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Thread: first wide angle lens

  1. #1

    first wide angle lens

    I have just acquired a LF camera to undertake a project on Spanish colonial architecture. It will involve mostly exterior shots of façades in either early morning or evening light. I have no previous experience with view cameras or large format lenses, and since the first lens I'm planning to purchase is a 90mm I have the following question to ask: will an f8 lens prove too difficult to focus with, will it simply be "difficult" or time consuming, or will it actually prove frustratingly impractical for my purpose? I appreciate this is essentially a subjective issue, but since there are no lenses available for me to try personally before I buy one your experience might help me decide whether I should opt for a more expensive 6.8 or 5.6 alternative. Thank you kindly for any input on this.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    first wide angle lens

    I don't think so. If anything the smaller aperature will yield a lense smaller, lighter, and less expensive then a larger aperature one. I use a Schneider Super Angulon 90mm f/8 for landscapes on a 4x5" Horseman view camera and though it is a dim image, I don't think it is too dim to use. Granted after putting a polarizer, and a 3 stop GND filter on the front it does get a bit dim. But still useable. I have never had a f/5.6 though on a LF camera though so I don't have much to comare it to.

  3. #3
    Mark Sawyer's Avatar
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    Stuck inside of Tucson with the Neverland Blues again...

    first wide angle lens

    I'm guessing you're choosing between the Angulon and the Super-Angulon. I suggest the f/8. It is only slightly darker than the other two for focusing, and with a semi-reasonable dark-cloth and loupe (both must-haves regardless of the lens) focusing will not be an issue. Also, the f/8 is a much smaller, lighter lens (!) and less prone to damage. Oh, and it's much cheaper too.
    "I love my Verito lens, but I always have to sharpen everything in Photoshop..."

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Frisco, Texas

    first wide angle lens

    Hi Miguel,

    With a brightening screen on your camera and a good darkcloth, you should be fully capable of composing and focusing the image on the groundglass, even under the dim outdoor lighting conditions that you describe, using a 90mm. f8 lens. A faster 90mm.lens would not only be more expensive, but it would also be larger in size and heavier in weight. It would require larger, more expensive filters.

    Now, having said all that, if your budget will allow for a Schneider Super- Symmar f5.6 110XL, the whole picture changes.

  5. #5

    first wide angle lens

    Thank you for your replies. The lens I am considering is the nikkor 90mm f8 SW on account of its image circle-weight-price combination. JZ, is a filter really necessary with this lens? I was under the impression that filters only became a must with lenses wider than 90mm. Again, thank you for any input on this.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Frisco, Texas

    first wide angle lens

    Good choice Miguel,

    I didn't find it necessary to use a center filter when I owned a Nikkor f8 90SW. However, I frequently used a yellow, green, or orange filter to darken the sky, lighten the foilage, etc. with B&W film and a polarizer or a warming filter with color film.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    first wide angle lens

    For the Schneider Super Angulon I have I do not need a center filter, but I do regularly employ a liner polarizer and a 3 stop GND using the Cokin P holder. But that has nothing to do with the lens of course. For my purposes it's a great lens for landscapes.

  8. #8

    first wide angle lens

    Thank you all for your answers, you have helped me dispel my doubts.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    May 2001

    first wide angle lens

    HI Miguel

    I'm totaly opposite to the statements from the others and I have an old f8 90 Super Angulon single coated and a Nikkor 4,5 f 90 and for your work especially as a beginner it is much easier to focus an f 4,5 lens in dim conditions and I fully desagre with them. But of course it can be done with f8 lens but it is much faster with an f 4,5 or f 5,6 then with an f 8 and especially at the evening you need to be fast because the blue hour takes not to long anyway! In the long run you will be more happy with the f 4,5 then you know you have the best wich is possible! Good luck and good light!

  10. #10
    Moderator Ralph Barker's Avatar
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    Rio Rancho, NM

    first wide angle lens

    Like Armin, I had trouble focusing the f/8 90mm Super Angulon I purchased first. Although I could get passed the initial focusing problem by careful use of the darkcloth and waiting for my eyes to adjust properly, checking DOF while stopping down was impossible for me. I went to the (larger, heavier, more expensive) f/5.6, and was much happier. There are, of course, work-arounds that are more budget-friendly, such as supplemental focusing lights, or the use of a laser pointer, but they usually involve even more hassle. Thus, I'm a strong proponent of buying the best, most versatile lenses one can afford - even if that entails a measure of less-instant gratification.

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