I shouldn't be doing this...

Quote Originally Posted by Lenny Eiger
I am analyzing another neg I shot at f64. It's amazingly sharp on my monitor. I'll grant you that my example on the web may not have been useful enough. However, in general I think we all have to be clear when responding whether or not the person is actually asking a question, or asking for help, and finally, what their level of experience is....
I'm pretty confident that remark is directed at myself, and those who commented that the image posted was pretty fuzzy.

Lenny, you've claimed 300MP resolution for the file you posted-
then subsequently claimed that resolution was unimportant.

The terms 'Sharpness' and 'Resolution' have been used interchangeably since this thread segued into a discussion about film and digital processing.*

When some people challenged your claims about the detail picture you posted,
you reacted in a childish and rude manner, indulged in personal slur, and requested that the thread be deleted.

It seems as if actual resolution is no more than a belief system around here,
and unsubstantiated claims are defended by rubbishing those who choose to disagree.

Quote Originally Posted by pdmoylan
It is also unfortunate that there has been no discussion or at least referrals/links about/to related issues to the original thread (i.e. hyperfocal focusing and using movements to reduce stopping down to F64)
I did reference a thread on resolution in an earlier post, even those believers who worked out that we were looking at a soft image at 900dpi couldn't accept that an 8x10 scan of an image shot at f/64 could be less than 72MP.

This whole area is a belief system, and relies on acts of faith, and the rebuttal of the laws of the universe, the casting out of non believers, and the impugning of their experience.

Other threads on the same subject have descended into personal slurs by the faithful and their followers, and valuable contributors leaving the site, after beating their head against a brick wall for too long.

As you said at the top of the thread, there has been a lot of shite talked about big lenses and resolution over the years.


* btw, this thread's title is f/64- if a developer can provide enhanced resolution when used with a particular film, isn't that negated if the resolution isn't projected onto the film to begin with? Due to diffraction?

Sharpness, yes, that can be enhanced, but I think it's quite lazy to confuse sharpness and resolution in a thread purporting to be dealing with shooting at tiny apertures.

The segue into processing techniques was interesting, if not on topic-
but the continued rubbishing of those who choose to believe the evidence of their own eyes, rather than counting scanned pixels, is just too much.