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Thread: Current ink Baryta paper favorites?

  1. #31

    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Marietta, GA

    Re: Current ink Baryta paper favorites?

    just want to further clarify, it was the Hahnemhule Fine Art Baryta, the Harmon FB AL Warmtone that I used in my testing. I was using the K3 inks on my R2400 and the free profiles from each manufacturer.

    In the past my favorites were matte papers - namely the Hahnemhule Satin Rag and Epson Velvet. Though now that I have used these Baryta papers I don't think I will go back to using the matte papers. That's how much I like them.

  2. #32

    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Re: Current ink Baryta paper favorites?

    "Two of the most iconic brands in digital photo printing, Harman Technology and Hahnemühle FineArt are joining forces to create a best-in-class range of fine art inkjet media, due to be unveiled for the first time at PMA 2010 in Anaheim, California."

  3. #33
    Eirik Berger's Avatar
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    Nov 2003
    Oslo, Norway

    Re: Current ink Baryta paper favorites?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tyler Boley View Post
    JonCone Studio Paper Type 5
    I like this stuff, I like the warmer base papers in general. This is right in there with Silver Rag, Ilford Gold Fiber Silk, Canson Platine Fibre Rag, etc. But again, the surface is nicer. More texture than the Ilford, but not as mechanically stippled as Silver Rag, and possibley very slightly less gloss than Silver Rag. So, a more natural texture like air dried fiber. Takes a tremendous amount of ink, very minimal Gloss differential or bronzing.
    Even though I like it as is, I suspect an HP with it's GO would take it one notch up, and Cone's double pass gloss K7 setups probably look great. I'm just using it with x800 Epsons and it looks great as is. I finally nailed a look and hue that can sit next to my old developer-cooled, selenium toned, Portriga prints without shame with this paper. Color is great too.

    I constantly try new things as they come along, and as I can afford to, so might as well put the results up here and elsewhere even if I don't wind up using the stuff myself.
    I got 50 sheets of Jon Cones Studio Paper Type 5 along with the Piezography Selenium K7/MPS inkset for Epson 3800 (with 2 blacks (gloss/matte), 6 shades of grey and Gloss optimizer = using all 9 ink slots). I have not tried it yet, but it looks promising. So does the inks which I am trying out these days.

    I have heard good things about Hahnemuhle FineArt Baryta. Anyone having experiences with this paper. I have not seen it and I am 2000 kilometres from the closest store with this brand of paper in stock. Can someone give me their subjective opinion?
    Best regards,
    Eirik Berger

  4. #34

    Re: Current ink Baryta paper favorites?

    Fine Art Baryta has many enthusiastic users. It performs well technically, subjectively I found the surface texture a bit too linear for me, and prefer Photo Rag Baryta.
    Some of these things you just have to see for yourself, they are both good.
    Let us know how your MPS work proceeds, I did a lot of testing with it and was very encouraged, but had to set it aside as I couldn't devote a printer to it at the time.

  5. #35

    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Current ink Baryta paper favorites?

    I too prefer Photo Rag Baryta to Fine Art Baryta. PRB is just a little bit warmer (FAB has OBA's), also cotton-rag paper base is nicer to handle and I prefer the surface texture of PRB as well.

    The "Harman Professional Inkjet by Hahnemühle" announcement is interesting. I wonder is this a case of Hahnemühle acquiring Harman and re-branding their papers, or will they be truly new papers.

  6. #36

    Re: Current ink Baryta paper favorites?

    I agree Jeff, HPRB is wonderful to handle. This is a subject too little discussed, many of these papers are just ridiculous right off the roll. I've ruined many a PK print, trying to spread it out or flatten. But this is a uniquely soft PK paper, all cotton, and I too appreciate the base hue over the OBA laden papers. You should see the new "Fiber" baryta, it's literally purple...

  7. #37

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    Marietta, GA

    Re: Current ink Baryta paper favorites?

    Quote Originally Posted by Eirik Berger View Post
    I got 50 sheets of Jon Cones Studio Paper Type 5 along with the Piezography Selenium K7/MPS inkset for Epson 3800 (with 2 blacks (gloss/matte), 6 shades of grey and Gloss optimizer = using all 9 ink slots). I have not tried it yet, but it looks promising. So does the inks which I am trying out these days.

    I have heard good things about Hahnemuhle FineArt Baryta. Anyone having experiences with this paper. I have not seen it and I am 2000 kilometres from the closest store with this brand of paper in stock. Can someone give me their subjective opinion?
    This is my current favorite. See my post above to what I compared it to. In my opinion it's the best I have used yet. I have not tried the Photo Rag Baryta, but now I am interested from the above posts.

  8. #38

    Join Date
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    Baton Rouge, LA

    Re: Current ink Baryta paper favorites?

    > literally purple

    That is the selenium look, I am sure the marketing people will tell you.:-)

  9. #39

    Re: Current ink Baryta paper favorites?

    yeah, I always loved how selenium tinted the paper base...

  10. #40
    Eirik Berger's Avatar
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    Oslo, Norway

    Re: Current ink Baryta paper favorites?


    I have just printed out some test images with the Selenium MPS-ink on Studio Type 5 paper with the Type5-curve provided by Jon Cone. I have not done a second run with the GO yet, but this really looks good. It is a total different result than the same image made with K3 ink, specially when it comes to shadow details. I guess the Dmax will increase with gloss optimizer, but I think it looks good without...

    My fears of devoting my Epson 3800 to BW-only has faded away, knowing that it is probably one of the most capable BW inkjet setups available.

    I will print some targets of my favorite papers and send it to Jon Cone/Inkjetmall so they can make perfect curves fro QTR.

    Note: Those of you getting prints from me in the print exchange gets prints made with K7 Neutral inks on Type 1 (matte) paper.
    Best regards,
    Eirik Berger

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