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Thread: Custom Backpack

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Custom Backpack

    I need a custom backpack for my 7x11 camera and it's ever expanding 'entourage' I would appreciate any sources or advice from those that have gone through this process.


  2. #2
    Ted Harris's Avatar
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    Aug 2000
    New Hampshire

    Custom Backpack

    My first thought is that you might call justin Gnass and ask him if he will make it for you if you give him the specs. I suspect he would. Second thought is that, recalling previous discussions of packs over the past few years, there is a Canadian compay that I recall will custom make packs. I recall reading that they do custom work on their website but nothing more. hopefully someone else can chime in with their name, if not I will cull through my archives.

    Finally, a call to Keith Canham's son, MQ Canham, at 480.726.6464 or 480.518.5097 (cell phone) may be useful. A long conversation with him last summer indicated to me that this is the sort of project he may well tackle. Oh yeah, one more, if you have a sail maker anywhere nearby then that is the sort of guy who could easily do this sort of thing.

    Good luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Asheville, NC

    Custom Backpack

    "recalling previous discussions of packs over the past few years, there is a Canadian compay that I recall will custom make packs. I recall reading that they do custom work on their website but nothing more. hopefully someone else can chime in with their name, if not I will cull through my archives."

    They will do almost anything on a custom basis. Their quality is excellent.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Knoxville, Tennessee

    Custom Backpack


    I had Dan McHale slightly modify a pack he calls a frame dome for use with my 4x5 and 8x10.

    I use a Pelican padded insert to hold the gear. These are real packs, not camera cases with straps, so keep that in mind. I can e-mail pictures if you want.



  5. #5

    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Custom Backpack

    Plenty of sail makers nearby... innovative solution. Strebor certainly looks good. Adapting an existing pack may not be optimum for me (small woman... big camera) most packs I have tried just do not fit right.


  6. #6

    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    San Joaquin Valley, California

    Custom Backpack


    If you want an external frame pack, you might consider a surplus A.L.I.C.E. pack from a salvage shop. They are designed to fit everyone from munchkins to neandrethals(ie, anyone who can fog a mirror,) and the bags themselves come in small, medium and large---the large capable of carrying more gear than any sane person should consider (see if a small will accomodate your kit!) Pack and frame go for approx 60 USD.------Cheers!
    "I would feel more optimistic about a bright future for man if he spent less time proving that he can outwit Nature and more time tasting her sweetness and respecting her seniority"---EB White

  7. #7

    Custom Backpack

    I just received a new frame backpack from Strebor that is a frame pack that looks about as sturdy as anything I have seen before and should be just what the doctor ordered for you. It has a solid ledge in the lower back that is welded aluminum that allows the frame to stand upright on its own. Any concerns you have about size are eliminated by an innovative ability of this frame to accomodate a myriad of torso sizes from extra small to Hoss Cartwright via an adjustable upper shoulder strap position. This is most critical because it allows each individual user to properly position the frame on their shoulders. It the straps are to high on the person, to much load is place on the hip straps. If they are to low, the shoulders end up carrying to much of the load.Your load should always be equally balanced.

    This pack is made by Tatonka in Canada and is the Lastenkraxe, cub with the V2 shoulder strap system and it weights about 5# and I would bet it would handle a load of well over #100 if necessary. Over the years I have packed extensively on my back and with horses through Montana, Colorado and Wyoming and currently own at least five external and internal packs before I bought this one. While I normally encourage going custom for many things, this is one venue that I would recommend fully exhausting the standard offerings before heading in that direction. The reason is a combination of time and costs. I believe I paid about $100 US for this frame. If you have any other questions, let me know.

    Good Luck.

  8. #8

    Custom Backpack

    Annie, a 7x11 is no different for packing than an 8x10, I use an F64 backpack that I got on E bay, cheap, good and has served me well. Now I would not reccommned you buy it new, the qualityfor the price is not compatible but if you find one on E bay for $100 is a good price.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Custom Backpack

    When I was in my late twenties I purchased a brand new 8x10 Deardorff with 4x5 reducing back, twelve 8x10 Fidelity holders, and 300mm and 360mm Schneider lenses.

    The kit packed nicely into a genuine Deardorff fitted case which I could barely lift (with a deafening grunt) from the car trunk onto a hand truck.

    My point: unless your body is configured so that your knuckles drag when you walk, I would politely suggest investigating something with wheels for that outfit.

    There are all sorts of nifty wheeled creations these days, from walkers to hand trucks to stolen grocery carts. My personal solution was a “push” golf cart:

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Custom Backpack

    I am one of those 'obstinate' little women who dig in their little hiking boot heels and won't give up!! My hiking plans include actual hiking... the white knuckle kind where you need your hands free... so I think I will need a pack with a frame and a means to lash on my tripod. I have managed to get my kit to about 20lbs so I do not think my aspirations are unreasonable... Thanks again for all of your valuable input... & wish me luck!!

    Cheers A. Munchkin

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