Hello, all. I've been recommended this forum from the flickr large format group.

I'm looking to buy my first 4x5 soon. I've been doing lots of research, asking a lot of people questions, and learning as much as possible. I shoot landscapes... often in parking garages. Examples.

On a 35mm camera, I use 24mm and 35mm lenses predominantly. I've used Tilt/Shift lenses and borrowed a monorail 4x5 and found that being able to move the front standard up is the vitally important movement for me. Having a foldable camera is also important. The monorail I borrowed was a hassle to walk around with.

So I've kind of narrowed things down to a new Shen-Hao or a Chamonix. I can get a Shen-Hao from Badger, which appeals to me because I live in Wisconsin. And somebody on ebay has a number of Chamonix in stock, so I wouldn't have to wait 6 months. If I did, I'd go with the Shen-Hao. I'd like to spend less than $1000. I'm open to other suggestions. I might start with a lens in the 105-135 range, but I don't forsee using anything much longer than 150. I might want to use a 65 or a 90 later.

It's been hard to figure out the movements based on specs. Sometimes the front rise and fall are expressed as one number, which doesn't seem to tell me exactly how much rise I can get. Although I guess the image circle of the lens limits that as well. Stats on image circle size aren't the easiest for me to find either. Do you find that 90-135mm lenses often have image circles that limit movements more so than the camera itself? Which camera would you get in my position?

Thanks, and if I forgot any relevant info, lemme know. Sorry if you get posts like this all the time. I see them in other camera groups and groan at them sometimes.