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Thread: Grandagon 115 Question

  1. #1
    Richard K. Richard K.'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Etobicoke (west Toronto), west of the mighty Humber...

    Grandagon 115 Question

    I've been looking for a wide lens for my WP camera. A firend of mine has a Grandagon-N 115mm f/6.8 that he no longer uses and would sell me for a good price.

    I'm just curious about a couple of things:

    Was there a f/4.5 version made of this lens? How does its performance compare to the f/6.8?

    How would this Grandagon compare to a 110 Super Symmar XL?

    As well as contact printing B&W in Pt, I would like to make the occasional B I G (24x30) print from colour neg.

    When I was 16 I thought my father the stupidest man in the world; when I reached 21, I was astounded by how much he had learned in just 5 years!

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2001

    Re: Grandagon 115 Question

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard K. View Post
    Was there a f/4.5 version made of this lens?
    No. (That was easy. )

  3. #3
    Richard K. Richard K.'s Avatar
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    Etobicoke (west Toronto), west of the mighty Humber...

    Re: Grandagon 115 Question

    Oren, I'm not sure - I'm checking with the moderators - but I think that that was the fastest answer to a post on record!!

    Now, which of the two mentioned lenses might be better?
    When I was 16 I thought my father the stupidest man in the world; when I reached 21, I was astounded by how much he had learned in just 5 years!

    -appropriated from Mark Twain

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: Grandagon 115 Question

    Many users report superb sharpness from the 110XL but the Grandagon is no slouch. Also the Grandagon probably has less light fall-off because of a different near-symmetrical design.

    If max aperture isn't a problem look at the 8-element Nikkor-SW 120mm as well. It has top notch performance and a slightly bigger image circle.

  5. #5
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    Jan 2001

    Re: Grandagon 115 Question

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard K. View Post
    Now, which of the two mentioned lenses might be better?
    Afraid I can't answer that one. The Grandagon will do splendidly as an ultrawide for WP if you're making negatives for contact printing. But I've never used the 110 SS-XL, nor enlarged from a negative made with the Grandagon.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Baton Rouge, LA

    Re: Grandagon 115 Question

    If it matters, the 110 is quite small, and the Grandagon is BIG. I doubt there is any difference in sharpness, and after looking at the literature on the 110, I do not think there is any difference in fall off. But the 110 is expensive.

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