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Thread: $10,000 Kodak ULF Film Order

  1. #1
    alec4444's Avatar
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    Talking $10,000 Kodak ULF Film Order

    LOL, that got your attention. No, I'm not placing one quite yet, but I'm wondering if anyone has the proper email address for this department. I tried to find it on Kodak's site to no avail.

    Also, has anyone tried contacting Fuji about color ULF film? All I've heard is Kodak and the $10K thing. Perhaps that means that Fuji won't do it.


  2. #2

    Join Date
    May 2006
    Westminster, MD

    Re: $10,000 Kodak ULF Film Order

    Fuji will always out customer service Kodak. Have you given thme a try? Not saying they will, but it's good to challenge them.

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Rochester NY

    Re: $10,000 Kodak ULF Film Order


    If anyone is serious they can get that information easily from EK. I've known people who have done it.

    Ron Mowrey

  4. #4
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    Jan 2001

    Re: $10,000 Kodak ULF Film Order

    Alec -

    You'll never find anything on the Kodak website. Remember this magic number: 1-800-242-2424. Whenever you have a question about Kodak analog products, call this number and ask to be connected to someone who deals with professional film products. I've called Kodak many times over the years, and the operators have never failed to connect me promptly to someone who actually knows what he's talking about.

  5. #5
    alec4444's Avatar
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    Re: $10,000 Kodak ULF Film Order

    Thanks Oren, I'll give them a ring tomorrow. Walter, if I get the info I want I'll be sure to hassle Fuji as well. Of course, I'm doing all of this whilst bugging the hell out of anyone who dares answer the phone at the US Post Office.... (per other thread)


  6. #6
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    Jan 2001

    Re: $10,000 Kodak ULF Film Order

    Quote Originally Posted by alec4444 View Post
    Thanks Oren, I'll give them a ring tomorrow. Walter, if I get the info I want I'll be sure to hassle Fuji as well. Of course, I'm doing all of this whilst bugging the hell out of anyone who dares answer the phone at the US Post Office.... (per other thread)

    Alec - I should add, specifically on the question of special orders, in the past Kodak has told me without exception that all special orders must be placed, and all firm price quotes obtained, through an authorized Kodak dealer. Since most Kodak dealers are clueless about this sort of thing and not motivated to learn, that has meant seeking out one of the handful of specialist dealers who cater to eccentrics like us. For example, I'm pretty sure Fred Newman has been involved with Kodak special orders in the past, and even last year's TMY extravaganza was, in the end, offered through someone (J&C) who became a Kodak dealer. But so much has changed so quickly in the recent past, that who knows what the story is now? Perhaps Michael Kadillak can shed more light here...

  7. #7

    Re: $10,000 Kodak ULF Film Order

    I had breakfast last Friday with our Kodak rep near Rochester to catch up on things and maintain the relationship. What product are you specifically interested in from Kodak?

    I will share with you that if you want film bad enough Kodak will be more than happy to charge you 30-40% more than retail and hold a dollar minimum order in your face. I will give you names and numbers if that is the direction you want to go.

    Just PM if you want to get specific.


  8. #8

    Re: $10,000 Kodak ULF Film Order


    Am I missing something, or are you suggesting that Kodak simply doesn't want to fill such orders, but will do so if they can make it hurt?

  9. #9

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    Hell's Kitchen, New York

    Re: $10,000 Kodak ULF Film Order

    Quote Originally Posted by Oren Grad View Post
    Alec -

    You'll never find anything on the Kodak website. Remember this magic number: 1-800-242-2424. Whenever you have a question about Kodak analog products, call this number and ask to be connected to someone who deals with professional film products. I've called Kodak many times over the years, and the operators have never failed to connect me promptly to someone who actually knows what he's talking about.
    It's extension 19 for pro still film. Like Oren, I've always found Kodak customer service to be excellent - far and away the best among the film manufacturers.

    Here is the US telephone number page, under 'Contact Us' in the support section of their website.


  10. #10
    alec4444's Avatar
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    Re: $10,000 Kodak ULF Film Order

    Thanks, guys. I've heard that $10K number thrown around a lot, but I haven't heard how many sheets that gets you. Or if they stick you with tax. I'd be interested in 400NC or 160NC in 11x14. At the right price per sheet I'd imagine I could unload enough of it on other photographers to not mind the initial outlay.

    If they're just going to screw me, I can do without. "Authorized Kodak dealer" (nice as they may be) means another outstretched paw. Perhaps I should be taping together rolls of that film in 120 to make "sheets".


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