canon FTb, 100mm f/2.8 S.S.C., Kodak 100UC (expired).



17-Jul-2012, 01:00
The Louvre, Paris.

Mamiya 7, Kodak Portra VC 400




17-Jul-2012, 08:01
Good God, I've really got to start photographing models... oh wait, was that out loud? I meant to say, nice picture Sam!

Heheheh. Thanks! :D

17-Jul-2012, 09:28
A leicaroid for a LF setup with metal blocks. As usual, the roid has more character than the neg.

austin granger
17-Jul-2012, 21:45
Coyote, Oregon


17-Jul-2012, 23:56
Coyote, Oregon


Interesting for sure...

have you ever made it up to washington? specifically to spokane and the surrounding areas? I am going next month for a week...going to stay up near colville in a cabin on lake thomas...i have no idea what to expect, except i have always heard good things about that area...just wondering if you have been up there and if there are any must see/shoot places near by

18-Jul-2012, 00:01
some randoms from a mid day outing in "downtown" Santa Ana - first roll through my new to me yashica electro...fun little camera

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8289/7584313090_802b682a2c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/atimelyexposure/7584313090/)

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8147/7584311902_9cd4b36d53.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/atimelyexposure/7584311902/)

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8149/7584311698_a7df29cb27.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/atimelyexposure/7584311698/)

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8003/7584310782_c94980f2d2.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/atimelyexposure/7584310782/)

18-Jul-2012, 00:04
and one of my chick at a lake here in town...light was coming through some trees pretty nicely but was going away pretty quick...still thought it turned out kinda cool for a little snap shot, and the fact that she NEVER lets me take her photo hah

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7267/7584312700_abeaa0b2d9.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/atimelyexposure/7584312700/)

Peter De Smidt
18-Jul-2012, 00:12
Interesting for sure...

have you ever made it up to washington? specifically to spokane and the surrounding areas? I am going next month for a week...going to stay up near colville in a cabin on lake thomas...i have no idea what to expect, except i have always heard good things about that area...just wondering if you have been up there and if there are any must see/shoot places near by

I'm not Austin, but I just got back from some time in Spokane. Google "The Palouse". I recommend getting Robert Hitchman's pamphlet on the area. See: http://www.photographamerica.com/
The foxglove seeds are pernicious! I recommend (like Robert) full leather boots with gators.

18-Jul-2012, 00:52
I'm not Austin, but I just got back from some time in Spokane. Google "The Palouse". I recommend getting Robert Hitchman's pamphlet on the area. See: http://www.photographamerica.com/
The foxglove seeds are pernicious! I recommend (like Robert) full leather boots with gators.

Awesome! really appreciate the tip. Thanks!

18-Jul-2012, 01:36
It's the end of the greek concert season, so I decided to show you some recent concert photos...

Ozzy Osbourne (63 years old now):

Slash (from Guns 'n' Roses):

Iggy Pop (65 years old):

...and the much younger Morrissey (53), two days ago in Lycabettus Theatre (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_Lycabettus):

all photos taken with the Sony A850 and the Sigma 70-200/f2.8, apart from the Iggy Pop shot, which was taken with the Carl Zeiss 24mm/f2.

more photos from these gigs here:

Frank Petronio
18-Jul-2012, 07:48

Stinky hippie chick around Ithaca, NY

18-Jul-2012, 09:18
Frank, why the starts-black-then-vignettes frame..? I am of the opinion that such extra frames reek of "I just discovered photoshop"... (just my opinion, of course)

Peter De Smidt
18-Jul-2012, 10:05
Frank, they're all interesting, but the 4th one is particularly fun.

Frank Petronio
18-Jul-2012, 12:50
Frank, why the starts-black-then-vignettes frame..? I am of the opinion that such extra frames reek of "I just discovered photoshop"... (just my opinion, of course)

Yeah but I also shoot a lot of blown out skies and white backgrounds so I do it to keep the picture from spilling out of the box ;-p

austin granger
18-Jul-2012, 16:05
Interesting for sure...

have you ever made it up to washington? specifically to spokane and the surrounding areas? I am going next month for a week...going to stay up near colville in a cabin on lake thomas...i have no idea what to expect, except i have always heard good things about that area...just wondering if you have been up there and if there are any must see/shoot places near by

Evin, Hi. I'm afraid I'm not much help. When I get out I usually head east to the desert or else west to the coast. I know some areas of Nevada pretty well too, but in any case, as far as Spokane goes, I've got nothing. Sorry. I'm sure you'll find extraordinary things wherever you explore. Good luck!

18-Jul-2012, 19:43
Mini Crown Grafic with 105mm Agfa Apotar. Arista EDU 100.


19-Jul-2012, 04:15
Fuji GSW690II, Velvia 50



19-Jul-2012, 04:34
RB67, Porta 160 converted to b/w via LR3

Hippie series with one of my H.S. Seniors. Portra 160, lite with off camera 550ex


19-Jul-2012, 07:54
Hi Pfiltz,
Can you explain what you mean by "off camera 550ex." That could mean anything from a flash bracket to a full stand/umbrella setup. Love your shots of the hippie girl, especially the lighting, so I'm interested in more details!

19-Jul-2012, 10:36
Not knowing what I'm really doing, playing with Painter 12 and Photoshop CS6


19-Jul-2012, 10:42
Hi Pfiltz,
Can you explain what you mean by "off camera 550ex." That could mean anything from a flash bracket to a full stand/umbrella setup. Love your shots of the hippie girl, especially the lighting, so I'm interested in more details!


The 550ex was on a light stand, triggered via Pocket Wizards.

19-Jul-2012, 10:47
A couple more


Ektar 100


19-Jul-2012, 14:19

The 550ex was on a light stand, triggered via Pocket Wizards.

Thanks for the info!

Gary Tarbert
20-Jul-2012, 04:54
http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8432/7608911920_2fe3b1962d_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/71920785@N02/7608911920/)
_DSC0622 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/71920785@N02/7608911920/) by gary1746 (http://www.flickr.com/people/71920785@N02/), on FlickrHi fist one with 800E .Cheers Gary

20-Jul-2012, 08:29
http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8432/7608911920_2fe3b1962d_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/71920785@N02/7608911920/)
_DSC0622 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/71920785@N02/7608911920/) by gary1746 (http://www.flickr.com/people/71920785@N02/), on FlickrHi fist one with 800E .Cheers Gary

Very nice! I assume in AU? Which part?

Gary Tarbert
20-Jul-2012, 08:37
Hi Sam , Kalbarri 600 kms north from where i live . Cheers Gary

20-Jul-2012, 21:09
Gary, nice shot. I lived in Geelong, VIC for a while and your image reminds me of the coast around Port Campbell National Park.

David R Munson
21-Jul-2012, 09:02
Another recent scan from Changwon, Korea. Insomnia often had me out wandering the parks near my home at odd hours of the night, making images like this.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7267/7559022776_69cc208745_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidrmunson/7559022776/)
Untitled (http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidrmunson/7559022776/) by David R Munson (http://www.flickr.com/people/davidrmunson/), on Flickr

Peter De Smidt
21-Jul-2012, 10:50
A couple more

Great colors and a groovy vibe.

21-Jul-2012, 13:03
Great colors and a groovy vibe.

Thanks Peter.

