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Thread: Source for 8x10 films?

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Montgomery, Alabama

    Source for 8x10 films?

    I'm thinking of getting back into photography in a big way. I just sold all my darkroom and studio gear last year and now I am feeling lonesome for it. Wife is only mildly upset. But, I'm looking at getting a 8x10 field camera and wanted to see if any of you had sources for 8x10 sheet film you would share with me. I like Kodak but will venture into other types as required. Thanks for all the great help you have given me in the past and now into the future. Doug

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    San Joaquin Valley, California

    Source for 8x10 films? These dealers offer a honkin' selection of 8x10 B+W emulsions at very good prices.
    "I would feel more optimistic about a bright future for man if he spent less time proving that he can outwit Nature and more time tasting her sweetness and respecting her seniority"---EB White

  3. #3

    Source for 8x10 films?

    I guess the answer to your question is more than likely what films you have become familiar with in the last. Folks generally feel comfortable with what brought them to the dance even if they have sat out a few tunes. Currently in 8x10 you can purchase the new Tri X, T Max 100 and T Max 400 from Badger or any other mail order houses.

    J&C Photo ( several Ekfe film from Croatia that are fantastic and priced right. I particularly like the PL100 in pyro. Bergger is another film manufacturer that is offering film in 8x10. They will direct you to sellers on their web site.

    You can stay with big yellow if it feels like the thing to do but thankfully, you do not have to be concerned about their ball being dropped any longer.

    A quick search will fill your browser with many comments on these films to assist you in your decision as they have all been discussed regularly.

    Welcome back

  4. #4
    tim atherton's Avatar
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    Jul 1998

    Source for 8x10 films?

    "I guess the answer to your question is more than likely what films you have become familiar with in the last. Folks generally feel comfortable with what brought them to the dance even if they have sat out a few tunes. Currently in 8x10 you can purchase the new Tri X, T Max 100 and T Max 400 from Badger or any other mail order houses."

    And ilford FP4, HP5 and Delta 100 (I think?)

    And Forte 200 (try Eight Elm Photo) and the Bergger 200 already mentioned
    You'd be amazed how small the demand is for pictures of trees... - Fred Astaire to Audrey Hepburn blog

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Tonopah, Nevada, USA

    Source for 8x10 films?

    I'm currently using Freestyle's Arista 125 which is FP4 in a generic box. Very happy with it. In 5X7 and 7X11 I've been breaking in the Photo Warehouse' "house brand" which also appears to be FP4 and even cheaper. Very happy with it also.

  6. #6

    Source for 8x10 films?


    Can you confirm that the Aristo and the PW films have exactly the same curves? There has been some speculation that the Arista is FP4+, and the PW film is the older FP4 film. If this is the case, they should have different response curves.

    I've been meaning to do some testing with regard to this, but I have not done it yet.


  7. #7

    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    South Carolina

    Source for 8x10 films?


    The PhotoWarehouse FP4 125 film that I have used, purchased fronm cut rolls in 7X17 and 12X20 size, has an almost identical curve to FP4+ in 4X5 and 5X7 sheets. However, there is subtle difference. The anit-halation back of the film cut from rolls clear up nicely with normal processing, but it is very difficult to get rid of the magenta color with small sheet film, rather like Kodak TMAX 100 films. Granted, all my film, both that cut from large rolls and the 4X5 and 5X7 sheet film, was purchased within a 2-3 month period about a year ago and I can not comment on the very latest emulsions.
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  8. #8

    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Sweet, ID

    Source for 8x10 films?

    For those that live in locations that have a professional oriented camera/photography store within reasonable driving distance, I'd like to throw out a suggestion that film/supplies be acquired from such if it meets your needs, etc. Supporting local economies is a foundational American quality that's rapidly going away, and resisting the supposedly cheaper prices of mail order will surely cause further erosion of the availability of large format materials. If your store doesn't carry it, they probably can order it. I live in a fairly high taxed city (I think we're in the top 5 in the country), and I find the shipping costs from mail order is roughly equivalent or more than the local tax costs (and those dollars supposedly go to local infrastructure). Plus, if I have an issue with purchased material (even photo sensitive) and have purchased enough stuff from the local store, they have not hesitated in giving me a refund and/or reordered a replacement. Don't get me wrong, I use mail order for sure, but for products that I can't acquire locally or are no longer in ready supply and only available through special mail order houses (which is rapidly becoming a lot of large format stuff). With that volley, and with regards to another great American tradition, have a Happy Thanksgiving!
    The only trouble with doin' nothing is you can't tell when you get caught up

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    San Joaquin Valley, California

    Source for 8x10 films?


    You're fortunate to have a local merchant who'll support LF and certainly deserves your support in return. FWIW, I buy my chemistry locally(yeah the yellow envelopes---it works for me, and its kept in stock thanks to the local college photo instructor, but if they ever abandon film for digital---yikes!) but then I don't use much exotic stuff. If I asked the local guys for anything larger that 4x5 film though, they'd just laugh and try to sell me a digi(!)
    "I would feel more optimistic about a bright future for man if he spent less time proving that he can outwit Nature and more time tasting her sweetness and respecting her seniority"---EB White

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Montgomery, Alabama

    Source for 8x10 films?

    This has been a great response to my question about 8x10 film. I want to thank everyone again for sharing your knowledge. I had lost most of my e-based vendors when I sold everything. Ahhh well. Here we go again. My next question will be about lenses I'm sure, since I have forgotten everything I learned about coverage since I quit.

    Thanks a million and have a great Thanksgiving.

    Doug Theall

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