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Thread: Long and Close Up lens recommendation for Field Camera

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Nov 2000

    Long and Close Up lens recommendation for Field Camera

    Howdy guys, Thanks for your help in the past. I am looking for smaller lightweight lenses for my Tachihara. I am returning a R otelar 270mm because it was too big, too heavy.

    I am thinking of a Geronar 210mm f/6.8. It appears to be light weight and compac t. I'd rather have a Xenar I think, but none are available.

    I also need a close up lens in the 135 or 210 mm range. I have a 90mm Angulon an d a 150mm Caltar S II. I am wondering how a slightly longer Angulon would work a t 1:1. I think they made a 105 or 120? I doubt the Geronar would be very good at 1:1 and I don't know if the Caltar is good. My goal is to have a lens that I ca n carry in the field for landscapes but also use for a flower sized close-up. My 6CM SLR is just too heavy!

    It amazes me that these used LF lenses sell for much more now than new in my 70s and 80s catalogs!

    Any recommendations will be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Nov 1998

    Long and Close Up lens recommendation for Field Camera

    > smaller lightweight lenses

    If you can live with the speed, consider the 200 f8 M-Nikkor or 210 f9 G-Claro n. They'd probably also work very well in the close range.

    Otherwise....assuming you buy a lens in a #1 shutter, and you also own a decen t enlarging lens of 80mm-150mm with the standard 39mm screwmount...with the addi tion of an inexpensive adaptor ring from Schneider you can mount the enlarging l ens into the #1 shutter and have an extremely good macro lens.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Nov 2000

    Long and Close Up lens recommendation for Field Camera

    I'll see if a Nikkor M or G-Claron is available.

    The shutter + enlarging lens idea is attractive. Where would I get the adapter ring? also, aren't most enlarger lenses stopped at f/16 max? Would that be a problem?


  4. #4

    Join Date
    Nov 2000

    Long and Close Up lens recommendation for Field Camera

    I just check eBay, there is an 80mm 39mm + Adapter up and a Copal #1 closing in about an hour.


  5. #5

    Join Date
    Mar 1999

    Long and Close Up lens recommendation for Field Camera

    The Geronar 210mm is a triplet. Very contrasty lens - multicoated. But has inherent triplet limitations. If you're not using much movements, it should be fine. Priced good too in a modern Copal. I know someone who uses this at 1:1 for work and he thinks its a good enough lens for the job! The 210mm Xenar would be a better corrected lens.

    Another suggestion for a small lens would include a Schneider Repro Claron 210mm in size 1 shutter. This is an Artar type that is extremely well corrected for 1:1 use to infinity. I have seen them for about $250 now and again. It's a fabulous lens. G Clarons in 210mm length are also small but they tend to cost more.

    A *very* small 200+ mm lens with great closeup ability is the Kodak 203mm Ektar f7.7 (get a coated, Flash Supermatic version) - another Artar type. This is a VERY small and capable lens (extremely sharp), and would really be perfect for your wood field since it'll fold into it nicely. Looks retro too. More corrected for distance, but it should work wonderfully for closeups, if you the bellows for it. Tends to be overpriced, but you can get them from $100 to $250 depending on condition. Hmm, this might actually be the perfect lens for your application! Just be sure to get one with a well functioning Supermatic shutter. Fitting filters might be a chore though.

    A 120mm Angulon is a fine lens. Works fairly well for closeups too, and the coverage is enormous in its class; but in my experience with it, it needs stopping down a LOT to be good. Depending on how much bellows you have, I'd suggest a 150mm G Claron. It's just slightly longer than a 135mm and its a true 1:1 lens. It's a VERY VERY puny lens when fitted in a size 0 shutter. I own one. Another one with potential filter difficulties due to the very small diameter.

    Else, you'd occasionally come across enlarging lenses such as a Componar/Componon in a shutter. They'd be fabulous for closeups. But you don't see them common in shutters. I am not sure if you could just mount the cells from a 135mm Componon into a 0 or 1 shutter. It's worth checking it out. Maybe buy a junker 135mm and just pop the front and rear groups in?

  6. #6

    Long and Close Up lens recommendation for Field Camera

    Another excellent choice would be a 180mm Fujinon-A. This lens is apochromatic at 1:1, but remains an excellent performer at infinity. Less than 200g in a Copal 0 shutter. Make sure to get a recent vintage one (black shutter speed ring) to be sure of multicoating.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Oct 1999

    Long and Close Up lens recommendation for Field Camera

    Bill just to comment on your statement:

    "It amazes me that these used LF lenses sell for much more now than new in my 70s and 80s catalogs!"...

    The Ford Mustangs in the 50's were selling for $3000 new! Now that blows me away!

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Oregon now (formerly Austria)

    Long and Close Up lens recommendation for Field Camera

    I have a Kodak Ektar 203mm (in a Supramatic shutter) that is a great performer and covers 4x5 with room for moderate movements. It is tiny compared to many other lenses in that range and perfect for my field kit. I have been looking for a "replacement" for years, but have not found anything that measures up as far as size, sharpness, coverage (The Nikkor M 210 is about equal I would imagine). You can pick these up used (e-bay) for around $300 or less. Regards, ;^D)

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Dec 1999
    Forest Grove, Ore.

    Long and Close Up lens recommendation for Field Camera

    I would second Mr. Tan's comments. The 150mm G-Claron would give you 1:1 with your camera, and it can be used for normal photography. To achieve 1:1, anything above this focal length would require you to extend the bellows beyond your camera's capability.

    As to Componon-S enlarging lens, I have a 150mm that works very well with a Copal 0 shutter. But, I'm not sure if it's required to reverse the lense elements for 1:1. Another detail with some enlarging lenses is to put a small piece of tape over the illuminated f-stop so that it doesn't permit light inside the bellows.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Dec 1999

    Long and Close Up lens recommendation for Field Camera

    The 200mm f8 nikkor mentioned in other posts is a fine small lens that has been given a "boost" by John Sexton's recent statements about his preference for it. A short good lens is the 135mm nikkor. It has wonderful movements--will cover a 5x7 with movements, and provides gentle WA features with no need for a center filter like the Super angulons, WA nikkors, etc. If you must go wider than 135 i would duggest the 110 Schneider over any of the 120mm lenses. Badger Graphic sales carries these lenses at competitive prices. Bob

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