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Thread: closest focusing with 150 lens. on dayi 6x12

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Perth Western Australia

    closest focusing with 150 lens. on dayi 6x12

    Hello Evryone....This is my very first post, and is related to just how close can you focus a 150mm lens on to a subject...i know you can focus a lot closer with this lens on a view camara. i did have a toyoview 45A field camera for over fifteen years, but now i like to use my 6x12 DAYic camera, which has the ground glass focusing screen, also the 6x12 interchangeable backs...the only drawback i have with this camera is you have to use seperate adapters.....with different focal length lenses. which means all these adapters have to use focusing helicoids....i recently got hold of a 150 apo Symmar, and when i tried to focus on the nearest subject, the nearest i could focus on was 4.4meters. which seams to me, a long way off...for closest focusing. i was wondering if anyone out there whom has any type of 6x12 camera, with a 150 lens. to see just how close their 6x12 and 150 lens...are able to focus on.....thank you for looking...kind regards Edward.

  2. #2
    In the desert...
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Nevada/N.Arizona/ Florida Keys

    Re: closest focusing with 150 lens. on dayi 6x12

    Will your DaYi 6 12 back fit on your toyo, the toyo has an international back?

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Nara, Japan

    Re: closest focusing with 150 lens. on dayi 6x12

    When I had my Cambo Wide DS, I simply stacked two or more extensions to get closer focusing with the 150mm Symmar. I had extensions for the 58mm, 90mm and 150mm lenses. Perhaps you can do the same with the DaYi?


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