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Thread: Ektar too contrasty for outdoor portraits?

  1. #21

    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Los Angeles

    Re: Ektar too contrasty for outdoor portraits?

    Quote Originally Posted by Drew Wiley View Post
    Ektar is the cleanest neg film yet.
    Agfa Ultra 50?

  2. #22
    Drew Wiley
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: Ektar too contrasty for outdoor portraits?

    Agfa is extinct; but if it wasn't I'd bet Ektar is "cleaner". Ironically, some of the most
    accurate color I've ever gotten with difficult subjects like fluorescent lichen came from
    the early-style Agfa chrome films (pre E6). Grainy as hell, but wonderful color. Had to
    do with the way the color dye clouds were dispersed in a much different way than is done today. But I'd settle for 8x10 Kodachrome if the corner minimart would agree
    to stock and process it!

  3. #23

    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Chicago, IL

    Re: Ektar too contrasty for outdoor portraits?

    Quote Originally Posted by Drew Wiley View Post
    Raise the contrast as
    much as you want with Portra, and it still will not be as saturated as Ektar under
    analagous circumstances
    It will look nearly identical... I would challenge anyone to do a controlled test and prove me wrong, though!

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