I have something of an odd request - I'm currently trolling the market for a 4x5 capable enlarger (having converted all other formats to digital scanning, print ing, can't afford a good 4x5 scanner sigh! ), I am finding that the likelihood the model I find will be located in the US, because I'm not seeing very many us ed models in Canada. The rub? -Because I'm located in Canada, the shipping costs go ballistic on these once they go over the border because of their weight (I'm looking at $200-300cdn.) I'm wondering if there is a forum member who is a reas onable days drive from US Niagara Falls/ Buffalo area who would be willing to re ceive a shipment, for direct pickup by me. There would be no cost involved, just a shipping address in the US. Please email me off the forum if any of you might be willing. Thanks!