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Thread: Embargo on...

  1. #21
    Jean-Louis Llech
    Join Date
    Apr 1999
    Beauvais - Picardie - France

    Embargo on...

    Who said it was a governemental regulation ?
    Nobody has declared it officially when the order was cancelled.
    Just wrote : "We do not ship this item when the final destination is outside the United States"
    IMO, that makes a slight difference.

  2. #22

    Embargo on...

    FAA and DOT are goverment agencies that regulate the transport of goods inside the US as well as for shippers that operate in the US, if a shipper tells you they do not ship hazardous materials it is because of a goverment regulation, not because they are lazy or dont want to make money.

    I dont know how things work in France, but in the US that is the way it is, as I said, if you dont like it complain to the FAA and the DOT, these people are only abiding by the regulations forced on them and they actually do not have an obligation to give you explanations, as long as they refunded your money they are doing theit job within the law.

  3. #23

    Embargo on...

    "FAA and DOT are goverment agencies that regulate the transport of goods inside the US as well as for shippers that operate in the US, if a shipper tells you they do not ship hazardous materials it is because of a goverment regulation, not because they are lazy or dont want to make money."

    ha ha ha - what planet do you live on Jorge? Everyday I seem to come across comapnies that have bad customer service, are lazy and don't seem to want to make money. Maybe things are different in Mexico...?

    I've yet to see anyone here point to the actual regulations that were alluded to, which in all likelhood don't exist in the form this supplier outlined.

    Considering the number of items I've bought over the years with magnets in them (including from specialist scientific and engineering supply houses), no-one appears to take much notice even if they do exist.

  4. #24
    Jean-Louis Llech
    Join Date
    Apr 1999
    Beauvais - Picardie - France

    Embargo on...

    Well, Mark, why can't you admit that some people can't sleep without the OSHA and the PA as pillows ?
    Would you be intolerant ? ;>))))

  5. #25

    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Embargo on...

    Do a google search on things like

    Nuclear Proliferation Prevention Act magnets

    Arms Export Control Act magnets

    Of course I can't find a list of things prohibited. Might be secret-)

  6. #26

    Embargo on...

    Well Mark, seems that you find what you look for.

  7. #27

    Embargo on...

    uum - where Jorge?

    All there seem to be there are hundreds of posts on the Chinese selling thousands of magnets. Didn't come across any actual detailed regulations specific to this case.

    Point me to chapter and verse and I'll send you a home printed Walker Evans :-)

  8. #28

    Embargo on...

    Jean-Louis - don't for a moment that this guy was actually quoting real regualtions pertaining to what he was (well was not) selling.

    You most likely came across some right wing pro-Bush nutjob who, suddenly realising too late that you were talking about Paris, France rather than Paris, Texas merely took out his frustration and anger on "those damn cowardly frenchies" for not only failing to join in Dubyas's New Crusade, but even worse - turns out they were actually correct in refusing to do so. How much more annoying is that?

    You can only have made it worse buy having the audacity to have a funny Furri'n sounding name.

    Xenophobia is next to Godliness as they say in the land of the free

  9. #29

    Embargo on...

    If you want to know the regulations Mark, why dont you look them up, instead of expecting someone else to do it for you.

    Last I saw China was not part of the US. So whatever they ship and how they ship it is up to them. Apparently there is a reason why you find hundreds of lazy people when dealing with you, perhaps it is not leaziness but a desire for you to go away....

  10. #30

    Embargo on...

    Come on Jorge - why would I bother trying to prove a negative and waste my time looking for something that doesn't exist... :-)

    "Last I saw China was not part of the US. So whatever they ship and how they ship it is up to them." Remember, we are talking about America - so your statement above seems incorrect:

    "According to congressional sources, State Department officials believe China's export of ring magnets violates the Arms Export Control Act. Under an amendment to that law, the 1994 Nuclear Proliferation Prevention Act, the president is required to impose sanctions on any country that `transfers to a non-nuclear weapon state any design information or component' used in building nuclear arms."

    At least take the time to get your facts straight when you express an opinion.


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