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Thread: Post yer pinholes

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Post yer pinholes

    Looked back a few pages, didn't see any pinhole image threads. I've been messing around with them lately, was curious as to what other people are up to. This is taken with a homemade pinhole approx. f/220 shot at roughly 90mm on a Crown Graphic. 25m exposure on Foma 100 developed in Caffenol C-L

  2. #2
    neprosti's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Wroclaw Poland

    Re: Post yer pinholes

    Attachment 82433 4x5 wood camera
    Attachment 82434 cambo 4x5
    Attachment 82435 4x5 wood camera
    Attachment 82436 4x5 wood camera

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Re: Post yer pinholes

    Rose Hill Cemetary, Meridian, MS

    8x10 pinhole

    Fuji green latitude rated at ISO 100

    Rodinal 1:100, 28C, 6 min

    Oriental Seagull VCFB, PF 130

    Attachment 82445

  4. #4

    Re: Post yer pinholes

    "44 Years" Scotty's Castle, Death Valley
    Zero 45 with a reducing back on instant peel apart film.

    Attachment 82446

  5. #5
    Greg Lockrey's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Temperance, MI

    Re: Post yer pinholes

    4x5 Zero Image various focal lengths
    Greg Lockrey

    Wealth is a state of mind.
    Money is just a tool.
    Happiness is pedaling +25mph on a smooth road.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Iran / Manila

    Re: Post yer pinholes

    interesting thread! i'm new to pinhole and still learning stuff.. how do you make your own pinhole for your graphic? how do you manage to get the aperture size, focus on the ground glass, etc etc . i might try this on my graphic or make a dedicated 5x7 pinhole. i had leonardo 4x5 already but a DIY pinhole camera is much fun!

    my first two shots!

    1.5" Leonardo 4x5 Pinhole Camera
    Arista Edu Ultra 100 Souped in Ilfosol S
    Scanned using Ipad 2 + LX5

    Quote Originally Posted by eberry_tapes View Post
    Looked back a few pages, didn't see any pinhole image threads. I've been messing around with them lately, was curious as to what other people are up to. This is taken with a homemade pinhole approx. f/220 shot at roughly 90mm on a Crown Graphic. 25m exposure on Foma 100 developed in Caffenol C-L

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Post yer pinholes

    Some great images so far, I'm glad to see this finally got some replies!

    In terms of making your own pinhole. I roughly followed this guide:

    I used some thin brass sheeting I found at the hobby store, as well as quilting needles to make the hole. However, I didn't bother to buy a pin vice, I just stuck the needle into a rubber stopper that I had around and was able to apply enough pressure that way. I also used fine grade steel wool instead of sand paper to even out the surface, but I don't think that really made a difference one way or another. Finally, I mounted the pinhole on a piece of foam core with a hole cut in it to accommodate the brass square with the pinhole, and taped that to the inside of a regular graphic lens board. (I'll try to take a photo of it tomorrow).

    I believe, in theory, there is an optimum pinhole diameter for every focal length. Of course on a crown graphic, you have an adjustable focal length camera, but I was aiming for about a 90mm focal length as that's where I planned to do the most shooting. There are some good calculators at where you can figure out what size hole you need to drill to get a certain focal length and also what the f stop will be.

    I drilled my hole and then scanned the brass sheet so I could accurately measure the size of the hole on the computer, but in the end it's not like it has to be incredibly precise. I think that takes away some of the fun of working with pinholes.

    Ah, and I almost forgot. I don't focus, or I guess I should say frame since there isn't focusing to be done, on the ground glass, I just eyeball it. I did see somewhere, can't remember where, that someone had made a pinhole with a pretty wide aperture for framing on the ground glass and then would switch to a different pinhole to expose the image.

  8. #8
    Vaughn's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Humboldt County, CA

    Re: Post yer pinholes

    Alex, Bryce and Calder (Triplets)
    In our backyard
    Pinhole, Gowland 4x5, Type 55
    Scanned silver gelatin contact prints

  9. #9
    Tim Meisburger's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Falls Church, Va.

    Re: Post yer pinholes

    Here is my favorite, taken a few years ago now. A self-portrait in Paris. Snow was falling, but is not captured by the one minute exposure with a homemade pinhole camera on Shanghai 4x5.

    Attachment 82481

    And here is a second from the same trip.

    Attachment 82482

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Flagstaff, AZ

    Re: Post yer pinholes

    Love the Paris shot, Tim.

    I need to get out and do more of these. This one is from a Zero Image 50mm, toned and vignetted in PS.

    Jim Cole
    Flagstaff, AZ

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