21-Jul-2012, 13:38
Some photos taken at a dive last night. Taken with a Nikon F4, SB-800 flash, 50/1.4 or 85/1.8 lenses on TMZ-3200 @ 800 in XTOL:




22-Jul-2012, 17:38
Needed to finish off a roll in order to load the camera with color (I miss having two bodies!), so I wandered the neighborhood rather quickly, snapping in the late afternoon light.

Mamiya 7, 43mm, HP5+



23-Jul-2012, 09:30
Here's local model Rebekah hanging out in the woods this weekend. I did drag out the 4x5, but haven't processed the film. But I'm excited to see what my results are.

Canon D60, Canon EF 50mm ƒ1.8 lens, ASA 400.


23-Jul-2012, 14:25
A Polaroid from the Impossible Project of a sign on Camp Lejeune.


They 100% mean it too.

eddy pula
23-Jul-2012, 19:43

24-Jul-2012, 01:43
Going through some old photos. I sure miss my Pentax 67 sometimes. I also really miss my Nikon LS-8000. Hmm...
P67, 135mm macro, can't remember if I had tubes on or not, Velvia:


100% crop. I think that's sharp. 39mp equivalent. Oh did I mention this was handheld?


24-Jul-2012, 11:16
A couple of Arizona wildlife shots from the past week. The snake was in my front rock garden, the Gila Monster out in the desert while walking. Pen-F lenses on G1:



24-Jul-2012, 12:46
Just for the hell of it.


LOMO Cosmic 35 plastic toy camera from the USSR, 1960s (?). Very expired Kodak motion picture film (blue goop-covered) of unknown purpose, shot at ASA 6. I've shot this scene with 30+ cameras over the last year, this is the one I like. City park one street over from my house.

24-Jul-2012, 13:55
Just for the hell of it.

LOMO Cosmic 35 plastic toy camera from the USSR, 1960s (?). Very expired Kodak motion picture film (blue goop-covered) of unknown purpose, shot at ASA 6. I've shot this scene with 30+ cameras over the last year, this is the one I like. City park one street over from my house.

Two more from the same roll:


26-Jul-2012, 01:48
From the archives. These were taken in 1996 on a drive from California to Colorado for a friend's wedding.

Fuji GSW690II, Velvia 50.




27-Jul-2012, 05:34
M9 50 Summicron today.

27-Jul-2012, 05:54
Olympus XA and long handheld exposures...



more here: http://thodorismarkou.com/blog/2012/07/a-disjointed-story/

Roger Cole
28-Jul-2012, 10:09
My wife Alicia again, Mamiya 645 Pro, Mamiya 80mm 2.8N lens, Kodak Portra 400, exposure unrecorded but metered with the AE Prism finder:

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8421/7662497558_d017c9f555_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rogercole/7662497558/)
Alicia_TroyAL1a (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rogercole/7662497558/) by Roger Cole (http://www.flickr.com/people/rogercole/), on Flickr

28-Jul-2012, 21:15
Two miscellaneous shots today while enjoying a stroll before it started pouring rain. Luckily the D800E is weather-sealed :)

First, a little test of my "new" 1970's-era Nikon 80-200mm f/4.5 zoom. Needed a +1 close-up diopter. Stopped down to f/11. Quite an amazing lens for being 35 years old:


Next, a little digital landscape. Trying to echo the tree branches with the edge of the creek and the embankment. Did it work? 28mm f/2 @f/8:


28-Jul-2012, 23:07
Made these photographs two years ago in Idaho, but just now scanned them.

Dandelions, eastern Washington, 2010
Velvia, Pentax 6x7, 200mm SMC Pentax, guessing f/5.6

Hiding in Plain Sight, Idaho, 2010
Velvia, Pentax 6x7, 135mm Macro Takumar, guessing f/11

The exposures are guesses--I had made notes on my iPhone 3GS. When I scanned these and went back to charge up that (now replaced) iPhone to read the notes, I discovered that the battery had exploded, which had split the iPhone case in half and broken the circuit board. That startled me a bit, to be sure. I'm back to using a notebook for when it counts.

Rick "wishing he'd had the view camera on that trip" Denney

29-Jul-2012, 16:21
Corran, that spanish moss shot is very nice, and Rick, the colors of your blue flowers are amazing.

Shooting a very old legacy lens in my front yard a minute ago, the light is good after some rain. 1930s FED 100/6.3 rangefinder lens.



29-Jul-2012, 17:27
Thanks Garrett! The Spanish Moss is about the only thing interesting in some of the landscapes around here it seems.

You certainly did have some nice light! Love the subtle warm tone. What film?

Brian C. Miller
29-Jul-2012, 18:49
LOMO Cosmic 35 plastic toy camera from the USSR, 1960s (?). Very expired Kodak motion picture film (blue goop-covered) of unknown purpose, shot at ASA 6. I've shot this scene with 30+ cameras over the last year, this is the one I like. City park one street over from my house.

Dear diary: Today I bought another camera. I'm going outside to photograph now.

Repeat after me:
Spend money on film and shoot more!
Spend money on film and shoot more!
Spend money on film and shoot more!
Spend money on film and shoot more!
Spend money on film and shoot more!
Spend money on film and shoot more!

29-Jul-2012, 19:07
Garrett, thanks. I think those blue flowers got a dose of intensity from the late afternoon ultraviolet. I love the way that blue light mutes the green leaves.

Rick "and then there's the Velvia thing" Denney

29-Jul-2012, 19:36

A construction site somewhere at Beijing.

30-Jul-2012, 00:13
roadtripping and snapping away with the minolta dynax 7 and the 28mm.

...shooting with the sun behind me:


...and half an hour later, against the sun:


more images here: http://thodorismarkou.com/blog/2012/07/a-story-about-origins/

30-Jul-2012, 05:27

Galvanized steel
Apple iPhone 4

30-Jul-2012, 20:10
I haven't shot 35mm in a long, long time, but a few weeks ago I loaded some ten year expired T-Max 400 into my Canon AE-1 Program. Boy was I rusty! I'm so used to LF and shooting one careful image at a time that hand-holding the camera and shooting 36 shots before reloading was actually a challenge. The first shot is of my 12 year old nephew who visits for a month every summer. We let him light the fireworks himself which he finds very exciting. The other two were taken in the kitchen and on the back porch.

AE-1, 50mm f/1.4 FD, T-Max 400





31-Jul-2012, 00:50
New to me Panasonic LX5, now a new model is out.

31-Jul-2012, 05:18
A quick 6x7 portrait at a cosplay festival in paris.


31-Jul-2012, 05:27
A quick 6x7 portrait at a cosplay festival in paris.


31-Jul-2012, 08:41
A quick 6x7 portrait at a cosplay festival in paris.


I wonder how much he got paid to walk around in that suit? LOL.

Frank Petronio
31-Jul-2012, 19:10
I'm sure you fellas will be ever so eloquent about what I photographed earlier today....



Alan Gales
31-Jul-2012, 19:41

31-Jul-2012, 19:54
Panasonic LX5. Not quite a Sironar S, but not bad. This with a little correction.

31-Jul-2012, 21:03
I'm sure you fellas will be ever so eloquent about what I photographed earlier today...
Gives a whole new meaning to "skinny dipping". :D

- Leigh

Michael Cienfuegos
1-Aug-2012, 07:01
She will never sink! :D

Jay Decker
1-Aug-2012, 08:41
I'm sure you fellas will be ever so eloquent about what I photographed earlier today....

