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Thread: Looking for red bellows for a Cambo 4x5...

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Looking for red bellows for a Cambo 4x5...

    I saw one on Ebay, but I was too late and it had sold. But it was sweet! Bright red leather. Does anyone know where these might be purchased?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2000
    Solvang, California

    Re: Looking for red bellows for a Cambo 4x5...


    You can order a red, or black, one here:ecbuyonline. Great service, Rudy is a real pleasure to deal with, and the bellows is quite nice.

    I got one for a Sinar and it's much more flexible than the original Sinar bellows.

    You'll also need to order a set of frames from Calumet. Be careful when you glue the bellows to the frames, I initially mucked mine up but was able to fix the problem. Pliobond seems to be the most recommended adhesive.


  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Sechelt, BC Canada

    Re: Looking for red bellows for a Cambo 4x5...

    I can't make any sense out of the "ecbuyonline" site. There doesn't seem to be an area that has bellows listed.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: Looking for red bellows for a Cambo 4x5...

    Quote Originally Posted by henseman View Post
    I can't make any sense out of the "ecbuyonline" site. There doesn't seem to be an area that has bellows listed.
    You made if farther than I did, I can't even seem to get in. I don't really want to glue the bellows on myself, but I guess I could if there are no other options.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2000
    Solvang, California

    Re: Looking for red bellows for a Cambo 4x5...

    You can email Rudy and he'll get right back to you. Or search for him on ebay.

    The gluing thing is a big pain, but I don't think that Cambo ever made a red bellows.

    There have been two or three threads regarding bellow(es) (belli?) lately with some others options discussed.



  6. #6
    Deardorff Sales and service
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    Aug 2010

    Re: Looking for red bellows for a Cambo 4x5...

    It seems that people do not get the mounting of the frames. Recently customers have been sending Rudys bellows to me to mount. I use Ploibond glue. It is a new formulation and flashes off differently than the "old" glue. You have to work quickly. Plan the cuts to make the frames fit carefully and you should not have problems. Or send him the frames.
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  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Sechelt, BC Canada

    Re: Looking for red bellows for a Cambo 4x5...


    I'm in the process of getting a 30" extended bellows from Rudy at ecbuyonline. That's not a problem. The problem is: I can't find anyone at Calumet that knows where I can order a set of bellow frames for my Cambo SC2.

    Can you be more specific, if you know which Calumet site I can order these from.? I've put out a wanted ad here to see if I can get someone's old beat up bellows so I can salvage the frames.


    Quote Originally Posted by Joseph Dickerson View Post

    You can order a red, or black, one here:ecbuyonline. Great service, Rudy is a real pleasure to deal with, and the bellows is quite nice.

    You'll also need to order a set of frames from Calumet. Be careful when you glue the bellows to the frames, I initially mucked mine up but was able to fix the problem. Pliobond seems to be the most recommended adhesive.



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