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Thread: Running CS2 on XP on a Bootcamp MacIntel

  1. #11

    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Southern California

    Running CS2 on XP on a Bootcamp MacIntel

    Well, with additional RAID controller cards and multiple hard drives, it quickly adds up to more than what a G5 case can handle.

    This does not answer my question, though. An alluminum G5 case actually has more expansion room than an average PC case. Aside from the fact that the case itself is top-tier vs. cheap cookie cutter jobs that house cheap PCs, that's because most of what would be considered "upgrades" on a PC are already built in. Firewire, digital audio, Gigabit ethernet, Wireless, Bluetooth, video, etc.

    As for disk drives, when was the last time you used a 5.25" drive? I doubt you can even find any SATA drive in that format. Besides, if your desktop case is too small for all the RAID cards and disks that go with them, you don't need a bigger desktop, you need a server, regardless of whether you're running Windows, OSX or any other OS! No need to build that either - that's what X-Serves were made for on the Mac side. Taking into account all the goodies built in, they're far better and still cheaper than anything serious you could build yourself.

    As for Windows, I prefer to have that in a cheap diy box. Does its job (site testing and odd file conversion) and at the same time keeps my Mac clean.

    Price-wise and feature for feature, taking quality into account, Macs' prices are very comparable to PC prices. Most people tend to conveniently forget all that comes in a typical Mac box, while comparing it to the cheapest of PCs. If you don't need all of that or if you don't care for quality and design (two most common comebacks I hear), than Mac is indeed not for you. It doesn't mean they're too expensive, though, it only means you may be too cheap.

    Computers are not that different from cars - never enough power and you have to walk to it each time. It also helps if it doesn't crash randomly.

  2. #12

    Join Date
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    Culver City, CA

    Running CS2 on XP on a Bootcamp MacIntel


    I'm sorry, but not trying to get into a argument here. You're totally right, the G5 does have more expansion room than an average PC case. But that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about building my own computer, which allows me to choose the case I want as well as the hardware that goes in it. So, I buy all my cases from They are all 19" rackmount cases, and I can pick and choose the exact case with the exact number of bays I plan to use and/or need. Now this doesn't mean that the computer is a "server". It's just that these are the types of cases I like.

    Next, when I say 5.25" bay, that doesn't necessarily mean I'm using 5.25" drives. I use 3.5" drives with brackets. That allows more airflow. Or...I can use removable drive chassis which are 5.25".

    As for X-Server, have you ever priced those out? They are riduculously over-priced for my needs, as are any pre-built server...Mac or PC. Go to Apple X-Serve and you'll see what I mean. For the 1 Terrabyte server at $6000, I can build the same server running Windows from parts for a heck of a lot cheaper.

    As for keeping your Mac clean, no problem there. That's exactly why I have so many different computers. Each is for it's own task: firewall/router server, web/ftp server, home automation server, office computer, photoshop computer, scanner computer, audio computer, and laptop. For example, I absolutely will not surf the Internet on my Photoshop computer with the exception of getting drivers or updates.
    Mike Boden
    Instagram: @mikebodenphoto

  3. #13

    Running CS2 on XP on a Bootcamp MacIntel

    Maybe the new Mac could have three keys on the keyboard dedicated to XP - control, alt and delete - they seem to be the most useful and necessary keys!

  4. #14

    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Running CS2 on XP on a Bootcamp MacIntel

    I think you guys have run into the usual Mac v/s Win debate.
    Going back to the original question, I'd say the main reason for running XP on a Mac would be to use some Win-only plugins like NegPos. However, geeks are already booting OSX on PC and that is far more interesting than the opposite.

  5. #15

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    Running CS2 on XP on a Bootcamp MacIntel

    I've been doing some scanning and printing for a lab here. They've gone from Mac to Win. Why? Shifting large amounts of data quickly needs a raid 0 system drive and a raid 0 scratch drive. They use a minimum of 2 10k rpm drives, raid 0 for system and 2 raid 0 for scratch. Can't be done with a Mac. Its not a lifestyle choice, its simply about speed and efficiency. What they prefer to use at home for fun is another matter of course, the boss uses the new Mac laptop for travel/email/internet and swears by it...

  6. #16

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    Running CS2 on XP on a Bootcamp MacIntel

    Raid....? better 2 15k rpm SCSI drives!

  7. #17

    Join Date
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    Running CS2 on XP on a Bootcamp MacIntel

    or even better 2 pairs of raid 0 15k scsi drives!

  8. #18

    Running CS2 on XP on a Bootcamp MacIntel

    Once again the forum has gotten away from Frank's original posting.

    Most photographers are not computer technicians. Yes yes, if one knows what they are doing, they can built the best system. And yes yes, most mass produced computers, Macintosh included, have limits. And yes yes, trained Windows operators can do amazing things. So can UNIX coders for the Macintosh OS.

    But the average Joe or Walt, can't do stuff like this. I'm happy to simply make pictures. You mean this is a photography forum NOT a computer forum?

    Frank, my experience is that any Windows program runs faster native than under emulation. So if you own PhotoShop for Windows, you get a new Intel bases Mac, run boot camp, sure the Windows version of PhotoShop will work faster than running the same program using Virtual PC w/ Windows 2000 or XP Pro.

    But if you have PhotoShop CS2 for the Mac, why would you want too? The speed probably isn't that much faster. Better to wait till the duel core duel processor Intel Macintosh desktop machines come out and wait till Adobe releases CS3.

    I'm such a soil sport.

    Now back to the computer geek slug fest. Grin!

  9. #19

    Running CS2 on XP on a Bootcamp MacIntel

    Seems like this would be a good spot to bring up linux, particularly on the server side. That way everybody can get it all out on table and we can go back to talking about LF :-)

    Seriously, I think a link to would probably be more productive.

  10. #20
    おせわに なります! Andrew O'Neill's Avatar
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    Running CS2 on XP on a Bootcamp MacIntel

    This is a large format photography site, gentlemen. Why don't you look for a website that is dedicated to computer tech stuff??

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