She has an infectious smile and is expressive...

Frank, who is your assistant?

1-Aug-2012, 08:54
I'm sure you fellas will be ever so eloquent about what I photographed earlier today....



Ha ha! She's awesome Frank. :D

Frank Petronio
1-Aug-2012, 09:13
I posted it on Tumblr and it's up to 120 likes in 12 hours.... I guess the appetite for XXL women is higher than I thought.

That's Andy, a refugee from the John Coffer Wet Plate Jamboree. He shot some amazing stuff with her earlier.

1-Aug-2012, 10:25
Voigtlander Bergheil 6x9, FP4+ & Dallmeyer projection petzval f/4.


Frank Petronio
1-Aug-2012, 18:40

35mm old school

2-Aug-2012, 07:23
35mm old school

Great shot Frank

3-Aug-2012, 00:18
Panasonic LX5, printed beautifully.

3-Aug-2012, 07:21
Even the tiny petzvals are great. Dallmeyer F1.9 on G1.


Peter De Smidt
3-Aug-2012, 07:38
Interesting photo, Garrett.

Ramiro Elena
3-Aug-2012, 11:30
Even the tiny petzvals are great. Dallmeyer F1.9 on G1.

Wow! Beautifully toned too. Is this one of these (http://www.ebay.es/itm/180844615134?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649) Petzvals?
I've got one that I used for macro with a Hassy.

3-Aug-2012, 11:35
Thanks. It is a Cine lens with a focus and aperture. Several things make it look so unusual. The Petzval swirl and such, but also the colors of the Bird of Paradise flower which are bright oranges and yellows. Does pretty weird fringing, but I like the look in black and white better than in color. Here is one I shot in color, which do you like best?


Ramiro Elena
3-Aug-2012, 11:49
I agree, those lenses often render an over saturated image. I prefer the black and white.
Here's mine with the little projection lens that cost me 10€ instead of 488€.

http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4065/4390251569_9451b6ecc0_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/4390251569/)
The Dallmeyer Cowboys (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rabato/4390251569/) por rabato (http://www.flickr.com/people/rabato/), en Flickr

Peter De Smidt
3-Aug-2012, 11:57
here is one i shot in color, which do you like best?


3-Aug-2012, 14:39
I posted it on Tumblr and it's up to 120 likes in 12 hours.... I guess the appetite for XXL women is higher than I thought.

That's Andy, a refugee from the John Coffer Wet Plate Jamboree. He shot some amazing stuff with her earlier.

The third photo is excellent regardless of her shape. These aren't traditionally photogenic, but are still expressive photos nonetheless. There is indeed an appetite for XXL women.

3-Aug-2012, 15:08
I agree, those lenses often render an over saturated image. I prefer the black and white.
Here's mine with the little projection lens that cost me 10€ instead of 488€....

That's a good shot too. Yeah, I paid $10 for an old 16mm camera which had this lens on it. Chunked the camera. Mine will only do close focus, but I love it.

4-Aug-2012, 00:34
Since we're talking bargains, a few years ago I picked up a Diana camera clone at the Salvation Army for $.25. Here's a shot taken with it yesterday at Multnomah Falls on Plus-X that expired in 1978. (Toned in PS).



Peter De Smidt
4-Aug-2012, 05:39
It looks a bit like a bromoil print.

5-Aug-2012, 02:39

I agree it has an alt process look to it. Surprised me, really. One more thing to love about film!


5-Aug-2012, 15:08
http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7121/7720407108_04fa6cb8d0_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/jefferydavidross/7720407108/)
Basketball Practice, Antigua, Guatemala (http://www.flickr.com/photos/jefferydavidross/7720407108/) by Jeffery D Ross (http://www.flickr.com/people/jefferydavidross/), on Flickr

Canon G11

6-Aug-2012, 08:16
How I spent my weekend:


sanchi heuser
6-Aug-2012, 14:47

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7123/7725246878_ce62b2d573.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/58013730@N08/7725246878/)
Sprung (http://www.flickr.com/photos/58013730@N08/7725246878/)

120 Kodak T-Max 400
Mamiya 7II with 65mm lens

Rain Dance
6-Aug-2012, 15:31
Digging up some old stuff, shot these with a Rebel XS and I think a 50mm and a 200mm.





Rain Dance
6-Aug-2012, 15:33
Shot with Yashica D and Agfa optima film



7-Aug-2012, 16:42
Nikon D50
ISO 200
Tamron 28-80 @ 28mm
SB-700 shot through an umbrella


7-Aug-2012, 17:55
http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7024/6787936693_b1e2858216.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/62218065@N00/6787936693/)
Untitled (http://www.flickr.com/photos/62218065@N00/6787936693/) by vinnywalsh.com (http://www.flickr.com/people/62218065@N00/), on Flickr
n80, 55mm micro 3.5, fp4

7-Aug-2012, 18:05
http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7159/6746650625_d9873e205d_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/62218065@N00/6746650625/)
zion (http://www.flickr.com/photos/62218065@N00/6746650625/) by vinnywalsh.com (http://www.flickr.com/people/62218065@N00/), on Flickr
zion, P67II, 90mm, E100sw

austin granger
7-Aug-2012, 21:46
Flora, Oregon


Peter De Smidt
7-Aug-2012, 22:07
Interesting composition, Austin.

8-Aug-2012, 18:33
Which one?



Frank Petronio
8-Aug-2012, 18:46
Shot with Yashica D and Agfa optima film



austin granger
8-Aug-2012, 20:30
Flora, Oregon

Joseph, Oregon


8-Aug-2012, 20:33
Which one?

I prefer second one. First one has nothing especial.


austin granger
8-Aug-2012, 20:36
Interesting composition, Austin.

Thanks! "Composition" is giving me a little too much credit though. I literally drove up, dove out of my mini-van and fired off two quick exposures before the cloud melted away. Rarely do I have such luck!

9-Aug-2012, 05:07
Last night in a popular area of Paris, France.

9-Aug-2012, 06:51
Trying out my new 50/1.2 AIS on D700:

9-Aug-2012, 06:53
Mini Crown Graphic, Ilford Delta 100, HC-110 "H"

12cm Zeiss Tessar

105mm Agfa Apotar

105mm Agfa Apotar

105mm Agfa Apotar

9-Aug-2012, 06:57
Mamiya C220 w/80mm lens, Ilford Delta 100, HC-110 "H"




eddy pula
9-Aug-2012, 07:57
canon ae1 and that weird chromagenic b&w film, bw400cn, got it souped for 2.19 a roll at cvs, heck they'll even scan and put like 4 rolls on a cd for another 2 dollars a roll, I'm not hanging up my tri-x or fixer stained pants but for rush jobs and vaction stuff, take it easy every once in a while kids!
Sometimes I let my laptop sleep and I just go look for new pictures to feed its electric brain!
After Weegee

eddy pula
9-Aug-2012, 07:58
looks better bigger, but then again thats what women say about me....

9-Aug-2012, 08:09
That Kodak 400cn can make good negatives. Finer grained than other 400-speed films in my experience...made an awesome 11x14 print from it once (35mm).

I like your 3-part series shots Eddy. Ever thought of uploading them in slightly higher resolution so we can see them a little better?

