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Thread: One way to fix lens separation

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Hong Kong

    One way to fix lens separation

    There are quite a lot of posts that describe how to fix the Canada balsam problem.
    But I couldn't find anything related (or useful) to modern Epoxy / UV glue, and too bad, I got some of those lens on hand, so ... lets do something.

    What I got is Rodenstock Apo Rodagon 300/5.6 Enlarger len, both front and rear element has the len separation problems.

    Lens in water, and ready for heat up.

    I heated it up until it boil, and then cool down for 10 mins, you can see the rainbow get larger!

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Hong Kong

    Re: One way to fix lens separation

    Second round, re-heat and cool down ...

    After 10 cycles, you can see ....

    Well, until the rainbow is disappear, let the len cool down in the water, and you are ready to re-glue. It took me one hour to separate the lens, quite fast in my standard!

    I will just skip the re-glue, and finish ...

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Hong Kong

    Re: One way to fix lens separation

    Same to my Contarex 85/2 front element, easy job!

    Before I find out boiling water can do the job, I had tried to soap into the solvent, but after one week of solvent-spa, nothing seems to work. I had also tried to heat the lens in a oven, it works, but ..... the % of breaking the glass is quite high.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    May 2010

    Re: One way to fix lens separation

    I think I seen this in HKLFC? Anyway I used portable oven to warm up the glasses and separated them easily; then used Acetone to clean up the mess.

  5. #5

    Join Date
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    Hong Kong

    Re: One way to fix lens separation

    Yes, I did post in HKLFC.

    Is ur Len using Canada balsam or modern epoxy/UV glue?

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Milford Pa.

    Re: One way to fix lens separation

    great stuff jack
    My YouTube Channel has many interesting videos on Soft Focus Lenses and Wood Cameras. Check it out.

    My YouTube videos gallery

  7. #7
    IanG's Avatar
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    Aegean (Turkey & UK)

    Re: One way to fix lens separation

    Very interesting Jack. I have two Rodenstock lenses with separation and I may now try to repair the Sironar.


  8. #8

    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Frisco, Texas

    Re: One way to fix lens separation

    Did you "skip the reglue" or did you rebalsam or reglue and with what glue or balsam? Bernie

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Hong Kong

    Re: One way to fix lens separation

    I did re-glue the len, but I didn't show it here. My hand was full of mess, didn't want to hold my cell phone/DC .. hahah!

    I use UV glue for modern len, and canada balsam for brass len.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: One way to fix lens separation

    Jack, the elements you were trying to separate, were they bonded with Canada balsam, and if so, are you saying that the solvent didn't work - acetone, I presume. I've a couple of lenses that need re-cementing. Fortunately I've got a couple of rubbish lenses to try with first.


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