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Thread: Major jobo issue with 3010 tanks and chromes

  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2006
    grand rapids

    Major jobo issue with 3010 tanks and chromes

    I've only had this happen a couple times with b+w but with tonight's second round of e-6 (kodak 5 liter kit, fuji provia, speed 4 cpp-2), half the chromes fell out of their slots and onto the opposite piece of film. I only rotate the drum in both directions for the first minute of each step. I'm using 250ml of chemicals. The results in each of the five tubes are one good chrome, one that's not bleached or fixed. I re-ran the bad ones through the bleach and fix cycles and got okay results (the color isn't spot on). The sheets seem so loose in there. What the hell is going on?


    I'm doing everthing at 100 degrees including the washes.
    Do your chromes come out and stay curled up in the shape of the tube they were processed in? Mine do with E-6 only. Can that be prevented?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Adelaide, Australia

    Re: Major jobo issue with 3010 tanks and chromes

    Sounds like you aren't inserting them exactly straight. If you have a corner of the film at the far end of the tube poking over one of the lips that runs down each tube then the film will come adrift. When inserting mine (and before pushing them all down flush with the top of the drum), I give each sheet a quick wiggle to make sure it's snug between the two lips in the tube.

    Were all the ones that went wrong on the same side (e.g. clockwise) of the tubes? I find it easier to insert the films on the bottom (anticlockwise side) of each tube.

    My chromes (all Fuji) come out and spring back to perfectly flat.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    May 2006
    grand rapids

    Re: Major jobo issue with 3010 tanks and chromes

    I'll try that. I'm washing the film in the drum (I've always done it that way, I know it's not what most folks do) as well. Do you think that's why my sheets aren't flat?

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: Major jobo issue with 3010 tanks and chromes

    One thing about the 3010, the film is supposed to be slid in just below the edge of the tubes, NOT bottomed-out.
    Real cameras are measured in inches...
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  5. #5

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    grand rapids

    Re: Major jobo issue with 3010 tanks and chromes

    Quote Originally Posted by dsphotog View Post
    One thing about the 3010, the film is supposed to be slid in just below the edge of the tubes, NOT bottomed-out.
    correct. I'm not loading the drum any different than when I do b+w film. The only thing different is the temp, film, and # of steps involved. I just souped another 10 sheets being very careful loading the tubes so that they were locked in place. Two sheets popped out, luckily they were shot's which weren't important. All but one of the sheets was badly curled as described above. WTF?

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: Major jobo issue with 3010 tanks and chromes

    So the curling problem seems to be the Provia film? Hmmm...
    Real cameras are measured in inches...
    Not pixels.

  7. #7

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    grand rapids

    Re: Major jobo issue with 3010 tanks and chromes

    I just looked at which sheets fell out and it's not just the provia, it's velvia and velvia 100. I've got more film to run (velvia, provia, velvia 100) today so I need an answer. Help!

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Scottsdale, AZ

    Re: Major jobo issue with 3010 tanks and chromes

    I run E-6 and C-41 in the 3010 tank. The only time the sheets would come out of the grooves was when I did not insert them correctly in the first place. I always make sure now that they are seated correctly. I only shoot Kodak color film though - I have no experience with Fuji film.

  9. #9

    Join Date
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    San Clemente, California

    Re: Major jobo issue with 3010 tanks and chromes

    Quote Originally Posted by vinny View Post
    ...speed 4 cpp-2), half the chromes fell out of their slots and onto the opposite piece of film...
    How fast is your CPP-2's "4?"

  10. #10

    Join Date
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    grand rapids

    Re: Major jobo issue with 3010 tanks and chromes

    Old model 50rpm.

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