9-Aug-2012, 10:21
A classic retro semi-glamor I guess is what you'd call it. If anything it was fun to shoot.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7135/7737812588_d2854043d9_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/7737812588/)

P67, 165mm LS, 100TMX

eddy pula
9-Aug-2012, 10:38

nikon f3 tri-x, mennonite (Choir) choir they were great, Downtown Noho, every wensday at dusk for the summer, gotta bring my 4x5 down one day, cause a choir holds nice and still, I just had my tripod stolen, so no 4x5 for a while
PS these are terrible scans from a terrible scanner epson 2450, it was great for 120 and 4x5 but for 35mm.... not so hot

eddy pula
9-Aug-2012, 10:39
plus I don't know how the internet works

9-Aug-2012, 15:24
Voigtlander Bergheil 6x9 & Dallmeyer projecion petzval


9-Aug-2012, 16:55
Nikon D50
ISO 800
Nikkor 50mm/f1.8 G
SB-700 fired inside microwave


Peter De Smidt
9-Aug-2012, 18:34
A classic retro semi-glamor I guess is what you'd call it. If anything it was fun to shoot.

It does capture the feel of a 1930s Hollywood glamor photo.

9-Aug-2012, 18:55
...I like your 3-part series shots Eddy. Ever thought of uploading them in slightly higher resolution so we can see them a little better?
Eddy's three-neg image to 12" long on my screen without the image breaking up...and at full screen (14") with only a touch of pixeling.

9-Aug-2012, 21:05
It does capture the feel of a 1930s Hollywood glamor photo.

Thanks. I have the book, C. S. Bull - The Man Who Shot Garbo. And most of the portraits in this book the subjects are looking away and in a poses well suited for longer focusing times and probably slower shutter speeds from his view camera. I tried to do a shot in his fashion. From the one-sentence entry in Wikipedia:

Clarence Bull (1896-1979), usually credited as "Clarence Sinclair Bull", was one of the great portrait photographers who worked for the movie studios during the "Golden Age of Hollywood". He was head of the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer stills department for nearly forty years.

Pat Kearns
9-Aug-2012, 21:34
Don't pick the Daisies......last week I was in Seoul visiting grandchildren and took this at the DMZ.

10-Aug-2012, 01:34
Eddy's three-neg image to 12" long on my screen without the image breaking up...and at full screen (14") with only a touch of pixeling.

A side-effect of wildly different monitors and resolutions, viewing images here is subjective. They open up for me about 6 inches wide. I suppose I could save it, open it in PS and enlarge it, but that's a lot of trouble. I guess if they were bigger some of you would have to scroll to see it all. It's all a trade-off.

Roger Cole
10-Aug-2012, 05:00
That Kodak 400cn can make good negatives. Finer grained than other 400-speed films in my experience...made an awesome 11x14 print from it once (35mm).

I like your 3-part series shots Eddy. Ever thought of uploading them in slightly higher resolution so we can see them a little better?

No experience with 400CN but Ilford XP2 is a GREAT film. I wish they made the current version in 4x5 - I'd be stocking up on C41 chems. I have two 8x10s on it from 35mm hanging in my living room. They look like they're on medium or slow film from medium format. Plus it scans better than silver grain conventional film too.

10-Aug-2012, 08:14
400cn has an orange mask, which can make conventional printing tricky. However, it has amazing resistance
to reciprocity failure. Look it up, you'll want to have some on hand if you shoot in "unavailable light".

10-Aug-2012, 12:09
400cn has an orange mask, which can make conventional printing tricky. However, it has amazing resistance
to reciprocity failure. Look it up, you'll want to have some on hand if you shoot in "unavailable light".

Good to know, thanks. Also 100 Acros only needs 1/2 stop correction, which can be ignored, after 120 seconds of metered exposure for reciprocity failure.

Roger Cole
10-Aug-2012, 15:14
What are the reciprocity characteristics of XP2 Super? It has no mask and prints wonderfully on conventional black and white paper. In common with color neg, it's almost impossible to overexposre, at least without deliberate attempts at it. It's an all around great film.

I understand Kodak included the orange mask on 400cn to make it print better on color paper, as one hour labs would do. Ilford chose to optimize XP2 for conventional printing.

austin granger
10-Aug-2012, 17:08
Hope, Portland

10-Aug-2012, 19:47
Don't pick the Daisies......last week I was in Seoul visiting grandchildren and took this at the DMZ.


Is the DMZ now open to the public? I served with the 2d Infantry Division patrolling the DMZ in 1968. The DMZ in the American sector where I was is located on the north side of Libby Bridge across the Imjun River and was off limits to civilians. A mine field was laid in front of the guard towers lining the north bank in 1968 and several layers of concertina wire was placed in front of the towers. The mine field and concertina barrier was interpreted at intervals with "safe lanes" - some being false to fool an unsuspecting enemy - to allow access to patrols returning from DMZ duty. The actual DMZ was located 2KM north of the towers and it was in that 2KM area that daily patrols with night ambushes were conducted. It was the same set-up on the North Korean side i.e., 2KM no-mans land between their line positions and the DMZ. Both sides were issued DMZ passes which theoretically could shown to the other side if you were confronted in that 4KM space between lines and not otherwise be shot on sight. There were older unmarked mine fields that were originally laid during the war, at least on the American side, but their location were notated on field maps. But again, the entire area north of the Imjin River was off-limits to all civilians and I do not recall ever seeing a civilian in that area.

BTW, the Korean DMZ was sprayed with Agent Orange in the spring of 1968 and about 2 years ago the VA extended Agent Orange medical benefits to all that were stationed or traveled north of the river. For example medical coverage was extended to the crew of the Pueblo with the reasoning that since they were repatriated across the DMZ they surely were "on" it at some point. Most Korean service veterans are unaware that the DMZ was sprayed with Agent Orange, I know I was and I patrolled the DMZ for 8 months during that period, and the medical coverage now provided is extensive. I'm sure glad I don't need it.


10-Aug-2012, 19:54
Hope, Portland

Sweet portrait Austin! You certainly have her full attention.

Steven Scanner
10-Aug-2012, 23:26
Picture taken with my Revueflex 35mm slr. I hed the film developed and scanned the negative. The scanner I use doesn't stay true to colors. I have to change them after I scan. I try not to alter the colors to much because I like the "vintage" look.

11-Aug-2012, 05:45
A candid shot of my brother at the cemetery after we buried my grandmother in 2000.

Mamiya 7, Portra 160



eddy pula
11-Aug-2012, 10:14
portra 160, nikon f3 cvs develop and scan

eddy pula
11-Aug-2012, 10:15
same, this one is my Intern From Smith college! Rock on Seven Sisters, she picked up my scans at the cvs did morning!

eddy pula
11-Aug-2012, 10:16
this is your brain on hugs
canon ae1 portra 160 cvs scans (noritsu, does any one know what kind of light source they use? the scans are weird but good;-)

eddy pula
11-Aug-2012, 10:18
I handed my camera to my intern or some one else during the lecture I did the other day at AS220 in Providence RI the other week, dude those peeps there... they teach low rider cholo's and just plain weird irish ginger kids how to 3d print their own robots..... and we have lego to thank for all that! hooray for the salvation army band is what I say

11-Aug-2012, 10:44
A side-effect of wildly different monitors and resolutions, viewing images here is subjective. They open up for me about 6 inches wide. I suppose I could save it, open it in PS and enlarge it, but that's a lot of trouble. I guess if they were bigger some of you would have to scroll to see it all. It's all a trade-off.

