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Thread: Request a List of recommended compact Lenses for Horseman FA

  1. #11
    ic-racer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Request a List of recommended compact Lenses for Horseman FA

    I found that one of my 6x9cm Horseman view camera lenses will cover 4x5 and allow he Horseman FA to close. The Horseman SUPER 120mm f5.6 (160mm image circle).

  2. #12
    Unwitting Thread Killer Ari's Avatar
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    Ottawa, Canada

    Re: Request a List of recommended compact Lenses for Horseman FA

    What about a Sironar-N 150mm?

  3. #13

    Join Date
    Nov 1999
    San Clemente, California

    Re: Request a List of recommended compact Lenses for Horseman FA

    Quote Originally Posted by Ari View Post
    What about a Sironar-N 150mm?
    Nope. Filter threads are 49mm.

  4. #14

    Re: Request a List of recommended compact Lenses for Horseman FA

    Like the Nikkor 200/8, the little Fuji A 180/9 is a bit short of your desired 210, but should fit inside the 45FA closed (no, sorry, I haven't tried it). I don't have the front element diameter, but it certainly meets the other criteria for 210 size lenses for mounting on the camera listed on Komamura's list of lenses for the 45FA (shutter size o, flange to focal distance <206mm, and size of rear lens <62mm).

  5. #15

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    San Clemente, California

    Re: Request a List of recommended compact Lenses for Horseman FA

    Quote Originally Posted by john biskupski View Post
    ...the little Fuji A 180/9 is a bit short of your desired 210, but should fit inside the 45FA closed...
    Nope. Filter threads are 46mm.

  6. #16

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    Rondo, Missouri

    Re: Request a List of recommended compact Lenses for Horseman FA

    Quote Originally Posted by Brooklyn45 View Post
    I love this forum because people have no problem promoting the use of antique equipment when it can do the job as well as new. Theres a ton o folks who think new is always better and they don't seem to realize that a lot of it is media hype. The only reason I am going to a Horseman is for stiffness and portability. The stiffness left my Meridian 45 A many years ago..But many of these older lenses that were used by the likes of Paul strand produced beautiful results. And they were a lot lighter and more compact than the over engineered (in some instances) lenses of today. The only problem I have had in the past is getting a shutter in really good shape and have had to pay to have them serviced.. So thanks for the tip on the Ektar. It's true that Kodak lenses were really quite special.
    I bought mine for about $145.00 two years ago, and Carol Flutot serviced it for another $50.00 or $60.00 (can't remember exactly, but she did an incredible job). I use it on 4x5 more often than I do my Fujinon 210, but I hang on to the Fuji because it makes a great lens for 5x7 and even covers 8x10 with minimal movements. The image character of the Ektar is far superior in my humble, worthless, biased and potentially prejudiced opinion.
    Michael W. Graves
    Michael's Pub

    If it ain't broke....don't fix it!

  7. #17

    Join Date
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    New York City & Pontremoli, Italy

    Re: Request a List of recommended compact Lenses for Horseman FA

    I asked the same question awhile ago and got some good suggestions. I opted for the Rodenstock 135 and a G-Claron 210.

  8. #18

    Join Date
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    New York City & Pontremoli, Italy

    Re: Request a List of recommended compact Lenses for Horseman FA

    Quote Originally Posted by Renato Tonelli View Post
    I asked the same question awhile ago and got some good suggestions. I opted for the Rodenstock 135 and a G-Claron 210.
    Wrong link for the post above but can't delete it...

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