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Thread: Ilex-Calumet Wide Field Caltar 90mm f8 Lens

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Albuquerque, NM

    Ilex-Calumet Wide Field Caltar 90mm f8 Lens

    Does anyone have any experience with this lens. A google search turned up one discussion on this forum back in 2000. I t seems to cover 4x5 with room for movements. I have no idea how 103 degree coverage translate to image circle size. Presently I'm using a 90mm Optar WA, which has zero room for movement. I need to move up from there.

    How is the image quality, sharp across the whole image? I shoot only B&W.
    What is the filter size? I saw once reference that it did not have filter threads.

    Any info will be helpful.


  2. #2

    Ilex-Calumet Wide Field Caltar 90mm f8 Lens


    I owned one for a short time and ultimately replaced it with a Nikon 90mm f/8 SW. The Ilex 90 is a good but not great lens. The image quality on my sample fell off well before the image circle did, even at f/22. The lack of filter threads was also an irritation.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Berkeley CA

    Ilex-Calumet Wide Field Caltar 90mm f8 Lens

    Take the tangent of half of the angle of coverage, times the focal length, times 2. 226 mm.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Middletown, NJ - Land of the Living Dead

    Ilex-Calumet Wide Field Caltar 90mm f8 Lens

    I have, and use, one of these lenses. I picked mine up via ebay for about $125.00 ( a steal of a price). It's a pretty nice lens that has enough coverage for 5X7, though I only use it on a 4X5. Carol Miller of Flutot's Camera Repair did the CLA on the Seikosha shutter (another $45.00).

    The lens is sharp and has good contrast - especially good contrast for a single coated lens. Obviously since it can cover 5X7, there is plenty of room for movements with 4X5.

    The only thing I don't like about it is that it doesn't have front filter threads. I have a series VIII slip-on filter holder that fits the rear lens cell, but abandoned that idea because of the focus shift and some flare problems. I found that a series VIII retaining ring will slip nicely over the front cell and I hold it in place with some black electrical tape. The added bonus to series VIII is that 67mm filters are a direct screw-on fit.

  5. #5

    Join Date
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    Harbor City, California

    Ilex-Calumet Wide Field Caltar 90mm f8 Lens

    If , unlike Jim, but like me, you're not mathematically inclined, laying it out on paper is an easy alternative. Draw a line. Draw another line starting at the first one and at an angle of half that of the lens. On the first line, measure out the focal length.from where the two lines join. From that point draw a vertical line. Measure the length of the vertical line and double the figure. This will be the image diameter.

  6. #6

    Join Date
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    Albuquerque, NM

    Ilex-Calumet Wide Field Caltar 90mm f8 Lens

    Thanks all. Seems like this lens gets mixed reviews. I saw one of Ebay for a BIN of $200. Thought it might be a good deal. Think I'll wait and see what else comes along. The thing I really need to do is sell my Busch Pressman and Speed Graphic and get a good field camera.

    Again, thanks for all the responses. I'll let my wife do the math, she tutors math.


  7. #7

    Join Date
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    South Carolina

    Ilex-Calumet Wide Field Caltar 90mm f8 Lens

    Don't know about the mixed reviews. I have been using one of these lenses on 5X7 for years and IMO it is every bit as good as a 90mm Super Angulon of the same period in terms of performance and coverage.

    The only thing I really don't like is the fact that there are no threads on the front for filters or filter holders. Can't imagine what the desisgner of the lens must have been thinking at the time! But, to be fair, there are good work-a-rounds for this flaw, one of which was mentioned before.

    At $200 it is a good buy. It will not give you the same kind of performance as a Nikkor 90mm f/9 SW, but on the other hand you are not likely to find the Nikkor for anywhere close to $200.
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  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2001

    Ilex-Calumet Wide Field Caltar 90mm f8 Lens

    With a bit of patience it should be possible to pick up a modern 90 at an attractive price on the Famous Auction Site. The best bargains are among the later Caltars - types W-II (Schneider Super Angulon) and II-N (Rodenstock Grandagon). I paid all of $400 for my 90/6.8 Caltar II-N in like-new condition; Calumet currently sells it new for $929.

  9. #9
    Andy Eads
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Pasco, Washington - the dry side of the state

    Ilex-Calumet Wide Field Caltar 90mm f8 Lens

    I bought one about 28 years ago, still have it, and have no complaints. In a side by side with a Super Angulon of the same vintage, there was no discernable difference.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Ilex-Calumet Wide Field Caltar 90mm f8 Lens

    I'm very happy with mine -- very sharp and nice color rendition for a single-coated lens, especially for the price. The Seikosha shutter is solid. I got mine in an online auction for $125 as well, so the deals are out there. For under $200, I don't see how you can beat it. I've only used it for 4x5 and smaller (roll film backs) so edge fall-off hasn't been a problem.

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