Once I click on the image, I click on it again and it re-opens. Then I can simply enlarge the image using "command +" on my Mac (don't know how to enlarge the screen image on a PC).


Pat Kearns
11-Aug-2012, 14:07

Is the DMZ now open to the public? Thomas

Thomas, there are public tours of two areas of the DMZ. My stepson has been teaching English in Korea for the last 10 years. He drove us to Imjingang where we purchased tickets, given passes for the tour and purchased rail tickets for the train ride to Dorasan station. Once at Dorasan we boarded a tour bus that drove us to two stops. The first was a civilian observation post where high powered binoculars could be used to look over the 4 km DMZ separating the north and south. Photography at that point overlooking the DMZ was strictly prohibited. The guards would make you delete or they would delete any photos taken. Believe me, I saw the guards do it to the public at the observation point. From there the bus took us to Tunnel #3 of seven tunnels that were discovered that North Korea had built under the DMZ. There was a tour that took the public down to the tunnel. Everyone had to lock all belongs in lockers before boarding the mine train for the tour of the tunnel. I wasn't allowed on the tour of the tunnel because I was wearing an insulin pump. There was a very nice small park at the tunnel that I walked around waiting for the return of the mine train. It was there that I shot the photo of the daisies. The entire road along the route had wire with the red mine warning signs hanging about every 10 meters. I thought some areas were fake but others were live. From there the tour bus returned to Dorasan station. You surrendered your passes to the guards before going through the turnstiles and you took the train back to Imjingang. All in all, it was an interesting experience.

Roger Cole
11-Aug-2012, 19:08
Once I click on the image, I click on it again and it re-opens. Then I can simply enlarge the image using "command +" on my Mac (don't know how to enlarge the screen image on a PC).


On the PC, with most browsers, you can just hold down the CTRL key and use the mouse scroll wheel to zoom. ^0 to re-set to standard size.

Roger Cole
11-Aug-2012, 19:11
A couple in a series that has sorted of planned itself in my brain, of portraits of friends within a certain circle of friends, this one of Max Karl Grimm:

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8427/7762698976_bf91e07eaa_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rogercole/7762698976/)
Max1a (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rogercole/7762698976/) by Roger Cole (http://www.flickr.com/people/rogercole/), on Flickr

Max's art can be seen here:

The Art of Max Grimm (http://www.maxgrimm.webs.com/)

And one of my friend Caleb, a talented photographer in his own right who shoots digital:

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8442/7762682832_2f672d16e0_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rogercole/7762682832/)
Caleb1a (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rogercole/7762682832/) by Roger Cole (http://www.flickr.com/people/rogercole/), on Flickr

Caleb's site is here:

The Photo Monk (http://photo-monk.com/)

Both shot on FP4+ in my Yashicamat 124, D76 1+!, printed on Ilford MGWT FB developed in Ilford WT developer and toned for 45 seconds in brown toner mixed 1/8th strength.

11-Aug-2012, 22:53
Thomas, there are public tours of two areas of the DMZ. My stepson has been teaching English in Korea for the last 10 years. He drove us to Imjingang where we purchased tickets, given passes for the tour and purchased rail tickets for the train ride to Dorasan station. Once at Dorasan we boarded a tour bus that drove us to two stops. The first was a civilian observation post where high powered binoculars could be used to look over the 4 km DMZ separating the north and south. Photography at that point overlooking the DMZ was strictly prohibited. The guards would make you delete or they would delete any photos taken. Believe me, I saw the guards do it to the public at the observation point. From there the bus took us to Tunnel #3 of seven tunnels that were discovered that North Korea had built under the DMZ. There was a tour that took the public down to the tunnel. Everyone had to lock all belongs in lockers before boarding the mine train for the tour of the tunnel. I wasn't allowed on the tour of the tunnel because I was wearing an insulin pump. There was a very nice small park at the tunnel that I walked around waiting for the return of the mine train. It was there that I shot the photo of the daisies. The entire road along the route had wire with the red mine warning signs hanging about every 10 meters. I thought some areas were fake but others were live. From there the tour bus returned to Dorasan station. You surrendered your passes to the guards before going through the turnstiles and you took the train back to Imjingang. All in all, it was an interesting experience.

That's interesting Pat. No doubt a lot of things have changed along the Korean DMZ since I was there some 44 years ago. I poked around on the internet to see where Dorsan was located on a map but couldn't come up with anything concrete except that it is probably located some distance west of the sector in which I was stationed. Here is a map of the area that I was in that copied off the internet: http://community.webshots.com/photo/fullsize/1037727334027034894clYqbv. The bridge is Libby Bridge and my unit was stationed on the noprth side some distance to the west (right). The village at the base of the bridge, Chang Pa Ri, was notorious and i spent many of night in its bars one of which was named "The last Chance" or something like that. The villages on the north side were, at that time, totally abandoned with nothing standing - just names on the map. Brings back memories of a long forgotten past.


Frank Petronio
12-Aug-2012, 07:32

100-year old Kodak Panoram 1

Frank Petronio
12-Aug-2012, 07:34
Takes a lot of skill to balance like this:


Frank Petronio
12-Aug-2012, 07:34
Nsfw after two beers


12-Aug-2012, 11:07
So who gets the beer? Jane, you, or us?

Neat shot. Reminds me of back home...

- Leigh

Roger Cole
12-Aug-2012, 11:39
No fair. Frank comes along and posts photos of hot models. No one else's photos even get seen. :p

12-Aug-2012, 11:42
In this case it's a question of how you define "tiny format". :p

- Leigh

12-Aug-2012, 14:16

The Hill St. Louis, Missouri

Nikon F5
Zeiss Distagon 21mm f/2.8 ZE
Kodak T-Max 100

12-Aug-2012, 17:02
sea star


Ed Bray
13-Aug-2012, 03:24
Art or Abomination?

This dead tree had its branches stripped of it's bark and was then painted pink to promote an Art festival in the nearby village. It is a bit marmite, you either love it or hate it but it has certainly provoked debate.

Taken on Fuji X10 hanging out of a Landrover window to get enough height to see over a wall.

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8434/7772597556_42aac57294_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/edbray/7772597556/)
Pretty in Pink (http://www.flickr.com/photos/edbray/7772597556/) by Ed Bray (http://www.flickr.com/people/edbray/), on Flickr

Jim Jones
13-Aug-2012, 06:12
All promotion, no art. That much effort would have been better spent in creating something rather than in destroying nature.

13-Aug-2012, 11:37
It's strange, personally I am not a big fan of painting trees but I do like the photo.

Here is one of my local lighthouse on a Mamiya Rb67.

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8294/7761759002_fe495e548a_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/nguss/7761759002/)
Lighthouse Velvia 50 RB67 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/nguss/7761759002/) by NGUSS (http://www.flickr.com/people/nguss/), on Flickr

13-Aug-2012, 13:02
Beautiful Nguss... one of those scenes that displays Velvia's color palette so well!

13-Aug-2012, 13:19
Thanks C4D, I do love Velvia for these sort of situations. In the right light it cant be beat.

