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Thread: What lens will work for a 35x35 inch ULF mammoth wet plate camera?

  1. #31

    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: What lens will work for a 35x35 inch ULF mammoth wet plate camera?

    Sorry, but this is an ill thought out project. As quite a few experienced members have pointed out!

    Obviously the acquisition of a suitable lens is the very first step. Then you have to work out the design of the front standard to cope with the weight and the physical dimensions.

    I find it hard to believe that you will be able to manage working with 35x35" glass plates. I think you will have to go above standard glass thickness to ensure your own safety.

    Finally there is the question of wet plates. I have been through the process with up to 1/2 plate size in a very well ventilated basement and this was still a very olfactory experience, to put it mildly!. Moving over to an enclosed space (van/tent?) with about 60 times the surface area of a 1/2 plate will lead to temporary/permanent damage! I just can't imagine how you can do pouring, unless you use wear a breathing apparatus.

  2. #32

    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Re: What lens will work for a 35x35 inch ULF mammoth wet plate camera?

    Why ill thought out? in what way? I find that many photo folk, especially large format photogs where the crowd is older are sort of negative when it comes to grand projects. They sort of see things as glasses 1/2 full. You got to think out of the box if you want to do something grand. You cannot be a negative Nelly and expect to do new and exciting things.

    Obviously the acquisition of a suitable lens is the very first step....

    I bought my lens 10 minutes ago. It is a 1922 brass lens recommended to me by some kind folk here. It cost a fortune but I got it done. I am 4 years 11 months ahead of schedule there. Told you it was not a problem. The lens are out there if you want to pay for them. I got mine in record time. I am off to Thailand soon for 6 months of picture taking but on my return plan on shipping this off to SK Grimes to get a flange, waterhouse stops and caps.

    Here is the lens I bought for the project

    Then you have to work out the design of the front standard to cope with the weight and the physical dimensions.

    Yes thought that out earlier. Have spoken to the camera builder several times on the front standard strength.size thing. I have been reassured that it is not a problem.

    I find it hard to believe that you will be able to manage working with 35x35" glass plates.

    Why? That seems like more negative thought. Fail before you try type thinking. I know of one photographer (you do also) that makes 26x32 why not ambrotypes measuring 35x35? I have a link on my blog of people making giant (bigger than 35x35) ambrotypes in the late 1800 in Australia. If they can do it back then why can a determined photographer not do it now? We have modern vehicles etc.
    Here is that link:

    Finally there is the question of wet plates. I have been through the process with up to 1/2 plate size in a very well ventilated basement and this was still a very olfactory experience, to put it mildly!. Moving over to an enclosed space (van/tent?) with about 60 times the surface area of a 1/2 plate will lead to temporary/permanent damage! I just can't imagine how you can do pouring, unless you use wear a breathing apparatus.

    Ian Ruhter is doing it here...(have emailed him for advice and spoken to him)

    Much larger work than 35x35. He did not see the negative stuff, he just went out and did it. You got to have a dream, you got to chase down that dream. I will be wearing a ventilator for much of the process as needed. The thought right now is to use a converted ambulance like Jack Lowe in the UK. I might have an exhaust system in that baby. (have emailed him and spoken to him for advice as well)

    I have also done more difficult projects in my lifetime. Currently I am shooting families who live in a garbage dump in Thailand. Been doing that for 3 years. Previously I did a series on sex workers in Thailand. Shot over 3 different periods 2007-2009-2012, 8x10, speedotron system, studio, learned the Thai language etc. This "Oh! Canada" wet plate project seems simple in comparison to those. I will not have to speak Thai, I will not have to walk in garbage and step on nails (did that) while covered in flies etc.

    Sex worker project photos here:

    "Families of the Dump" photos here:

    I think the key is to stop being negative and instead of finding ways and reasons you cannot do a project, find ways to make it work. Keep it positive, photographic artists can do ANYTHING! You and I can do anything we want as long as we want it enough. Nothing can stop us!

