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Thread: Modern Camera Prices

  1. #21

    Modern Camera Prices

    Paul, that sure makes sense! But since when does logic apply? (However, it may get classified as TRASH... so beware of the next post) So in the future, let us both be more careful and never question those of superior knowledge again, fair enough?

  2. #22

    Modern Camera Prices

    My apologies! I might have thrown more oil on the fire. I'll try to be wiser nex t time. This forum is such a nice place when it's cordial. Enough fight in the real life!

  3. #23

    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Loganville , GA

    Modern Camera Prices

    "To come to the defense of our poster who thought Linhof had filed for bankrputcy, I heard this from two separate LF dealers, one of whom handled Linhof cameras. Their explanation was that it is nearly impossible to downsize by getting rid of employees in Germany, so this was done "as a formality" to get rid of some dead wood, get the products more profitable, and wouldn't effect those looking for Linhof cameras and products. It was also discussed on some of the internet lists. Far from spreading "TRASH", if this list isn't the place to post a question like this, then what is? I appreciate Bob Solomon posting here & have solicited his advice at times myself. But I believe Bob over reacts on this one. True or not, the story was making the rounds. As one who over-reacts at times as well, I can understand Bob's reaction. He sells damn good gear, and YES, I own Linhof and have for almost 25 years. Very good gear. And, bankruptcy filing fact or fiction, nothing will change that. "

    It is not a matter of over reacting it is such a stupid statement that if anyone had checked the facts they would have discovered that Linhof owned their real etate and the value of their land holdings was so great that they could not have declared bankruptcy under any conditions. In short their assets far exceeded their debts making your version impossible.

  4. #24

    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Loganville , GA

    Modern Camera Prices


    How come it is alway "I heard from" but no one names who spreads these rumors?

    Also are you speaking of a Linhof dealer who stocks new Linhofs or one who sells used Linhofs?

  5. #25

    Modern Camera Prices

    Bob, on what basis do you set the standard for veracity of posting on Take a look around, get real.

    You expect people to check the assets of privately held companies to determine if they could, in fact, file bankruptcy before passing along a rumor? That is ridiculous. Besides you don't have to be devoid of all assets to file bankruptcy, just insolvent. In fact, you don't even have to be insolvent, just unable to service your debt.

  6. #26

    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Loganville , GA

    Modern Camera Prices


    But asking people who are most likely to know rather then:

    " 2 dealers one of whom is a Linhof dealer" would help.

    Why do you think a miscellaneous retailer that is posted anonymously would be a reliable source"

    In fact why would any retailer or user be more authoritative then someone who has a contract with the vendor directly?

    The web is a great source for help but it is one of the worst sources of rumors, half truths, conspiracy and false hoods around.

  7. #27

    Modern Camera Prices

    I heard that Linhofs were actually made by Burke and James --- never mind that BJ went out of business years ago -- theyve got millions of 'em stored in caves in Thuringen! The Pope is responsible for relableing the cameras from "Burke and James" to "Linhof" --- he wanted to get back at Americans for electing protestants as president. So don't waste thousands on Linhof when you can buy a BJ 4x5 for hundreds! That Carl Zeiss lenses are actually "cosina" lenses with "zeiss" painted over "cosina." Tmax is actually respooled Chinese army surplus film from 1958! That Ernst Leitz is NOT headquartered in Wetzlar, but is run by the illuminati of Bavaria, who are closely tied to the Masons and the people who killed JFK. Of course, every morning I carefully line my hat and shoes with aluminum foil and drink a cup of canola oil to protect myself from cosmic rays...Don't be fooled! Believe EVERYTHING you read online! Its only in the newspapers that they LIE!

  8. #28

    Modern Camera Prices

    Bob, I posted an aplogy for mentioning this, ... however this TRASH was obviously not unique to my ears... I also heard this again from a reputalbe UK dealer.

    Anyway, in all fairness, and I know you refuse to address this issue, don't you think - you should drop your salesman hat when participating on this forum? Why don't you try it... just for awhile.... try not to jump down everyones throat once you sense a post could jeopordize your annual sales goals. Who knows, maybe you can win back customers like myself, several co workers and many others on this forum who have elected to buy all your products grey market as a result of your attitude towards us little people... You may find this approach more beneficial towards your annual sales? I propose you give it a try.... OK?

  9. #29

    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Loganville , GA

    Modern Camera Prices


    I jumped down your throat for repeating old trash that was originally posted on April Fools day 1998. It was disputed and proved wrong then and any "reputable UK dealer" isn't very reputable if he spreads lies like this. Or he is ignorant.

    As to supporting you we have more then done that. Look at what was sent you at our expense that was far and above your requests.

    Your problem is that you won't accept incorrect statements that you make that are corrected such as your belief in the loupe issue. And look at what you call "folklore" because you want't properly investigate it.

    You happen to have a very knowlegable large format dealer in your town. perhaps you should spend some time with Wayne their and see what the answers to many of your questions are.

  10. #30

    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Loganville , GA

    Modern Camera Prices

    Bill, I jumped down your throat for repeating old trash that was originally posted on April Fools day 1998. It was disputed and proved wrong then and any "reputable UK dealer" isn't very reputable if he spreads lies like this. Or he is ignorant.

    As to supporting you we have more then done that. Look at what was sent you at our expense that was far and above your requests.

    Your problem is that you won't accept incorrect statements that you make that are corrected such as your belief in the loupe issue. And look at what you call "folklore" because you want't properly investigate it.

    You happen to have a very knowlegable large format dealer in your town. perhaps you should spend some time with Wayne their and see what the answers to many of your questions are.

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