Frank Petronio
13-Aug-2012, 19:14
Bugs were awful that night but luckily I had a can of DEET....


13-Aug-2012, 20:56
Bugs were awful that night but luckily I had a can of DEET....


Shootin noods with the squeeters. Now that takes balls! :D

I'll join in the titty parade with Lexi.

Canon D60, Canon EF 17-40mm ƒ4L lens, ASA 400.


David R Munson
14-Aug-2012, 16:48
http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8281/7784089636_e038a9d4dc_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidrmunson/7784089636/)
Lanterns (http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidrmunson/7784089636/) by David R Munson (http://www.flickr.com/people/davidrmunson/), on Flickr

A shot I forgot about and rediscovered today when trying to clear out some crap in Lightroom. Taken in Kyoto last summer.

Frank Petronio
14-Aug-2012, 21:35
I'm sorry, showing pictures of naked young women isn't very interesting, here are some plane window pix that might appeal to your higher qualities '-p 35mm


14-Aug-2012, 22:31
Party pooper! :D

I'm pulling out my battleship.

Canon D60, EF 70-200mm ƒ4L lens, ASA 100.


Michael Cienfuegos
14-Aug-2012, 23:09
Party pooper! :D

I'm pulling out my battleship.

Canon D60, EF 70-200mm ƒ4L lens, ASA 100.


Nice guns! :)

15-Aug-2012, 15:15
I'm sorry, showing pictures of naked young women isn't very interesting...

You need to take your meds, then talk to your psyche about increasing the dosage.

- Leigh

15-Aug-2012, 16:11
It's strange, personally I am not a big fan of painting trees but I do like the photo.

Here is one of my local lighthouse on a Mamiya Rb67.

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8294/7761759002_fe495e548a_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/nguss/7761759002/)
Lighthouse Velvia 50 RB67 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/nguss/7761759002/) by NGUSS (http://www.flickr.com/people/nguss/), on Flickr

Can I ask what film that was. I'm heading to Seattle to shoot some landscapes in 2 weeks. I'm taking my RB and a 4x5 view camera.

Lovely shot BTW

15-Aug-2012, 16:24
From the archives. A recent scan of a print made (gulp!) 25 years ago. The camera was certainly a Nikon F3, but the film? Probably Plus-X.

Paul Strand influence? What Paul Strand influence? ;)



16-Aug-2012, 07:54
From the archives. A recent scan of a print made (gulp!) 25 years ago. The camera was certainly a Nikon F3, but the film? Probably Plus-X.

Paul Strand influence? What Paul Strand influence? ;)


Well I like it.

Given the number of pictures taken since the beginning of photography, how can you not have a picture that is similar to one taken in the past.

16-Aug-2012, 09:52
Nice one Jonathan. I enjoy going through my early photographs to re-inspire myself and see the development of my approach.

16-Aug-2012, 10:01
Can I ask what film that was. I'm heading to Seattle to shoot some landscapes in 2 weeks. I'm taking my RB and a 4x5 view camera.

Lovely shot BTW

Thanks, it was Velvia 50 on 120 film with a 50mm lens. I am very sad to see it go in 4x5 for sure.

16-Aug-2012, 11:02
A little something interesting from yesterday. Union Pacific drug out the Western Pacific "heritage" inspired locomotive for an Operation Lifesaver special. Three cars of UP's varnish went on a short jaunt to Soledad, and back to Watsonville Junction, California. Here's the short special passing through Elkhorn Slough yesterday morning.

Canon D60, Canon EF 50mm ƒ1.8 lens, ASA 400.



16-Aug-2012, 13:06
Well I like it.

Given the number of pictures taken since the beginning of photography, how can you not have a picture that is similar to one taken in the past.

Thanks. It's just that as I looked through these old photos (taken when I was 18) I remember how I would devour monographs by Adams, Strand, Stieglitz, etc. and how direct the influence was on me. I'd see photos Strand did of fences and shadows and the next time I was out with my camera all I could see were fences and shadows!

Nice one Jonathan. I enjoy going through my early photographs to re-inspire myself and see the development of my approach.

That's one side benefit of scanning one's own archives. I usually don't dig so deep, but it has been fun to see how I used to shoot back when it was just me and my one Nikon. If you had told me then how many cameras and formats I would be shooting now I never would have believed it!


16-Aug-2012, 18:44
Panasonic lx5

16-Aug-2012, 18:45
The Gang.
Panasonic LX5

Frank Petronio
16-Aug-2012, 19:34
With that Kodak Panoram 1 6x18cm 100-year old camera....





Michael Cienfuegos
16-Aug-2012, 21:58
With that Kodak Panoram 1 6x18cm 100-year old camera....

Really cool, Frank. I have one, it is a bit on the rough side, cosmetically, but it is amazing for such a simple camera.

16-Aug-2012, 23:34
The slow lane and the pushmepullyou.
Panasonic LX5

austin granger
18-Aug-2012, 10:36
August is typically my least productive month. I think it's a combination of its relentless sunniness and the fact that by the end of the summer, with all three kids at home, I'm just psychically worn out. So here are a few oldies from the vault:

The Path to Chimney Rock, Point Reyes (2002)

Badwater (2001)


18-Aug-2012, 17:29
Panasonic LX5

18-Aug-2012, 18:01
Panasonic LX5

19-Aug-2012, 08:11

Oly m43...tiny enuf? Cropped about 50% too. Amazing little format the m43 is!

19-Aug-2012, 08:12

RD1-s with 21mm Zeiss. Oldy but goody 6mp'er.

19-Aug-2012, 08:15

(Tog unkown)

Not mine...but makes me want to get back into LF!

Peter Mounier
19-Aug-2012, 08:33
Tog unknown? That tog is very well known around here. It is Gandolfi, who contributes to this forum quite often.



19-Aug-2012, 14:49
(Tog unkown)
You need to do some more research before you post other peoples' work without attribution...

Or you'll find yourself PNG'd here pretty fast.

I think the reason you were kicked off the other boards is pretty obvious.

- Leigh

Erik Larsen
19-Aug-2012, 15:35
A barn out in the middle of nowhere in Montana. I got a chuckle out of the views from both directions. I believe this is the counties slogan? 400 tri x with a Minolta 7000. MGIV 8x10 prints

19-Aug-2012, 17:19
Getting my new darkroom / studio setup in the outbuilding at my new house.

Slow going but it's getting there...almost finished with the light-proofing. Setup my black backdrop and clipped a hibiscus from my yard (still strange to say that, it's my first yard...). It was a willing subject and was a good test for my umbrellas and editing. Anyway - D800E, 200mm Micro, f/13 or some such and some judicious editing in Lightroom to fix the reds (red flowers are Kryptonite to digital...):


19-Aug-2012, 17:24
Hi Corran,

Neat shot. I love the rendering of the vase. (and congrats on the new house)

- Leigh

19-Aug-2012, 17:32
Funny thing is I have no idea where that vase even came from. But there was a paper towel stuffed in the bottom that I couldn't get out, so I just said to hell with it and left it in. Gives the bottom a kinda smoky look.

19-Aug-2012, 23:24
Funny thing is I have no idea where that vase even came from. But there was a paper towel stuffed in the bottom that I couldn't get out, so I just said to hell with it and left it in. Gives the bottom a kinda smoky look.

