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Thread: Durst Laborator: which condensor?

  1. #1

    Durst Laborator: which condensor?

    I recently aquired a Durst Laborator G 139 enlarger with 5 condensors: 2 x 240, 240H, 200, 160. I'd like to use my Schneider enlarger lenses for the three formats I use: 5.6/180 Componon for 13x18 (5x7"), 5.6/135 Componon -S for 4x5" and 5.6/100 Componon-S for 6x7. I got a copy of the original handboo k for the enlarger, but one thing irritates me: which condensor is the correct o ne for which lens and format. In the handbook are tables for Componon and Rodago n lenses, and the condensor values are different for the same focal length. I tr ied both (e.g the one for the 135 Componon [240/160] and the 135 Rodagon [240H/2 00] with 4x5) and both combinations were different, but not very good. I got ver y uneven illumination (up to 1.5 stops from center to the edges of the negative) . I haven't moved the bulb yet.

    Has anyone experiences with this problem? How critical is the adjustment of the bulb?


  2. #2

    Durst Laborator: which condensor?

    I have the L138S, but I don't know how similar it is to the 139. An almost identical model was made with a point source lamp for electron microscopy negatives, but I forget the model number. On my 138S enlarger, it's simple: There is a big chart printed right on the lamp housing that lists recommended enlarging lens/condenser lens combinations (along with direction of insertion of the condensers) for every format from 35mm to 5X7. Are you sure sombody didn't remove the metal plate with the chart printed on it from the lamp housing? It should be right on the front on the slanted part of the housing where the mirror is located.

    As for bulb alignment, yes, it does matter. I simply adjust it by eye for the most even illumination I can get. There might be a more sophisticated way of doing it, but that's what works for me. There are several types of bulbs you can use as well (also printed on the metal plate on the lamp housing).

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Mar 1999

    Durst Laborator: which condensor?

    I bought a Durst 1200 with condensor head (I know, it's not the same model you have, but I think it's still relevant). I couldn't believe how uneven the illumination was, no matter what I tried alignmentwise, bulbwise, or otherwise (I even tried putting all sorts of diffusion material between the condensors and the negative, to no avail; still a major hot spot, with a couple of stops loss toward the edges). After asking everyone I could think of, I finally just gave up and bought the Multigraph head, which put me into serious hock but is the best light source imaginable on the best chassis around. Re: your situation, I would contact Durst (though their customer service has a bad reputation in this country, they've got a field rep somewhere in PA--sorry, I've lost his name--who knows more than their h.q. does; they'll give you his name) and/or the photographer/writer Joe Englander, who raved so much about Durst enlargers that he persuaded me to buy one. (Btw, the light bulb assembly in my 1200's expensive condensor head was mostly flimsy plastic; it looked like it cost about 7 or 8 bucks to make).

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Durst Laborator: which condensor?

    I have used the Durst 138for over 30 years.Best enlarger ever made on this planet.I have the manual if u need a copy.You have to choose a lens and condensor combination and stick with it exclusively.There are diferences in light colimization between Shneider and Rodenstck.Feel free to call or emailif I can help.204-774-7190 or

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    No. Virginia

    Re: Durst Laborator: which condensor?

    With one and a half stops center to edge I have to ask, what bulb? For even light at 4x5 and 5x7 you need the large bulb.

  6. #6

    Re: Durst Laborator: which condensor?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Rhoades View Post
    With one and a half stops center to edge I have to ask, what bulb? For even light at 4x5 and 5x7 you need the large bulb.
    I have a 138s that I'm sad to admit hasn't yet been set up, but I'm told the bulb to use is the PH213. B&H has them for under $5.

  7. #7
    All metric sizes to 24x30 Ole Tjugen's Avatar
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    Re: Durst Laborator: which condensor?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Rhoades View Post
    With one and a half stops center to edge I have to ask, what bulb? For even light at 4x5 and 5x7 you need the large bulb.
    The bulb adjustment is critical, I've discovered. I switch lenses and condensers for 5x7" and 6x9cm - I keep the same set (240/240 and Rodagon 180mm) for 9x12 to 5x7". But that gets a bit too small with the smaller films, so I switch to a 105mm Componon and (I can't remember which) different condensers. And adjust the bulb position.

  8. #8

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    Fort Worth TX

    Re: Durst Laborator: which condensor?

    I have a L 138s also and Bill is correct that there is a chart on the lamp housing. For 5x7 the 2x240 condensers are what I use. that is with a 210mm G Claron. with a 150mm Rodenstock I use the 240x200 condensers. remember that the flat parts of the condensers need to be on top and on bottom. So it is flat curve curve flat.


  9. #9

    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Saratoga Springs, NY, USA

    Re: Durst Laborator: which condensor?

    I'm having the same problem with a Durst L1200 Varipoint that I just set up. Do you have any updates on fixing this?**Did you end up with the CLS-501 head?

    Quote Originally Posted by Simon_443 View Post
    I bought a Durst 1200 with condensor head (I know, it's not the same model you have, but I think it's still relevant). I couldn't believe how uneven the illumination was, no matter what I tried alignmentwise, bulbwise, or otherwise (I even tried putting all sorts of diffusion material between the condensors and the negative, to no avail; still a major hot spot, with a couple of stops loss toward the edges). After asking everyone I could think of, I finally just gave up and bought the Multigraph head, which put me into serious hock but is the best light source imaginable on the best chassis around. Re: your situation, I would contact Durst (though their customer service has a bad reputation in this country, they've got a field rep somewhere in PA--sorry, I've lost his name--who knows more than their h.q. does; they'll give you his name) and/or the photographer/writer Joe Englander, who raved so much about Durst enlargers that he persuaded me to buy one. (Btw, the light bulb assembly in my 1200's expensive condensor head was mostly flimsy plastic; it looked like it cost about 7 or 8 bucks to make).
    David Aimone Photography
    Critiques always welcome...

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