My entry into LF photography started a few months ago with a Badger M2 camera. I got light leaks at first that I was able to trace to the bellows attachment; all 4 corners that attach to the rear standard were improperly glued. I was able to glue them tightly myself, but light leaks are creaping up again.

The last 2 exposures I made had light leaks. The first time I attributed to an old wooden film holder and made a mental note not to use that one anymore. But today it happened with a new Polaroid 545i holder, and the leak was in the same corner. So I took my camera body into a dark room and checked again for leaks with a flashlight inside the body. The corners seem tight, but if I put my eye in just the right spot I can see a band of light coming from someplace I can't identify. I can get the band to go away if I squeeze hard on the spring back, forcing the film holder more tightly agains the rear standard. The band of light is identical whether I'm checking with a wooden holder, a plastic holder or the Polaroid holder in place.

Both of my last two exposures were made with the dark cloth removed from the camera body. Should I just leave the dark cloth in place when making exposures, or is the problem more serious than that?

For what it's worth, here are the two referenced exposures:
