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Thread: Newbie looking for 1st 4x5 in Tokyo

  1. #11

    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Wiltshire, UK

    Re: Newbie looking for 1st 4x5 in Tokyo

    My first 4x4 was the Toyo 45AII, imho highly underated, a great piece of engineering with the best back (rotating & bale arm) and incredibly robust for the field. It's also extremely quick to setup and pack away, easy to operate in cold weather and the geared focus is a pleasure to use.

    I would imagine you could pick a mint one of these up at a bargain price in Tokyo. Here in the UK they retail for $2500+.

    I shoot intimate (tight) and view (wide) landscapes. Using a Nikkor M 300 f/9 with the 324 bellows draw gets me to within 3 metres of my subject and a Fuji 250 f6.7 to less than a metre which allows me to shoot straight down from a standing position. I've used a Nikkor T 360 on the Toyo, similar working distances to the Fuji 250, but any longer will require either the 4" extension back or Top Hat.

    The extension back is a snip to use but it is bulky, as big as the camera itself, probably not a problem in the studio, etc, but cumbersome/heavy to add to a backpack (it is hollow so you could always put your packed lunch in it!).

    I've occassionally used a 75mm on a recessed board with adequate movements.
    The latest material on my flickr stream was with the Toyo without extension and the lenses I mentioned, so that may give you an idea of what's possible with those combinations. Hope that helps...

  2. #12

    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Newbie looking for 1st 4x5 in Tokyo

    Hello Mr. Redgrave. I suggest you look for a Toyo view camera on Yahoo Japan auction.

    In Japan, you can find used Toyo cameras for a much better price than in the U.S.

    Toyo has been the most popular view camera manufacturer in Japan. You can find many of them in the used market.

    Also, you can find used Horseman cameras for a good price there.

    Yahoo Japan auction is NOT famous at all in the U.S. However, it's one of the best places to buy used Toyo cameras, Horseman cameras, and Nikkor and Fujinon lenses.

    These products are usually more expensive on Ebay.

  3. #13

    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Newbie looking for 1st 4x5 in Tokyo

  4. #14

    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: Newbie looking for 1st 4x5 in Tokyo

    thank you so much! Great resource... I will have a friend with a Japanese credit card help me with any potential future transactions. BTW can the Toyo Cameras take a horseman 6x12 filmholder any without issues?

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Newbie looking for 1st 4x5 in Tokyo

    Here are a couple of shops where you can find used large format gear in Tokyo:
    Sanpou Camera near Gakugai Daigaku, my favorite shop for high quality bargains. Always has a couple of 4x5 cameras, they always seem to have Toyo monrails at good prices.
    Fujiya Camera in Nakano, my second favorite shop. Not a lot of 4x5 cameras (although they usually have a couple of used Ebony), but nice deals on lenses, and lots of tripods and other accessories. LF is on the second floor, tripods is across the street from the main store.
    Lemon-cha in Ginza and Shinjuku, more expensive and more high-end stuff. Occasionally really good deals.

  6. #16

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