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Thread: Robert White & Badger

  1. #1

    Robert White & Badger

    Not a question but a compliment. I have been dealing with Robert White for abou t 2 years now. I know they laugh when I order from them my system "Du Jour" I have purchased 6x8, 6x17, 6x9 and now 4x5 equipment from them. They have been v ery helpfull and Matt and Robert both offered advice that has been right on (eve n if I made the mistake of not following some of it).

    I also purchase gear from Jeff at Badger Graphic. Another amazing supplier who is always willing to share knowledge. Even when I have, in retrospect, asked so me really dumb questions as I learned LF.

    Although they compete on some items there are enough variation in their inventor y that I will be dealing with both to fullfill my equipment addiction. Supplier s of this quality are a tremendous resource to the large and MF community.

    Just my two cents.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jul 1999

    Robert White & Badger

    Completely agree, had nothing but positive experiences with Robert White. So let me guess: Fuji GX 680, Fuji 617, Fuji GSW 6x9 and Arca Swiss or Ebony 4x5? Which do you like best?

  3. #3

    Robert White & Badger

    Very close guess! Fuji 680, Linhof 617, Silvestri 6x9 & 6x12, and Ebony SV45U. Before that was an endless string of Nikon 35mm gear. Now 35mm looks too anemic to even think about for landscapes.

  4. #4

    Robert White & Badger

    Sorry Andreas, I forgot to answer your question. It is a toss up between 617 and 4x5. I really like panoramic format and find myself cropping 4x5 to a 2:1 or 3:1 ration. The pans sell better also.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jun 2000

    Robert White & Badger

    Thanks Scott for the post. Many on these forums who have been in LF for some time already know of the service and reliability of Badger and Robert White. I think it is good to once in a while mention the good retailers/suppliers (I would add Midwest Photo Exchange and Freestyle) who are helpful and backup what they sell. God only knows for every good supplier there are 5 who would screw their own granmother out of her last penny.

    For a good source of feedback on retailers go to the community forums on and search (i believe) photo retailers and suppliers. It is a real eye opener. It will save readers from making a costly mistake in the future.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Redondo Beach

    Robert White & Badger

    Mr Cad is also out of the UK, and even returned my call to me in the States regarding my purchase, great prices, great service.
    Jonathan Brewer

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Nov 1999

    Robert White & Badger

    The likes of Robert White are worth their weight in gold.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Jan 1999

    Robert White & Badger

    I have never dealt with these two dealers and am glad to hear of them. Is is appropriate to name names of bad dealers here? I had one very bad experience and would like to post it but don't want to incur wrath if it is deemed inappropriate.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Feb 1999

    Robert White & Badger

    I want to second the nomination of Midwest Photo Exchange as an honorable place to get LF gear.

  10. #10

    Robert White & Badger

    I want to THIRD the commendation of Miwest Photo EX. I have dealt many times with them. I trust them completely to be honest and fair either buying or selling gear.

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