I was wondering what that was! Really helps to make the shot in my opinion...at least for me. Balances out the top of the frame with something interesting on the bottom as well.

And I am also with Leigh on this one, the vase and its texture/design look really cool in this shot.

20-Aug-2012, 04:45
[QUOTE=Leigh;922431]You need to do some more research before you post other peoples' work without attribution...

Or you'll find yourself PNG'd here pretty fast.

I think the reason you were kicked off the other boards is pretty obvious.

- Leigh[/QUOTE

Ah...Gandolfi shot it! OK, now I got a name. I didn't find it here. found it? Well can't rememeber? But great shot!

So, that is what you think I should be banned for? Making a mistake that is very simple to do?

Tell me if you find an image on the web with no author, how to find the tog that shot it Leigh?

Frank Petronio
20-Aug-2012, 04:49
The photographer was mentioned in the post above Leigh's.

The manner in which you are phrasing things irritates people, which in turn causes them to snipe back at you. Perhaps a mellowed, softer approach would be more successful.

Also, most photographers are going to be pissed off if you post their images without attribution.

20-Aug-2012, 04:49
Beautiful Corran!

20-Aug-2012, 04:51
Tog unknown? That tog is very well known around here. It is Gandolfi, who contributes to this forum quite often.



Thanks Peter, didn't know it. Found the image someplace on the web with no author. Sorry for the mistake.

Tried to correct my post, but edit feature expired.

20-Aug-2012, 06:01
Chapel Hill, Shandon, CA

Fuji GSW690II, HP5+




20-Aug-2012, 06:02
And the view from the top:



20-Aug-2012, 06:48
Tell me if you find an image on the web with no author, how to find the tog that shot it Leigh?
I'm not a thief. I don't post other photographers' work in the first place, so the problem has never arisen.

To address the larger question...
If you don't know who the photographer is, you should not post the image, because you ARE violating copyright if the
image was made in the last 40(?) years, and might be in violation for older images.

- Leigh

20-Aug-2012, 07:10
And the view from the top:


Wow! gorgeous...

Frank Petronio
20-Aug-2012, 17:53
I like the view down a lot.



20-Aug-2012, 18:33
Thanks Peter, didn't know it. Found the image someplace on the web with no author. Sorry for the mistake.

Tried to correct my post, but edit feature expired.

Don't worry about it.

20-Aug-2012, 18:36
I'm not a thief. I don't post other photographers' work in the first place, so the problem has never arisen.

To address the larger question...
If you don't know who the photographer is, you should not post the image, because you ARE violating copyright if the
image was made in the last 40(?) years, and might be in violation for older images.

- Leigh

I doubt he is violating any copyright law.

20-Aug-2012, 18:42
I doubt he is violating any copyright law.
Doubt all you want... doesn't matter.

Even fair use requires permission of the copyright holder.

Under current US law ALL works are copyright to the author at the time of their creation, with no notice required.


- Leigh

20-Aug-2012, 18:59
Doubt all you want... doesn't matter.

Even fair use requires permission of the copyright holder.

Under current US law ALL works are copyright to the author at the time of their creation, with no notice required.


- Leigh

Your wrong. He didn't copy the work. There was no infringement. He didn't violate any US Copyright laws. If you are convinced he did, it should be simple for you to present the specific citation or case law to us here.

Frank Petronio
20-Aug-2012, 19:11
Here it is in laywoman's terms:


Plenty of other explanations just a click away, plus the actual contracts of all these social networking sites clearly put the responsibility for having legal permission on the poster. Just because these violations are rarely enforced -- because they are more trouble than they are worth to pursue -- doesn't mean that the laws against unauthorized use do not exist.

20-Aug-2012, 20:31

(Tog unkown)

Not mine...but makes me want to get back into LF!

Hey, slackercruster I checked the page code and the url you posted to Gandolfi's pict is:


and the one to your own HDR with the bathtub is:


I don't know how photo bucket URL or picture organization works so I have to ask you straight up...

Did you copy Gandolfi's pict to your own area and use that to distribute the pict? Kind of looks like it....

It get's a bit shady there, you see what I mean... It's one thing to post URL to a photo owners site.... at least you increase traffic to his site, and he can see who is linking his pict. But if you load a pict on your site and link to it... eehhh

I know, it's the internet and who gives a f' and all that but among photographers and photo site.... ehhh...

Roger Cole
20-Aug-2012, 20:50
I'm not a thief. I don't post other photographers' work in the first place, so the problem has never arisen.

To address the larger question...
If you don't know who the photographer is, you should not post the image, because you ARE violating copyright if the
image was made in the last 40(?) years, and might be in violation for older images.

- Leigh

If you want to discuss it you can link to it. That's totally fair and legal. Hotlinking is more gray. Downloading it and posting it into your own photo area and then distributing from there is not only illegal it's downright slimy.

21-Aug-2012, 03:55
If you want to discuss it you can link to it. That's totally fair and legal. Hotlinking is more gray. Downloading it and posting it into your own photo area and then distributing from there is not only illegal it's downright slimy.

It depends on the context, the intent, and the damages.

You guys are waaaaaay too sensitive.

The guy said it wasn't his photo.

Which is more than I would have felt obligated to do.

21-Aug-2012, 04:31
It depends on the context, the intent, and the damages.

You guys are waaaaaay too sensitive.

The guy said it wasn't his photo.

Which is more than I would have felt obligated to do.

Yeah, but I am not talking about the fine points of legality, and yes, internet comes with very limited privacy. But don't you feel there is a substantial difference between having your own website photo being linked to straight across, given you at least some control and traffic to your site AKA EXPOSURE, and being able to take the photo down, and a situation where the photo is down loaded to someone else's site and republished? Giving you absolutely NO control over or benefit from your creation.

And especially if it involves serious efforts towards photo art...

21-Aug-2012, 05:35
Isn't this what Tumblr is all about, as well as Pinterest, imgur, and to some degree Facebook--sharing images you "find" on the Web? I don't endorse this necessarily, but hasn't the music industry proven that this horse is out of the digital barn? I've done an image search and found some of my photos making the Tumblr rounds without permission. I could contact the people and ask them to take down the images, but there is no commerce involved and I figure so what? Then again, I have no Web presence and am not selling my photos, so I may be viewing this issue differently from those who do. I figure that if I put my images on the Web, including here on these forums, I have lost some degree of control over them. For all I know one of my uploaded photos is being used to sell beer in China. The only way to prevent it is to keep your photos off the Web in the first place.


Frank Petronio
21-Aug-2012, 05:44
I figure the (mis)use and appropriation of my images on social networking sites is the price I pay for the promotional opportunity they provide. Otherwise they are "free" sites but I clearly made the choice to post my work on them, knowing that my pictures could be easily swiped. I even post large file sizes, 2048-pixels, with full meta-data (knowing it could be striped out). To me it is a worthy trade-off because I know that the benefits of getting my work seen outweigh the consequences of some reblogs or people swiping pix for PC wallpaper or whatever. No legit ad agency is going to swipe my image online, and if it happens in Bezerkastan who cares? It's all criminals over there and my jpg is nothing compared to slavery and genocide.

Still I don't welcome or encourage it and it would be poor form here.

