Has anyone tried using a Betterlight Scanning back to scan film?

I am somewhat new to photography and I am upgrading my LF kit. I instantly fell in love with the quality and careful slow Zen-like mindset of LF over "point and shoot". I am scanning chromes on a Epson 3200 scanner with acceptable, but not excellent results. I am trying to upgrade my kit while staying within my budget. I am looking at buying a better scanner, (Microtec 2500f, or perhaps with a stretch a used refurbished Eversmart Pro, older Imacon or something similar), with the idea that I will upgrade to a Betterlight back when my budget allows.

But even a better scanner is an expensive step. Perhaps it would be better to wait for my budget to allow for the Betterlight, or just stretch now and pay later.

But again I can't imagine not shooting film. Betterlight backs are slow. With film I can shoot portraits, street photography etc.

So the idea arises to shoot film where appropriate and scan the film with the Betterlight back in an enlarger type setup. I understand that this will have poorer quality than a drum scanner, but hopefully it will have higher quality than an Epson 3200. I imagine with the Betterlight software I could pull out an excellent scan. I understand that I would have to use a Graflock Back with the enlarger, but that is probably not so difficult.

I am looking at the 4000E model of Betterlight back. It is more in my budget and all Betterlight scanning backs are upgradeable. My output is an Epson 4000 modified with CIS, Symphonic Ink and Evolution Glicee RIP from http://www.inkjetcolorsystems.com . I am shooting with a Horseman camera with Fuji and other assorted lenses. I am planning on shooting more 6x9 than 4x5 with a roll film adapter.

Would this system work? If so what is needed to make it work to the highest quality?

Any help is appreciated.
