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Thread: Let Kodak Know What You Think

  1. #31
    おせわに なります! Andrew O'Neill's Avatar
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    Coquitlam, BC, Canada, eh!

    Re: Let Kodak Know What You Think

    I still haven't gotten over the loss of their 4x5 IR. No one makes a film like theirs. How many of you would like to see a once-a-year run of that stuff? I know I would and would buys boxes of it.

  2. #32

    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Re: Let Kodak Know What You Think

    Quote Originally Posted by Frank Petronio View Post
    I bet the reason they haven't published their direct contact info is because a lot of photographers are freaking nutjobs who send off 10,000 word Littmanesque rants about the discontinuation of some obscure stop bath formula from 1963. Wading through all their spam would consume a couple of jobs....

    If 350 bonafide photographers wrote notes as clear and concise as Chris's then I think they would take notice.

    I'd be more interested in the "nutjobs" desire for things that are now obselete as evidence pointing to where film photography still has potential
    that might be more for the smaller company to fill in with niche products but really kodak could do the same if they wanted to

    since kodak is only interested in and perhaps only equipped for the sale of massive amounts of everday photographic essentials
    I think they'd know which products to keep and which to kill off

    350 bonafide photographers?
    Stephen Shore, Joel Sternfeld, Mitch Epstein, William Eggleston, Thomas Struth, Andreas Gursky and so on.
    those types of guys would carry SOME weight
    I'm sure they've heard from them

    If they don't make it easy to contact them because of the ranting nuts
    they must know the ranting nuts ideas dont help their business

    I don't think you caan find 350 BONAFIDE photographers on LFF so theyd be worthless as well

    "This film is essential to the practice"
    If the practice itself is essential they wouldn't discontinue it
    nobody discontinues soap

    "I do believe that there is currently a huge resurgence of interest in large format photography and for many new photographers an eventual transition to 8x10 is inevitable"

    that's not gonna work. I do believe? People believe in UFO's. Resurgence? I'm not sure kodak has the patience to keep losing money or not making enough of it to continue production based on a guys prediction of the &*#future^*# esp when digital is so apparent
    Kodak would have to wait for this flush of LF bloom in 4x5 and then wait for SOME of those people to move to 8x10 and for only SOME of those people to choose color

    "Large format photography in colour is not only increasingly common at universities, but in major museums and art galleries. The majority of which is shot on portra 160 or 400nc."

    I'm sure they know if true as made to sound. I don't think they've been producing it hoping someone will like it and use it..they've been making it for the people they know will
    Some of those people are probably dropping out.
    They'd now have to wait on that LF bloom to make up for only the current losses they could count on before
    what if they keep losing regulars?

    "priceless advertising and promotion"
    Kodak had nascar ..don't think it was a smashing success.
    What are a few famous photographers going to do for their sales? majority of nascar watchers don't care
    the people who do care about those artists
    already do

    "my opinion"
    I'm sure they have opinions of their own backed up by current reality

    I believe Kodak could still make ALL these products
    satisfy the current user
    the nutjobs desire for panatomic and azo
    develop mo better products for the future participant

    but they'd have to downsize
    I don't think kings become princes ..they die off

  3. #33

    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Re: Let Kodak Know What You Think

    Even their initial costs would be $500,000

    not many are willing to spend even $10 to make $20
    I'm not. I could sell stuff left and right on ebay and make a profit
    im not doing that

    theres gold in the ocean just waiting

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Feb 2001

    Re: Let Kodak Know What You Think

    sorry to sound like a pessimist

    they want to know what we think ?

    they declared film dead years ago ..
    it seems that they are just waiting for
    us to lose interest and move on, like the rest
    of the world ...

  5. #35

    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Homewood, IL

    Re: Let Kodak Know What You Think

    Quote Originally Posted by John NYC View Post
    Maybe there should be a "group buy" forum section set up, to make it easier to organize (and for readers to find) when someone is trying to set one up?

    I think it would be better to concentrate our efforts in one place. Keith Canham is already providing such a service, for no cost. He has quite a list of participating dealers and one deals directly with the dealers. All Keith provides is a clearing house of buying efforts in progress and the number of boxes/sheets for which a commitment has been made at the dealers.

    However, Keith is handling this for Kodak film only at this time, so maybe an effort could be made for other brands here.


  6. #36
    Cooke, Heliar, Petzval...yeah
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Let Kodak Know What You Think

    Response from Kodak...

    Dear Peter,

    Thank you for taking the time to let us know of your request to have us make Kodak Professional Technical Pan Film.

