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Thread: Gaoersi Portable vs Shen-Hao XPO 4X5

  1. #21
    Lachlan 717
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Gaoersi Portable vs Shen-Hao XPO 4X5

    Quote Originally Posted by Van Camper View Post
    I am talking about my camera, helical focusing, general workmanship (do you mind?), which would be the same throughout the product line. I already told you before they come in 6x9/612/617/45/57/810, and I wouldn't expect much difference other then around film handling (sheet vs rolls). The quality holds same for all models, and helical ring is the same also for all Fotomans/Gaoersi (you think the helical will change other then focus scale for different focal lengths?). Kapeesh? Also few people can make a comment about the Fotoman or Goersi in 45 to 810 versions, simply because they are unpopular . I would think any comment is better then nothing. Have you "handled" a Fotoman or Goersi in 4x5 model? Bet not, so I guess you're making general comments like the rest of us. Right? If you think I am off topic, look at page two with a BIG picture of a Fotoman 617 with linhof finder. I guess everyone is all over the place.
    Nice attempt to deflect the discussion, Van, but please tell me what red light, film count and Gaeorsi film flatness have to do with anything here?

    Oh, and by the way, your presumptuous shooting from the hip is once again wrong. I have held a Fotoman and a Gaeorsi 4x5. I also own a Shen Hao XPO, having worked with the company direct in its design. As I did with the Shen Hao 617. As for the Fotoman 617, I was looking at one in Friday night at the Camera Exchange in Melbourne. Perhaps call them? Check if I'm making this up? Want me to get their number for you?

    So, perhaps stop gobbing off like a petulant, naive mid-pubescent schoolboy trying to bluff knowledge.

    "Kapeesh"? Stop insulting the Italian language. Capisci?

    You miss 100% of the shots you never take. -- Wayne Gretzky

  2. #22

    Join Date
    May 2005

    Re: Gaoersi Portable vs Shen-Hao XPO 4X5

    Quote Originally Posted by Van Camper View Post
    Fotoman Camera Ltd is gone, but "Fotoman China" is alive (Charlie is happy with Chinas 1.5 billion market).... at . My friend has bought cones and other items with a turn around of about 10 days. Contact information (Charlie) is listed here ... .

    Everything is available. However, they just updated their website, and I think they have a mix up (since they were allowed to use Paul Droluks website which is in English). They list production ceasing, but this letter is clearly the identical one Paul wrote when he shut down Fotoman Camera Ltd about 1.5yrs ago. I expect Fotoman China to be alive and well, just a mistake (which I plan to write to confirm) between their Chinese site and the English version. The products are identical, although Paul Droluk (owner Fotoman Camera Ltd) said their suppliers are different, and they do not warranty eachothers products.

    Thanks for the update - I was unaware that they were still in business.

  3. #23

    Re: Gaoersi Portable vs Shen-Hao XPO 4X5

    You guys might wanna take a look at this. There are other choices besides cone-based P&S and field cameras...

    Chamonix Saber, offered by Chamonix Studio (part of Chamonix View Camera)

    Lens range 120mm-150mm, coupled rangefinder focus, can fold to very compact dimensions. Designed based on Polaroid 3x4, but takes full 4x5 shots...

    Ping Hugo for more information....

    Quote Originally Posted by Van Camper View Post
    Oh, and by the way, your presumptuous shooting from the hip is once again wrong...

  4. #24
    Lachlan 717
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Gaoersi Portable vs Shen-Hao XPO 4X5

    Quote Originally Posted by Van Camper View Post

    So you held a Fotoman and a Goaersi 4x5 in your hands, and now you're an Working with a company in its design, eh? You mean telling them what you wanted, then they built it for you. This makes you an expert? Looks to me like you're the one trying to bluff knowledge...are you an engineer, woodworker, work for them (I doubt it, you would have already mentioned it)? And why would I call the Melbourne Camera Exchange just because you "saw" a Fotoman 617, after all I already own two! I think you are the one doing the bluffing-

    1. Unaware of lack of hyperfocal scale on Goersi models.
    2. Assuming focus range is limited to range of the helical mount. A 10mm spacer between the cone and body cuts the near focus in half, and you get even closer with a 25mm spacer (they also have 40mm, or you can stack them). This is possible only with Fotoman cameras. Of course you lose infinity focus temporarily while doing this, but great if you're into close-up stuff.
    3. Unaware of quality differences between helical mount on Goersi (which you owned) and Fotoman which you saw in store. You're the expert, why no comments, you should have looked closer. Paul Droluk had this to say about the construction.....

    "HFM - our Helical Focus Mount is truly a thing of beauty, if I do say so myself. It's buttery rotational feel is the result of a 6-start, fine pitch helicoid thread. The Gaoersi HFM utilizes a single high pitch coarse thread, just like a screw, which results in a rough, imprecise feel. While the rough feel can be masked, to some degree, by a generous application of thick grease, this will lead to problems of high torque when subjected to cold temperatures or migration (read: mess) at elevated temperatures. Additionally, last we checked, it appeared as though the Gaoersi HFM utilized the same distance/DOF markings for several different focal lengths."

