Hi everyone!

I have been away from my computer since early afternoon on Thursday...thus the reason for me not replying to your messages in a more timely fashion.

I am very delighted to see that we have seven potential members for a LF club. Given the geographic distribution of us, it may be that we want to title the club something other than LF club of the western Carolinas. The name doesn't matter anyway.

I'm thinking that we may want to schedule a meeting in the coming weeks to get ourselves organized. It looks like Hendersonville,NC may be a convinient meeting place. If, however, Greenville works just as well then I can find a place here. Let me know what you think.

Am I correct in thinking that either Saturday or Sunday will work best for us to get together? Will June 26 or 27 work?

I'll be happy to hear from all of you.
