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Thread: Eureka Dunes

  1. #1
    Richard K. Richard K.'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Etobicoke (west Toronto), west of the mighty Humber...

    Eureka Dunes

    Still hoping to get to Death Valley this February. Is it possible to get to the Eureka Dunes by takiing the road NW from Scotty's Castle to Crankshaft Junction and then West and South? Thanks...
    When I was 16 I thought my father the stupidest man in the world; when I reached 21, I was astounded by how much he had learned in just 5 years!

    -appropriated from Mark Twain

  2. #2
    Vaughn's Avatar
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    Humboldt County, CA

    Re: Eureka Dunes

    It was possible last February, tho supposively rough in a couple places. The ranger did not seem overly keen on recommending the road...can't blame them. Rescuing idiots is probably not fun. So getting the latest info from the Park will be needed. A good winter storm could change things on that road (I have driven it a couple times -- entering and exiting the Park).

    I was going to head that way out of the Park on my last trip, but upon inspection of a couple of my tires, I decided not to travel any long gravel/dirt roads. And while my Euro Van has much better clearance than a mini-van, it is not overly impressive. I have done some minor off-road with it. I spent the extra time over at the Alabama Hills instead, so no loss.


  3. #3
    Eric Woodbury
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    Re: Eureka Dunes

    I've gone both ways, that is from the Valley north by Scottie's and in from the north. It really depends. One time, it was actually faster to go out of the valley and around and come in from the north rather than go what would seem like the shorter route up by Scottie's. Never done either way in Feb. Let's see what kind of winter we have.
    my picture blog

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: Eureka Dunes

    I did that road a good decade or so ago. Wouldn't really recommend it since the road is grated the whole way from what I recall so you either need to go real slow or have a lot of guts and go real fast to deal with the washboard surface. I did the fast route but I was younger and stupid. I wouldn't do it again. If you have any doubts then just go around.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Bend, OR

    Re: Eureka Dunes

    If you decide on the washboard track and are renting a vehicle, check the tire pressure before proceeding. Rental agencies are infamous for incorrect tire pressure and overinflation + washboard= pinch flat.

  6. #6
    Richard K. Richard K.'s Avatar
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    Etobicoke (west Toronto), west of the mighty Humber...

    Re: Eureka Dunes

    Thanks for the good advice all!
    When I was 16 I thought my father the stupidest man in the world; when I reached 21, I was astounded by how much he had learned in just 5 years!

    -appropriated from Mark Twain

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    san francisco

    Re: Eureka Dunes

    Per other posts above, not really recommended. it's a l o n g washboard road..
    Come in from Big Pine/395 if possible.

    A couple years ago at the dunes I spoke with a Subaru driver who had destroyed her car's struts driving too fast on the washboard from Scotty's. And their other friends had gotten a flat. downer on their trip.

  8. #8
    Robert Oliver Robert Oliver's Avatar
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    Shell Beach, CA

    Re: Eureka Dunes

    I took it a couple of years ago in a 2wd Chevy Tahoe... Didn't have any problems at all
    Robert Oliver

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: Eureka Dunes

    I neglected to mention that about an hour after I arrived at Eureka dunes I noticed that I had a flat. It was a puncture, not a snakebite, but I have only ever had two flats in my Jeep in all he wacky places I have been and the other was caused by a drill bit. Just saying, be careful. It is not a good place to get a flat tire. I was prepared, but make sure you are especially if you have a rental car. Check it before you leave the lot.

  10. #10
    Michael E. Gordon
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Southern California

    Re: Eureka Dunes

    Death Valley Road is good maintained road that is typically in fast condition. On good aired-down off-road tires (not cheap urban passenger-car tires), my travel time from Eureka Dunes to Stovepipe Wells is 2 - 2.5 hours one way at the most. The key is *airing down* and maintaining sufficient speed to iron out any washboard (that tends to be about 30-35mph).

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