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Thread: Why.

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Sonora, California


    Why even have a feedback section if you're gonna consistently close and delete the feedback?

    This is getting crazy. You guys...the moderators....need to chill. You are destroying this forum.

  2. #2
    indecent exposure cosmicexplosion's Avatar
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    May 2010


    That's like saying the Chinese government stop people from talking.

    It's simply ----- ------ ----
    -------- ------ -- -----

    through a glass darkly...

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Sonora, California

    Re: Why.

    It is time for one and maybe two of the moderators to step down before this place is completely ruined.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Massachusetts USA

    Re: Why.

    That was my mistake. I take full credit for that. I have restored the thread. In my haste I didn't see it was in the feedback section.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    London, UK


    The only problems that occur are in the lounge forum. All the other forum sections run trouble free. I don't recall the last time a thread was locked outside the lounge (although I've not looked recently so could easily have missed some). Possibly some threads in the for sale forum. If you steer clear of the lounge, it's business as usual - some great discussions, wonderful photographs are being shared and fantastic advice for people like myself who don't know what they're doing.

    The forum is not being destroyed or ruined, don't be so dramatic!

  6. #6

    Join Date
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    Sonora, California

    Re: Why.

    Quote Originally Posted by welly View Post
    The forum is not being destroyed or ruined, don't be so dramatic!
    ruined as in "you're ruining it for me". Means its no fun anymore. It's lost its shine. It has gone bad. The unpleasantness outweighs any value that there might have been.

    You have your perspective and opinion...I have mine. Are you suggesting that mine is less worthy than yours?

  7. #7

    Join Date
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    London, UK

    Re: Why.

    Quote Originally Posted by BradS View Post
    ruined as in "you're ruining it for me". Means its no fun anymore. It's lost its shine. It has gone bad. The unpleasantness outweighs any value that there might have been.

    You have your perspective and opinion...I have mine. Are you suggesting that mine is less worthy than yours?
    What? I'm not suggesting anything. You expressed your opinion "You are destroying this forum" and I expressed mine "This forum is not being destroyed". Are you suggesting I'm not allowed to express mine?

  8. #8

    Join Date
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    Sonora, California

    Re: Why.

    Quote Originally Posted by welly View Post
    What? I'm not suggesting anything. You expressed your opinion "You are destroying this forum" and I expressed mine "This forum is not being destroyed". Are you suggesting I'm not allowed to express mine?

    Quote Originally Posted by welly View Post
    The forum is not being destroyed or ruined...
    you've expressed your opinion...fine.

    Quote Originally Posted by welly View Post
    ... don't be so dramatic!
    You've dismissed mine....

  9. #9
    Yes, but why? David R Munson's Avatar
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    Saitama, Japan

    Re: Why.

    Quote Originally Posted by BradS View Post
    It is time for one and maybe two of the moderators to step down before this place is completely ruined.
    I've seen forums ruined, and it hasn't been because moderators close threads that are turning shitty and veering away from the focus of the forum. The forums I've seen go bad have done so because of lack of moderation and a small population of the user base becoming dominant yet petulant little pricks who can only stand to have it their way. I've been part of this forum since it was back on and I have no problem with the moderation here. If anything, I think it's been critical in this remaining the interesting, productive community that it has.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Northern Virginia

    Re: Why.

    Quote Originally Posted by BradS View Post
    Why even have a feedback section if you're gonna consistently close and delete the feedback?

    This is getting crazy. You guys...the moderators....need to chill. You are destroying this forum.
    Ken addressed the deletion aspect.

    The purpose of the feedback forum is to raise and discuss issues. This one was raised and discussed. I don't think anyone was prevented from expressing themselves fully. In fact, in search of full expression to try and really understand the issue, I was accused of being too persistent. Further discussion was not getting anywhere new. It is beyond me how stopping a discussion that was becoming repetitive and unproductive is destroying the forum.

    It was mentioned a little while ago--about the time I was made a moderator--that the mods had gotten a little...brittle, as a result of the banning issue for one popular member and the decision to more actively enforce the guidelines that led to that banning as a means of preventing it from going so far in the future. You'll recall that they agreed. That's one reason I worked so hard to get at what the issues were in the thread I closed--I really wanted to understand it. I think all the issues were aired, but it wasn't easy, and it seemed there was willingness to continue it ad infinitum. So, we have two choices: Close the thread and move on, or leave it open and be accused of ignoring it, which we would have done. I'm not retired and neither are the other mods--there's a limit to how much time we should have to spend just to understand what's behind a complaint. It seemed to me the least destructive to summarize the discussion and then close the thread.

    Rick "who could use a little less of the purple prose, too" Denney


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