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Thread: Call me crazy but...

  1. #11
    Steve Smith's Avatar
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    Isle of Wight, near England

    Re: Call me crazy but...

    Just do it. Don't try to live up to expectations of others or some idea you have of what you should be doing.

    It's better to try it and realise it's not for you than regret not trying it.


  2. #12

    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Surrey UK

    Re: Call me crazy but...

    You could try some of the Medium format folders from the fifties you can find nice ones not very much and the quality can be really good. I recently got a Zeiss Ikon Super Ikonta that I am liking a lot mini review of it here and Agfa Isolette's go for peanuts.

  3. #13
    jp's Avatar
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    Re: Call me crazy but...

    It's not a dumb idea. I usually have a speed graphic in my car/truck. If I don't, I have a rolleiflex which is another good simple choice. Either way, load it up with 400 film (I choose tmax 400, Ilford's a good choice too) and use it once in a while when a monorail would be too much work. I use the speed handheld, on a tiltall, or a monopod. A speed graphic is comparable in weight to a pro quality DSLR with a pro lens on it, and a TLR is lighter than most DSLRs I've owned.

  4. #14

    Join Date
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    El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Ángeles de Porciúncula

    Re: Call me crazy but...

    +1... not dumb idea. I've been doing just that for more years than I care to mention. I wouldn't give up my smaller format gear, but...

  5. #15

    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Re: Call me crazy but...

    Quote Originally Posted by Shootar401 View Post
    You have no idea how many times I'd just want to say F- it all and sell my Nikon F4 & F5 kit a long with my RZ67 kit and replace it with a nice Speed Graphic. I mean, who says I can't take a 4x5 on vacation? I might get strange looks at the zoo or county fair, but who really cares? I have two monorails right now and obviously can't take them anywhere without much hassle. I could have a blast with a Speed or Crown graphic as my only handheld camera. Shoot HP4 with sunny 16 and be happy!

    Yes I know its probably a dumb idea, but It's one that's been with me for a few months now.

    Just my 2 cents.
    Not a dumb idea, but before you do it think hard about how many focal lengths you use on an excursion.

    A Graphic with a Kalart range finder can be used, in practice, with just one lens. Setting up the RF for another lens is fiddly, can take half an hour. If just one lens will do for you, go ahead.

    Graphics with top range finders can be used, in practice, with more than one lens but (and it is a big but) finding RF cams to match the lenses you want to use won't be easy. For more on this, go to, read the FAQs (I'm not sure they say anything about making cams but reading them won't do you much harm), use the search function, and ask on the forum.

    If you're going to use a Graphic mainly on tripod then you can focus and compose on the GG and are free to use any lens that will make infinity on the camera.

    If you decide to get a Graphic, think hard about how badly you want to use short lenses. The 4x5 Pacemaker Speed Graphic's minimum flange-to-film distance is 66.7 mm, the 4x5 Crown's is 52.4. For a variety of reasons, you really need two Graphics, a Speed and a Crown.

    As for using barrel lenses with a Speed's focal plane shutter, well, I shoot barrel lenses on mine and am much happier with the lenses hung in front of a leaf shutter. The reason? a Pacemaker Speed Graphic's focal plane shutter's slowest timed speed is 1/30.

    Good luck, have fun,


  6. #16
    Format Omnivore Brian C. Miller's Avatar
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    Re: Call me crazy but...

    Quote Originally Posted by Shootar401 View Post
    I could have a blast with a Speed or Crown graphic as my only handheld camera. Shoot HP4 with sunny 16 and be happy!
    Yep, that's the idea! If you really, really need movements, then buy a Super Graphic or a Linhof. If you don't need movements, then anything with a rangefinder is fine. The 135mm lens length works great for a lot of stuff, no problems there. HP5, Tri-X, or TMY is what you want to use when shooting handheld. Otherwise, once you wind up in the shade, you'll definitely need a tripod or you'll have to live with some hand shake in the image. For changing film on vacation, get a large tent like a Changing Room or a Harrison. The Changing Room is a horrific squeeze for 8x10, but 4x5 is pretty decent in it.

    For the rest of you: he has monorail cameras right now, and the rest are roll film cameras. I have a Calumet Orbit 4x5, and I've actually never used the thing. I need to donate it and get it out of my closet. I keep using my Super Graphic, no problem.

    For using my camera hand-held, I've found that the sports finder and the distance gauge on the top get things close enough. If you tote a tripod, just attach it, and leave it attached. With the legs folded, it becomes a monopod.

    Go for it. You won't be sorry.
    "It's the way to educate your eyes. Stare. Pry, listen, eavesdrop. Die knowing something. You are not here long." - Walker Evans

  7. #17

    Join Date
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    Sonora, California

    Re: Call me crazy but...

    I've brought my Crown Graphic to so many of my sons' cub scout / boy scout outtings that it rarely even gets noticed anymore. I do get a lot of questions from the older boys who're interested in photography though.

    It's just a camera...he's got a nikon...over there, a canon, athat guy got a new panasonic...and his dad uses an old film camera. Frankly, the crown does not get any more or less attention than a spotmatic.

  8. #18

    Join Date
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    Re: Call me crazy but...

    Brad, same with me... until I pop a flashbulb... then people start noticing the difference!

  9. #19
    Roger Cole's Avatar
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    Suburbs of Atlanta

    Re: Call me crazy but...

    I feel crazy for sometimes having the opposite thoughts - sell my 4x5 gear and just get a nice RB or RZ67 system to replace it, and possibly to replace the M645 Pro as well (I'll always keep my Yashicamat - or replace with a Rollei some day - and 35mm gear, though) and be done with the hassles of sheet film. Between the costs, hassles, and occasional dust, given the quality one can get from 6x7, I sometimes really think it's not worth it.

    I'm also tempted to get a DSLR but that's a different thing for different purposes and wouldn't really replace any of my existing cameras. That would be for all the vacation shots and event photos and family stuff that people want me to shoot, and I generally want to shoot, but don't begin to have time to print.

  10. #20
    Drew Wiley
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    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: Call me crazy but...

    Yeah, I'd call it dumb ... who want to take a Speed Graphic when you could carry a nice
    8x10 on vacation instead?

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