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Thread: "Like" feature as possible response?

  1. #21

    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Re: "Like" feature as possible response?

    Luddite-ism? Disagreeing that a "Like" feature would be beneficial is being a Luddite?

    If a Like button is implemented, I'd like to see an Unlike button implemented as well, for those times I disagree with someone's position, but don't have the time for a detailed response.

  2. #22
    Moderator Ralph Barker's Avatar
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    Re: "Like" feature as possible response?

    We are currently testing a vBulletin "mod" distributed by DragonByte that adds a post-level thanks/like/dislike function. The "pro" version allows the addition of other buttons, as well.

  3. #23
    Corran's Avatar
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    Re: "Like" feature as possible response?

    Quote Originally Posted by faberryman View Post
    Luddite-ism? Disagreeing that a "Like" feature would be beneficial is being a Luddite?
    Opposing change / new technology for the sake of keeping things stagnant is, yes. Comparing the feature to being all about attention-seeking, Facebook mentality is a strawman fallacy and IMO indicative of the prevailing age on this forum.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ralph Barker View Post
    We are currently testing a vBulletin "mod" distributed by DragonByte that adds a post-level thanks/like/dislike function. The "pro" version allows the addition of other buttons, as well.
    Neat, should be interesting.
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  4. #24
    Moderator Ralph Barker's Avatar
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    Re: "Like" feature as possible response?

    FWIW, I own property in the desert where I am mining for Luddite. So far, I haven't found any, but the fact that I'm using a pick and shovel may speak for itself.

  5. #25

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    Re: "Like" feature as possible response?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ralph Barker View Post
    We are currently testing a vBulletin "mod" distributed by DragonByte that adds a post-level thanks/like/dislike function. The "pro" version allows the addition of other buttons, as well.
    I LIKE this idea !

    The whole idea is that a LIKE option is time saving, screen space saving and encourages interactivity.

    It's always interesting and worthwhile to know others' reactions and this offers an option to do so in a concise fashion. If someone wants to say more, they can still do that, too.

    I believe it's best to offer something thoughtful when commenting about images posted. Sometimes time does not permit a detailed comment or others have already made a point similar to mine. In such cases, a Like button is a good option.

    I appreciate Peter Lewin's start of this thread and his suggestion. It's unfortunate that, in the interest of making his suggestion clear, using Facebook as an example turned a few people off.

    Have no fear that this forum will ever become like Facebook ! However, I believe it's a great idea to encourage expression of opinion (whether via a "like" button or a posted comment) especially with regard to images and comments posted by forum members.
    I know just enough to be dangerous !

  6. #26
    Vaughn's Avatar
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    Re: "Like" feature as possible response?

    I am not thrilled with the idea, but will probably use such a feature and take note of the data created. In a way, it is used on APUG in their galleries -- by the number of views an image gets. Actually it makes it quite interesting to see which type of images get viewed the most (especially since people view images based on a small thumb print). The average number of views for female nudes is 5 times that of average images. Machines and dogs also seem to get higher than average views...maybe twice the average.

    If it will keep people from reposting someones image over and over again just to say they like it, it will be a very positive thing.

    Would a Changite be the opposite of a Luddite? (someone who promotes change just for the sake of change)
    "Landscapes exist in the material world yet soar in the realms of the spirit..." Tsung Ping, 5th Century China

  7. #27
    Old School Wayne
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    Re: "Like" feature as possible response?

    Quote Originally Posted by Corran View Post
    Opposing change / new technology for the sake of keeping things stagnant is, yes. Comparing the feature to being all about attention-seeking, Facebook mentality is a strawman fallacy and IMO indicative of the prevailing age on this forum.

    Neat, should be interesting.
    I use the Like feature on some other forums but it adds very little. You can predict who will like your posts and who won't. I'll bet 80% of my likes come from the same 20% of the people, and I know the likes I give out go to primarily the same 20%. I can predict right now that relatively few people here will "like" my posts, but when I come to the forum I will see the smart popular people with smart popular opinions and all the "likes" they accumulate and they will all see how dumb and unloved I am. If you think this doesn't set up a sort of popularity-clique mentality you're overdue for an eye exam.

    How about this: a "like" function that only the person being liked can see? If the Like really functions as its proponents say it does (which it doesn't), this would satisfy both them and most of the people who don't want a Like funcation. You can like someone's post and nobody else will know it except them. Nobody will know how popular other people's opinions are and nobody will be be reminded of it every day, and nobody with unpopular opinions will have that fact verified and advertised every time they post.

  8. #28

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    Re: "Like" feature as possible response?

    Quote Originally Posted by Corran View Post
    Opposing change / new technology for the sake of keeping things stagnant is, yes. Comparing the feature to being all about attention-seeking, Facebook mentality is a strawman fallacy and IMO indicative of the prevailing age on this forum.
    So opposing a Dislike button would also be Luddite?

  9. #29
    Corran's Avatar
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    Re: "Like" feature as possible response?

    Quote Originally Posted by Wayne View Post
    popularity-clique mentality
    I don't agree with you at all. And that comes from a guy often on the unpopular opinions side here I think. But really what does it matter? Personally, I mostly like the idea of a quick and easy Like button for images. Sometimes I don't want to comment or have anything specific to say, I just enjoyed a photo. I also sometimes don't want to comment on the same person's stuff 4-5 times in a row if they post multiple images in multiple threads, etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by faberryman View Post
    So opposing a Dislike button would also be Luddite?
    What are you even trying to get at?
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  10. #30
    Old School Wayne
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    Re: "Like" feature as possible response?

    Quote Originally Posted by RSalles View Post
    I would like that. Sometimes I like an image but it's hard to elaborate exactly why...


    If you feel the need to express it you could say "I like that image but it's hard to elaborate exactly why". That's a more meaningful and thought-provoking comment than a mere Like would give.

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