21-Aug-2012, 06:02
Your wrong. He didn't copy the work. There was no infringement. He didn't violate any US Copyright laws. If you are convinced he did, it should be simple for you to present the specific citation or case law to us here.


p6 and p9 contain specifics on cases and laws involved.

21-Aug-2012, 06:37
by the way, Carolyn's book is pretty good

austin granger
21-Aug-2012, 11:58
Genesee, Idaho



21-Aug-2012, 12:46
In Warsaw park, Voightlander Bergheil with Gundlach meniscus


21-Aug-2012, 16:17
Rolleiflex 3.5F Planar, HP5+



Frank Petronio
21-Aug-2012, 16:49
Don't reblog this or I'll rip your throat out!

Italian girl in Rochester


and I've been having trouble with light leaks with that old 1933 Leica.... can't figure it out.


austin granger
21-Aug-2012, 16:56
Please feel free to use my images, but only if you're selling Chinese beer. Or Bezerkastani beer. Now that sounds like a beer I'd like to try!

21-Aug-2012, 17:09
My photographs are pure art; there is nothing commercial about them! Unless, of course, someone is willing to pay me real money for them. Then they can be used for whatever the buyer wants. Yes, I'd be a willing sell-out. Trouble is I've yet to find any takers.


Frank: nice shot of the Italian model. The background (stucco wall?) really works. I half expect those brush strokes to pass over the model, not behind. And I detect no light leaks in the second image, but there seems to be a Janet Jackson-esque wardrobe malfunction on the part of your model. You might want to look into that...


21-Aug-2012, 18:27
Frank, I did not notice any light leaks on that photo.

Frank Petronio
21-Aug-2012, 19:00
Down by her feet... The shutter mount to the Leica housing leaks through the screw holes.

I know you don't care.

21-Aug-2012, 19:13
A recent Diana camera shot that should have had light leaks but didn't.



austin granger
21-Aug-2012, 19:28
Nice one Jonathan. I liked the picture you posted of Multnomah Falls a few days back as well-it's rare to see a fresh vision of that place.

I like to think I'd never sell out, but how will I know unless I'm tested? Anyone? Anyone?

21-Aug-2012, 20:41
Thanks, Austin. I like the earlier shot better, but this one is decent, too.

I heard an interview with Dan Auerbach from the Black Keys recently and he was talking about the whole "selling out" thing. During one of their early tours they were apparently sleeping in a broken down van on tour when they got an offer to use one of their songs in a UK mayonnaise ad for $150,000. They said no out of a sense of artistic integrity, but when they talked to their parents about it their folks chided them and said, "That's more than we make in four years!" Ever since then the group has been regularly licensing their songs for ads and such.

If I was ideologically opposed to a product or a corporation's political viewpoint I might say no, but under the right circumstances (which would be most of them) I'd probably say yes to cash for my images. I'd say I'll cross that bridge when I come to it, but I doubt that I will ever reach that bridge in the first place. Oh to have such problems!


21-Aug-2012, 20:53
Frank, I did not notice any light leaks on that photo.
The light is leaking through her blouse.

I could not see the material at all. :p

- Leigh

Alan Gales
21-Aug-2012, 21:19
Down by her feet... The shutter mount to the Leica housing leaks through the screw holes.

I know you don't care.

What feet? ;)

Frank Petronio
21-Aug-2012, 23:11
Hey some photographers like feet a lot: http://collinjrae.tumblr.com different strokes and all that....

Michael Cienfuegos
22-Aug-2012, 09:15
Frank, I did not notice any light leaks on that photo.

Down by her feet... The shutter mount to the Leica housing leaks through the screw holes.

I know you don't care.

I didn't see any feet. :confused:

austin granger
22-Aug-2012, 11:51
A View into the Fish Ladder, Bonneville Dam, Columbia River


Frank Petronio
22-Aug-2012, 13:21
A few more from the old Kodak Panoram 1, leaks and cross curves galore! Jellystone to Glacier





At this point I think the flare and leaks are just right! The pictures beg to be large but they are never quite perfectly sharp either.

22-Aug-2012, 13:25
Pretty pictures... and not an interesting subject to be found. :p

- Leigh

23-Aug-2012, 11:40
Even fair use requires permission of the copyright holder.

Where do you see that? Fair use means that one can use it even without permission, or even if the copyright holder denies permission.

Here's the Fair Use language from U.S. copyright law (laws are not subject to copyright, by the way):

§ 107 . Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair use40

Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair use the factors to be considered shall include—

(1) the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;

(2) the nature of the copyrighted work;

(3) the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and

(4) the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.

The fact that a work is unpublished shall not itself bar a finding of fair use if such finding is made upon consideration of all the above factors.

Rick "not seeing anything at all about required permission" Denney

austin granger
23-Aug-2012, 12:40
Hatch, Washington


23-Aug-2012, 19:53
Hatch, Washington

Nice whites. It almost looks like the base of a rocket.

austin granger
23-Aug-2012, 20:22
Nice whites. It almost looks like the base of a rocket.
Yeah, I thought it looked like a rocket or missile too. It's actually a giant wind turbine. It's pretty amazing to get up close to those things. You can get better get the scale from a couple of LF pictures I posted recently. It would be interesting to see what they look like inside.

23-Aug-2012, 20:29
Testing a new lens, an old pre-AI 35mm f/2.8 Nikkor-S lens.
This lens isn't critically sharp at all, but, it renders things very interestingly...almost pastel, and more like a painting or something. I hate when people describe lenses like that, but, it's true about this one. I really like this lens! Taken with my D700, some urban landscapes:



Hey look, page 400! :)

23-Aug-2012, 20:32
Nice whites. It almost looks like the base of a rocket.
That rocket is quite firmly bolted to the ground.

Very poor engineering. :D

- Leigh

23-Aug-2012, 20:35

I really like the shot of the gas regulator and downspout.

The tonality is magnificent. The downspout seems to be glowing.

- Leigh

23-Aug-2012, 20:39
Thanks! Can't take much credit - overcast sky and a very reflective metal downspout...didn't have to do much but bump the contrast a bit.

23-Aug-2012, 23:45
Great shots, Bryan. That lens looks plenty sharp to me.


Mamiya 7, 80mm



24-Aug-2012, 16:47
One from work:

Nikon FE2 with a 15mm f5.6
Portra 400
150 feet or so above the North Carolina cost.

Jay Decker
24-Aug-2012, 20:44
One from work:

Nikon FE2 with a 15mm f5.6
Portra 400
150 feet or so above the North Carolina cost.

What are you ridin'?

Jay Decker
24-Aug-2012, 21:00
Been playing with a new toy that arrived recently, a Nikon D800. Mounted a Schneider Xenotar MF 80/2.8 (a Pentacon 6 mount lens) on the D800 with an adapter and shot a couple photos of our roses this evening in full evening shade. The photography won't win an prizes, but this lenses color rendering and bokeh is causing me to think twice about the "quality" of Nikon lens... think I need to try the Zeiss Sonnar 180/2.8 (a Pentacon 6 mount lens) on the D800.




Link to a full resolution version of the last photo... (http://webpages.charter.net/monkeytumble/D800wPentaconLens/DSC_0505.jpg)

26-Aug-2012, 10:41
North Rim of Grand Canyon this weekend with Pen F 25/4 on G1:


26-Aug-2012, 13:16

River bottom road in Southwest Missouri.
Konica Auto S2
Kodak Tri-X film