    Unfortunately, sales of this niche product were very small when it was available and led to its discontinuance. We will not be reoffering this product, but hope that you are successful in using the Kodak Professional T-Max 100 Film for applications where Technical Pan Film had been used.

    Please let us know if you have future questions on this or other of our Kodak Professional products.


    Peter V.
    Kodak Professional
    Technical Support
    800-242-2424 ext. 19
    Peter Hruby

  7. #37
    Format Omnivore Brian C. Miller's Avatar
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    Jun 1999
    Everett, WA

    Re: Let Kodak Know What You Think

    Canham's Kodak order page

    Pay yer money, have some patience. Seriously, be glad that you aren't shooting 20x24 on Ektar. That's $1789 per box, $71.56 per sheet.

  8. #38

    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Let Kodak Know What You Think

    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Moore View Post
    I think it would be better to concentrate our efforts in one place. Keith Canham is already providing such a service, for no cost. He has quite a list of participating dealers and one deals directly with the dealers. All Keith provides is a clearing house of buying efforts in progress and the number of boxes/sheets for which a commitment has been made at the dealers.

    However, Keith is handling this for Kodak film only at this time, so maybe an effort could be made for other brands here.

    Whatever works. I assume you know already that he will be adding 8x10 Portra 400NC to his page?

    Maybe Keith could update the page to show how close he is on each item?

  9. #39

    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Let Kodak Know What You Think

    I wonder how much film we shoot per year?
    So even if we are 500 photographers with bones-for-fido, how large the market?

    I shoot 8x10... returning to Pho a couple years ago to discover that my favorite films were defunct. I tried Ilford & Kodak. Picked Ilford since I felt them a safer supplier... & I wiped out the supply of my local (SF) dealers within two months.

    This last year I've slowed down, but I still went through 90 boxes of film, though I doubt that many of us shoot much film. I have to buy from mail order and still have to dicker over prices even on these quantities....
    Obviously glad I don't shoot color... ouch (re Brian's Ektar cost .. Heh, I get a whole box to play with for that)

  10. #40

    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Re: Let Kodak Know What You Think

    Hahaha yep!

    I'd be more interested in the "nutjobs" desire for things that are now obselete as evidence pointing to where film photography still has potential
    that might be more for the smaller company to fill in with niche products but really kodak could do the same if they wanted to

    since kodak is only interested in and perhaps only equipped for the sale of massive amounts of everday photographic essentials
    I think they'd know which products to keep and which to kill off

    350 bonafide photographers?
    Stephen Shore, Joel Sternfeld, Mitch Epstein, William Eggleston, Thomas Struth, Andreas Gursky and so on.
    those types of guys would carry SOME weight
    I'm sure they've heard from them

    If they don't make it easy to contact them because of the ranting nuts
    they must know the ranting nuts ideas dont help their business

    I don't think you caan find 350 BONAFIDE photographers on LFF so theyd be worthless as well

    "This film is essential to the practice"
    If the practice itself is essential they wouldn't discontinue it
    nobody discontinues soap

    "I do believe that there is currently a huge resurgence of interest in large format photography and for many new photographers an eventual transition to 8x10 is inevitable"

    that's not gonna work. I do believe? People believe in UFO's. Resurgence? I'm not sure kodak has the patience to keep losing money or not making enough of it to continue production based on a guys prediction of the &*#future^*# esp when digital is so apparent
    Kodak would have to wait for this flush of LF bloom in 4x5 and then wait for SOME of those people to move to 8x10 and for only SOME of those people to choose color

    "Large format photography in colour is not only increasingly common at universities, but in major museums and art galleries. The majority of which is shot on portra 160 or 400nc."

    I'm sure they know if true as made to sound. I don't think they've been producing it hoping someone will like it and use it..they've been making it for the people they know will
    Some of those people are probably dropping out.
    They'd now have to wait on that LF bloom to make up for only the current losses they could count on before
    what if they keep losing regulars?

    "priceless advertising and promotion"
    Kodak had nascar ..don't think it was a smashing success.
    What are a few famous photographers going to do for their sales? majority of nascar watchers don't care
    the people who do care about those artists
    already do

    "my opinion"
    I'm sure they have opinions of their own backed up by current reality

    I believe Kodak could still make ALL these products
    satisfy the current user
    the nutjobs desire for panatomic and azo
    develop mo better products for the future participant

    but they'd have to downsize
    I don't think kings become princes ..they die off

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