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  1. Common Large Format Mistakes
  2. Yellow, Orange, Red Filter Factors?
  3. Does changing aperture move the focus point
  4. Troubleshooting my pinhole exposures
  5. LF hikers, do you remove plastic tree ribbons?
  6. Importance of back movements
  7. Importance of camera movements ->Alan & others, long & Linhof
  8. Metering on vacation - iPhone app or Seiconic
  9. Metering for the shadows with an incident light meter
  10. View camera as extinction light meter
  11. Advice re using Portra 160
  12. Meter & f-stop discrepancy
  13. Stumped on cause of evident light "leak"
  14. Dark images trend?
  15. Front vs. back rise
  16. B&W Filter Selection
  17. Still life - background choice
  18. Help identify cloud-like artifacts on film
  19. Problems with sharpness
  20. Regarding depth-of field curvature with tilt
  21. Is this bellows sag? Trying to identify cause of unexposed portion of image
  22. How Too Much Tilt Can Tilt the Beginner's Brain
  24. DOF: A restatement of simplified testing for your needs
  25. Exposure Worksheet
  26. A good book on LF exposure, reciprocity and bellows extension exposure compensation
  27. Focus accuracy vs speed on 4x5 for studio portraits - rangefinder vs Groundglass
  28. Scheimpflug, Swing, & Architectural Photography
  29. Tilt, swing and the back nodal point
  30. Anyone else need idiot proof dark slides?
  31. Selling All 8x10 Gear & It Feels Good!
  32. About signing prints
  33. Blurry Focus on 4x5 Portraits
  34. Where’s all my zone system experts??
  35. What was Feininger using?
  36. Barbara Bosworth's triptych's
  37. Pinhole calculator?
  38. Exposure compensation for small apertures
  39. What’s your most “unpopular” opinion about LF?
  40. The Wratten Mystery, or, What's My Factor?
  41. Test exposure steps in half stop increments.
  42. Filtering for a deep red filter
  43. Focusing on the GG: am I missing some optical principle?
  44. Reciprocity - how far?
  45. Technique for increasing depth of field
  46. Must your image be technical perfect ?
  47. Giving Voice..
  48. Color Transparency film 18% gray card test (expanding on "be technical perfect ?")
  49. First macro / still live
  50. question re metering for zone III and overexposing HP5+ a little
  51. [Newcomer] How should I measure exposure for nighttime portraits?
  52. Warm Paper Used By George Hurrell?
  53. Help with filter choice for black and white film, please
  54. 4x5 macro advice needed
  55. Milky Way photography
  56. Film & Filter Fun!
  57. Digital "Polaroid"
  58. Shooting vintage 4x5 glass plates with box camera
  59. Probably a dumb question - how to see or adjust LF aperture from behind the camera?
  60. A Modest Contribution to Dispelling Diffractiophobia
  61. Hung Up On “Default” Apertures?
  62. Easy-Bake Scheimpflug Recipe
  63. Chamonix focus wheel disc to calculate focus spread
  64. Alex Bond Photography Asymmetrical Focus – Chamonix Camera
  65. Scheimpflug in practice
  66. Focusing after back swing
  67. About 8x10 glass plates.
  68. How to meter this scenery
  69. Double-Exposing Deliberately
  70. Using a DOF simulator for ULF 14X16" Film 800 mm Lens
  71. For portraitists: initial thoughts on an approach to animated expression
  72. Pentax Zone V completely off
  73. Making a photo look and feel like an oil painting - possible?
  74. Telephoto Compression and “Super Sun” / Potato Masher Effect in LF?
  75. Interesting Tidbit about exposure compensatiion with leaf shutters at small apertures
  76. bellows extension factor - getting the hang of it - any suggestions : )!!! ??
  77. Keystone Correction
  78. Lens__ Circle of confusion
  79. Actual zone system
  80. filters and zone system
  81. Ansels The Negative
  82. Paper Negatives
  83. The Ortho Look On Pan Film
  84. Exposure compensation with bellows question.
  85. Tele for LF landscape with background compression (8x10)
  86. Fading Images
  87. Will I ever remember all required steps to take a good negative?
  88. Portraits on 8x10 using Fuji Fujinon W S 250mm f5.6 lens
  89. calculating an ISO
  90. Calculating depth of field
  91. 2-axis focusing using bed-measurement method
  92. Solarisation… of the Sun! “Black Sun effect” - Have you done it? How did it go?
  93. New to film? Notes on testing.
  94. Need help with exposure compensation for bellows extension
  95. Bed-spread DoF method -- another question
  96. 4x5 Astrophotography
  97. Macro Photography with LF - confused.
  98. Analog focus stacking techniques
  99. Composition & Tight Framing