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Thread: most comfortable backpack for 4x5 + 3 lens + tripod

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Question most comfortable backpack for 4x5 + 3 lens + tripod

    most comfortable backpack? and better with waterproof for the UK nasty winter. any suggestion?

    I normally work in the field for landscape, always require 2-3 hours walking distance to the location where i need to photo.

    tried many backpacks. Climbing & Mountain Backpacks are comfortable, but space too narrow. very hard to fit in my wista 45. and no protection.

    most of the camera backpacks are heavy and very un-comfortable for long distance walk, also big problem to carry the tripod. the weight is not balanced when you attach a tripod on the bag which cause extra shoulder pain.

    my gears, wista 45dx, Nikkor 90/8, apo-sironar-s 150, Fujinon-C 450mm f12.5, big tripod equivalent to gitzo 3 series + gear head, films (3-4 packages) .

    really need a good backpack to carry it.

  2. #2

    Re: most comfortable backpack for 4x5 + 3 lens + tripod

    Very comfortable bag for long hikes, as it's a backpacking design.

    In the XL ICU alone mine carries -

    - Toyo 45A
    - 90, 150, 240mm
    - 10 holders (I can swap 4-5 holders for a 4th lens (telephoto) if necessary)
    - spot meter
    - color meter
    - lee filter holder
    - bunch of filters
    - flare buster
    - notebook

    That leaves the rest of the bag for food, jacket etc.

  3. #3

    Re: most comfortable backpack for 4x5 + 3 lens + tripod

    Have you looked at the photobackpacker system that uses the Kelty packs? Google photobackpacker. I've been thinking of getting an 8x10 field camera and a backpack for it, and the photobackpacker system seems ideal. Would obviously have more cargo capacity with 4x5. The beauty of the system seems to lie in it's modular concept enabling you to taylor the pack for your needs. Coming from a mountaineering background myself, I can appreciate the need for a well made pack that is durable, fits and rides well, and has good ergonomics. Will keep an eye out on this thread for others opinions as well.


  4. #4
    Bob Farr's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Pacific Northwest

    Re: most comfortable backpack for 4x5 + 3 lens + tripod

    I Like this one for it's great suspension system.

    There are some good choices available.

  5. #5
    Ron Miller
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    CT, USA

    Re: most comfortable backpack for 4x5 + 3 lens + tripod

    I've gone through 6 or 7 packs at this point and have settled on 2 for LF 4x5. The packs are the smaller photobackpacker for 4x5 and a daypack. I did try the larger photobackpacker for a 1.5 month trip in Utah/AZ 2 years ago but gave up on it because it was just too big for 5+ hour hikes. I use the smaller photobackpack for hikes away from the Jeep and a daypack for when I'm just away from the jeep for a few shots. I carry the camera on the tripod with a padded wrapper around it and a bag around that if in the desert. But I tend to not pack the camera as often as I should. I do not attach the tripod to my pack. The space hog in a pack for me was always that I carried too many DD's and I also carried every little thing I would ever need. I'll now take 6 DD's (3 slow and 3 with higher speed film) on longer day hikes which is just right for me.

  6. #6
    Drew Wiley
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: most comfortable backpack for 4x5 + 3 lens + tripod

    I prefer true external frame backpacks. I can carry about two weeks of backpacking supplies plus my 4X5 kit in a large Kelty, or my 8X10 system on dayhikes. By Kelty I am
    referring to the real deal, made in the USA prior to the demise of the company and
    low-quality outsourced mfg. These older packs sometimes turn up used on EBay. In fact I found a brand-new one last year, totally unsed, vintage mid-60's. I simply wrap the camera
    and film in a goosdown jacket, and lenses in bubble wrap. No need for one of those heavy
    overpriced dedicated camera packs with all that redundant extra sponge foam weight.

  7. #7
    Drew Wiley
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: most comfortable backpack for 4x5 + 3 lens + tripod

    Oh - I should add - I've been in just about every kind of weather and terrain imaginable
    with this kind of system. For twenty years I carried a Sinar 4x5 in a true Kelty through
    desert canyons, up class 3 peaks, winter camping, literally hundreds of trips. The pack
    outlasted potentially dozens of the bait-and-switch offshore versions. An internal frame
    pack would be utterly miserable with this kind of camera gear, and not very protective of
    the gear either. But I always carry a little section of rope just in case I can't climb with
    the pack on and need to haul it up. ... not so much of that anymore now that I'm getting
    older ... but I'm still planning about a 120 mile mtn hike with the 4x5 this summer.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Bielefeld and Hamburg, Germany

    Re: most comfortable backpack for 4x5 + 3 lens + tripod

    The photobackpackers/Kelty mentioned here are a good option, a lot of room and very comfortable to carry indeed. But they are relatively large - too large for my taste for a typical 2-3 hrs walk with field camera and 3 lenses.

    I have recently found another comfortable but much smaller option: the Lowepro Flipside 400. Not really designed for large format but it takes my Linhof Master Technika with four lenses (one inside the camera), reflex viewer, four Grafmatic holders, compendium, filters, Sekonic light meter, darkcloth and loupe. There is a pull-out tripod attachment outside the backpack, plus a pull-out rain cover. The design is a bit unusual, the camera compartment opening is against your back. But this actually quite convenient and gives better dirt protection when you put the bag down on the ground. I use mine without all the foam protectors that come plenty with the backpack, I store my lenses in RPT lensbags and the film holders in the RPT film holder bag.

    Greetings, Thomas

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Blue Ridge, VA

    Re: most comfortable backpack for 4x5 + 3 lens + tripod

    I will cast my vote with the Photobackpacker crowd. Bought one a few years ago when I shot medium format, lugged it around Iceland a couple of times, simply upgraded to different compartmentation when I went to 4x5 but still have the MF ones in case I want to load that gear back up. Fact is, LF gear is heavy and it hurts to carry it up and down mountains, but the Kelty/Photobackpacker gear makes it as easy as possible.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Albany, NY, USA

    Re: most comfortable backpack for 4x5 + 3 lens + tripod

    I am also very interested in this subject. I looked at a Gregory pack today that was wonderful. It fits like a glove and is comfortable....but it is way, way too large, I am intrigued by the photobackpacker. I called the fellow there and he was very friendly and helpful. My only concern is comfort in the Kelty, which isn't nearly as good as say, a Gregory. Does anyone here have experience in carrying around a Kelty (the P1) which photobackpakers sell?


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