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Thread: Kodak to stop manufacturing film cameras

  1. #11

    Kodak to stop manufacturing film cameras

    I think that John Kasian gave the best report to this post. I think film will survive, though you will have to check other scources. The sad part is the loss of jobs for the employees...

    Can a film factory be a sweatshop too???

  2. #12

    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Kodak to stop manufacturing film cameras

    When you say film-based cameras do you mean those disposable cardboard things with plastic lenses that people buy when they forget their camera on vacation?? If so, then good for them! There are far superior digital alternatives to this. I don't see how this is relevant to the continued manufacturing of professional films such as sheet film......seems like a different market to me.

  3. #13
    Ted Harris's Avatar
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    Aug 2000
    New Hampshire

    Kodak to stop manufacturing film cameras

    Yesterday's article in the Financial Times said that they were discontinuing the manufacture of all disposable cameras and msot APS cameras. Of course, I believe that is all the film cameras they make these days. In fact, since they discontinued production of the Retina Reflex sometime in the early 1970's have they made ANY film cameras except these low end offerings? The FT article went on to point out that the margins on cameras are very small while those on film are substantial.

  4. #14

    Kodak to stop manufacturing film cameras

    I just thank my lucky stars that I live in this in-between era, where I can still buy Tri-X sheet film, and also can buy wonderful hi-tech LF cameras, made of space-age materials.

    A few months back I bought some 25-year-old 8x10 Kodak Ektachrome for a song, and dang if the stuff isn't still perfectly good.

    When my favorites are discontinued, if I am not convinced there are adequate alternatives, then I will buy a little freezer and fill it up. I wonder what my favorites will be, ten years from now? Maybe TechPan. If I win the lotto...

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