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Thread: Manfrotto 405 geared head, satisfactory for 8x10?

  1. #21
    Unwitting Thread Killer Ari's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Ottawa, Canada

    Re: Manfrotto 405 geared head, satisfactory for 8x10?

    Daniel, just moving in a slightly different direction, while you sort things out.
    I've been looking at this tripod head for a long time, waiting for it to come down in price.

    Just something to consider.

  2. #22
    Daniel Stone's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Los Angeles area

    Re: Manfrotto 405 geared head, satisfactory for 8x10?

    Hey all,

    I'm still looking at options, I'll be using my #5 gitzo head in the interim, maybe I'll find it can work for me, who knows.
    another option though, its not geared, but is similar to the Ries head in function, its the "long lens head" from Acratech"

    any ideas on whether you think this might work ok with an 8x10 arca?

  3. #23

    Join Date
    May 2006
    north of the 49th

    Re: Manfrotto 405 geared head, satisfactory for 8x10?

    Interesting head but I only see 2 axis which might be a bit limiting depending on where you're shooting. The Ries heads work on 3 axis (the pan is just a loosening of the bolt really). The simplicity of the Ries heads is also their beauty, very little to go wrong.

    fwiw, I found I didn't really need the fine tuning of the geared heads like the 410 and was fine with Gitzo ballheads for MF and Ries heads for LF.
    notch codes ? I only use one film...

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