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Thread: what color film did sally mann use for her mexican landscapes?

  1. #71
    Vaughn's Avatar
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    Re: what color film did sally mann use for her mexican landscapes?

    Perhaps doing some reading about the Image Continuum, how it was formed and what they did might help you realize that what you just wrote is so utterly wrong...but I doubt it.

    There is a surfeit of both male and female students struggling for 'attention'. Sally became part of the group because of her talents, contributions, intelligence, and ability to work with a group of fellow artists...qualities lacking in most struggling students -- male and female.

    Your gender bias, showed by your words and seen in much of your images is one of the reasons I have never cared for much your work...which is not a reflection of your work itself, but just my response to it.

  2. #72

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    Re: what color film did sally mann use for her mexican landscapes?

    Quote Originally Posted by Frank Petronio View Post

    It might be more constructive to understand why Ted and David lavished so much attention on an attractive female student 15-20 years younger than they were when there was a surfeit of talented but male students struggling to get similar attention?

    It's another form of sexism, it just happened to benefit her.
    Because that's what some older men do? Do you really think women feel comfortable having attention lavished on them by older men? Maybe she took advantage of a system that had, for centuries, been anti-woman. Maybe she just fell into her fame. But honestly I don't think this is the right place for this discussion, as you seem to be harboring a lot of hostility toward women, not to mention your completely unfounded perception that female attractiveness somehow grants someone an easier road. If anything, it means they're taken less seriously. Her work is not your cup of tea, there's no need to pretend that in a male-dominated, male-centric world this is somehow an example of sexism toward men.

  3. #73

    Re: what color film did sally mann use for her mexican landscapes?

    I don't think this is the right place for this discussion
    Where is the proper forum?

    unfounded perception that female attractiveness somehow grants someone an easier road. If anything, it means they're taken less seriously

    It's observably true, so why would you write that it's unfounded.

    Compare Lee Miller to Man Ray, both were employed by Vogue. Ray took photos of attractive women for the magazine, Miller took photos of dead NAZIs lying in water etc., a far more serious project. Maybe Miller was just allowed some gender slack because her name is androgynous, maybe she got a leg up because she was attractive.

    Anyway, I really don't think that any male photographers would be allowed any tolerance taking pictures of naked children. They would probably end up in jail, not even close to Mann's success with the subject. So yes, there appears a gender bias; it's evident. Why is the discussion of that obvious gender bias not allowed? And why is namecalling of those who wish to discuss that topic allowed?

  4. #74
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    Re: what color film did sally mann use for her mexican landscapes?

    From the OP's question, I don't think the film matters as much as technique, especially re. image #1. I've made dozens of similar images (accidentally!) as I first started to experiment with Petzvals, before I got my Speed Graphic and spot meter. Take a crap projection lens with no aperture, that doesn't cover the format, grossly over-expose your negative, develop normally or screw up the developing (intentionally or not), you're going to get images that look somewhat like that. I have a shoebox full of them (does that mean I'm an unrecognized photographic genius?)

  5. #75
    Vaughn's Avatar
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    Re: what color film did sally mann use for her mexican landscapes?

    Quote Originally Posted by RichardSperry View Post
    Where is the proper forum?
    Down in the lounge, actually.

  6. #76

    Join Date
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    St. Louis, Mo.

    Re: what color film did sally mann use for her mexican landscapes?

    Quote Originally Posted by codyjgraham View Post
    that makes sense! what does coated vs uncoated mean?
    Old lenses had no coating on them. Later lens manufacturers put a coating on the lens glass to reduce flare. We call this single coating. Eventually this led to multi coating the glass to further reduce flare.

    Single coated lenses and non coated lenses are not bad. You just have to take more care that they are shielded from the sun or studio lights. It's good advice to always use a lens shade no matter what lens you use unless of coarse you desire lens flare.

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