    Thanks everyone for your help. I now have my lens thanks to you all!! Using a piece of 100 year old period glass for this project just made everything that much better. Thanks so much!!


  3. #33
    bob carnie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Toronto, Ontario,

    Re: What lens will work for a 35x35 inch ULF mammoth wet plate camera?

    Go Gerry Go - I will look forward to your project . When in Toronto visit.


  4. #34

    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Stockton, California

    Re: What lens will work for a 35x35 inch ULF mammoth wet plate camera?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Fromm View Post
    Tiny little lens of nothing at all. IF you want to see huge, look at: I've seen it, it was being used as a coffee table.
    I have one of those ;-) ... lol ...

  5. #35

    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Stockton, California

    Re: What lens will work for a 35x35 inch ULF mammoth wet plate camera?

    Quote Originally Posted by gerry yaum View Post

    Obviously the acquisition of a suitable lens is the very first step....

    I bought my lens 10 minutes ago. It is a 1922 brass lens recommended to me by some kind folk here. It cost a fortune but I got it done. I am 4 years 11 months ahead of schedule there. Told you it was not a problem. The lens are out there if you want to pay for them. I got mine in record time. I am off to Thailand soon for 6 months of picture taking but on my return plan on shipping this off to SK Grimes to get a flange, waterhouse stops and caps.

    Here is the lens I bought for the project


    Congrats and good luck ! That was a great price btw in light of what the more modern versions go for, great move !

    Rudi A.

  6. #36

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    Oct 2012

    Re: What lens will work for a 35x35 inch ULF mammoth wet plate camera?

    Quote Originally Posted by Fr. Mark View Post
    They took the iris and shutter off? This is almost as bad as those people who cut huge logs into standard lengths instead of leaving them for major building beams for timber framing!

    Why wet plate instead of dry plate? Wet plate is much more dangerous, difficult (I think) and I believe one could get the same look if you used the right emulsion making techniques. I'm speculating, not typing from experience. It's a free country in a limited sense, do what you want. I thought I might do wet plate. It was a major justification for the big (to me) Cooke triplet lens. But when I think about the materials involved, and the requirements for taking a darkroom with you, and a look that could be duplicated with hand made gelatin emulsions, or even sensitive blue X-ray film, I am mystified by the appeal.

    I just love the look that 3d like ambrotypes give when you look THROUGH the glass at the creamy image...BEAUTY! The appeal is working in an ancient process creating unique ONE OF A KIND works. Now that I have a 100 year old lens to do it with, the thing seems even more pure.

    Take some time studying orginal ambrotypes....never seen anything quite that beau

  7. #37

    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Re: What lens will work for a 35x35 inch ULF mammoth wet plate camera?

    Quote Originally Posted by bob carnie View Post
    Go Gerry Go - I will look forward to your project . When in Toronto visit.

    Thanks Bob..for your enthusiasm. Far from a done deal, and it is very likely I will fail in the attempt. Still I would rather live with the failure than the regret of not trying. I agree with some of the people I was a tad critical of earlier, this is a tough go, and will be very difficult to accomplish. But that's part of the fun, if it was easy everyone would do it! It will all be documented on the blog. Might eventually make up a separate blog or webpage to show the evolution of the project/work.

    Will visit when I am in Toronto.

    Thanks Gerry

  8. #38

    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    now in Tucson, AZ

    Re: What lens will work for a 35x35 inch ULF mammoth wet plate camera?

    Gerry, go get 'em! A quick look at your pictures linked above suggests that you'll be successful. Looking forward to seeing results, whenever you have some.

  9. #39
    Lachlan 717
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: What lens will work for a 35x35 inch ULF mammoth wet plate camera?

    Specs listed indicate that it doesn't come close to 35x35" at infinity...

    You miss 100% of the shots you never take. -- Wayne Gretzky

  10. #40

    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Re: What lens will work for a 35x35 inch ULF mammoth wet plate camera?

    Oh, my. I just read the auction's description closely.

    covering huge 120x150cm at 1:1 magnification
    If true, this means 60x75cm at infinity. 24" x 30". Oh, my.

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