I bought an excellent 4x5 enlarger several months ago at the University of MD for $10. It had its original bellows. The bellows in excellent shape or I should say as good as new were detaching from the frame. I boaugh glue from Home Depot and reglued them. However, I made a mistake by cranking the fall and raise knobs to make sure the bellow were properly glued - I guess I over did it and the glue spilled around the frame. I have two options, painstakingly remove the dried up glue or completely replace the bellows. I really do not need the enlarger as I have a Devere 45 that I love. However, I have Zone VI cold light condenser that I would love to explore.

Anyone out there can direct me where I can have the bellow made for the enlarger? New Besseler bellow are 300 times more than the cost of the enlarger!

