I've been pretty happy with my 4x5 negative processing but not with my scanning so far.
So, I thought I would look at contact prints.
My ultimate goal is a "real" darkroom and a 4x5 enlarger but that's not happening soon.
In the meantime, I've searched around the web for some basic starting points and, holy cow!, there is lots and lots of somewhat conflicting info!
What I need to do, again, for now, is a basic paper/negative/glass "sandwich" under a suspended bare bulb type of set up.
What I am having a tough time sorting are two main things: bulb size(watts) and distance above the paper.
I've found contact print paper and am hoping to get exposure times of 30 seconds or so--I'm not sure I can consistently control times at the short duration for enlarging paper. Though if I can get 10 to 30 second exposure time with "regular" paper, that would work for me too.
Yes, I will be testing my specific set up but when I read things like "15 watts 3 or 4 feet above the paper" as well as "90 watt (?!) bulb 2 feet above the paper" , I think I need a bit of help to minimize paper/chemistry waste.