Quote Originally Posted by Dr Klaus Schmitt View Post
Yep, Jonathan was the seller. It will take a while until Bernd (N.) will be using it, as he still works on his "ice" projects a lot, so don't hold your breath.
Hi Dr. Schmitt

I don't participate on this forum but I'll make this one comment and then disappear. I was the seller of the P&S Semi-Achromatic Ser. III and it's sale was legit, it sold for the price listed.

When I put this lens on e-bay, several folks contacted me, I'd say four individuals indicated that they had the money and were interested in the lens, including the individual who eventually bought it.

The first time I put the lens up for sale, I made a big mistake, I hadn't checked the box for ebay transactions outside the US, so ebay wouldn't let anyone outside the US bid, so the lens didn't sell. I ck'd the right box and relisted the lens and it sold w/the one bid.

I had heard of the individual who ultimately bought the lens but have talked w/him several times, a great individual w/a great family, and from perusing his site he'll get some great stuff out of this lens.

There are two galleries, 'Pellucere, and 'Semi-Achromatic Series III' on my
www.imageandartifact.bz site which show the images I did w/this glass, the individual I sold the lens to has the insight and creativity to carry on w/this lens, I'm glad I sold it to him. He hasn't given me permission to release his name, but I will say he's out of Europe.

The special thing about this lens in one of degree, it renders the sharpest image inside the softest image together of any of the other SF glass, no other lens gets the sharp version of the image THAT SHARP inside a soft image THAT SOFT. That's my take on this, and again, everything about this was honest and on the 'up and up'.

I'll even be allowed to visit the lens if I get around to this gentelman's 'neck of the woods', where I hear they make some of the best beer in Europe.