    By the way, Shadowleaves (comment #14) also referred to his 617 system in his comparison with 4x5 models, it is expected when little else is available for help. There is no problem. Whatever is bothering you, I got the solution.....take a shot of vodka to kill the bug up your A$$. Before all this started, all I ever said was that considering you have 3 point and shoot large format cameras, you sure seem to like them, and then I added my views on the two categories of cameras. Lachlan, lighten up, you mean we have another problem (with kapeesh)? Sudieva.

    Notice Goersi helical mount has no provision for hyperfocal scale, while Fotoman does. You might see it clearer on the 3rd photo. Left photo is cone for Goersi 45.
    For what it's worth, I am an Architect. I have years of design and build behind me. No, I'm not an Engineer; I consult with them to make my designs work. As I did with Mr Zhang. But, I doubt that you care about this; you'll just keep sending up more smoke in the pathetic hope that it'll distract from your lack of acknowledgement of your previous foibles. As you have here.

    But, hey, if you think that I just told them what I want and they built it, that still puts me 2 cameras ahead of you in the actual, not assumed/professed, knowledge of intended camera use that you waxed so lyrical about earlier in this thread.

    You bet that I'd not "handled" either a Fotoman, nor a Gaoersi. I have. Thus, you lost the bet. Now you come back with the oh-so-childish "So you held a Fotoman and a Goaersi 4x5 in your hands, and now you're an expert…wow". You set the criteria on this point, and pathetically now run away from it, casting belittling comments back at me as you try to hide in the haze of hyperbole and irrelevant rebuttal.

    So, you think I'm bluffing. Man up and call the camera store. Then post the results of the call, like the name of who you speak with there. I doubt that you will, as you know that I'm not bluffing.

    If you don't call them, your silence will be deafening.

    You talk about red light, film counters and film flatness in a thread about 4x5; why? I'm still waiting to read your response.

    Again, you silence on these points is deafening.

    Christ, you can't even spell Gaoersi and you charge me with bluffing?

    By the way, a 90mm on a 5x7 (i.e. the format generally accepted as having the most relevant width relative to the 6x17cm format) focuses from 4.63 feet to infinity at f22 when a focus distance of 10 feet is used. Not the f45 you claim. And if you want to go with the smaller format of 4x5, it's f32 at 10 feet to get 4.54 feet to infinity. So, how about YOU get YOUR facts straight. Or, are you going to challenge Schneider's figures: Or perhaps challenge this site:

    Guess you'll be off to put some green leaves on the fire now. I hear that they're really good at producing smokescreens.

    You miss 100% of the shots you never take. -- Wayne Gretzky

  5. #25

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    NSW Australia.

    Re: Gaoersi Portable vs Shen-Hao XPO 4X5

    Quote Originally Posted by Lachlan 617 View Post
    Red light? Film count? Gaoersi film flatness?

    You still don't seem to realise that this thread is about 4x5. It even says it in the title.

    And you have the audacity to call me slow...
    Slow is not quite the correct terminology. With so much attitude you may be better off with a Holger
    Surely all architects aren't really such a PITA?


  6. #26
    Lachlan 717
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    Apr 2007

    Re: Gaoersi Portable vs Shen-Hao XPO 4X5

    Quote Originally Posted by Gordon Flodders View Post
    Slow is not quite the correct terminology. With so much attitude you may be better off with a Holger
    Surely all architects aren't really such a PITA?

    Wow, comments from the cheap seats. Perhaps you could clarify it for me? Having such a condescending tone surley implies you have a grasp on the subject. Or was that just too much Toohey's Blue talking?

    Looking forward to your response, GF.

    You miss 100% of the shots you never take. -- Wayne Gretzky

  7. #27

    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    NSW Australia.

    Re: Gaoersi Portable vs Shen-Hao XPO 4X5

    Access to LF forum is provided by many hard working individuals and is supposed to form a network of ideas and opinions, therefore contributors are expected to share knowledge rather than insults. The fact is one can get wonderful results from any box with a lens on it, if one has some idea of which way is up.
    Whilst the Chinese cameras may or may not exhibit minor shortfalls, any experienced photographer should be more than capable of dealing with this and not blame the manufacturer for their own inadequacies.
    The Gaoersi is an amazing bit of kit and no one should ever expect a Linhof for such an amazingly low price.
    As you claim to be an architect, surely it would be a relatively easy task to design something as simple as a camera, then proceed to vent your anger by beating some metal into a shape that suits your needs.
    And it would be far better to drink the Vodka.


  8. #28
    Drew Bedo's Avatar
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    Houston Texas

    Re: Gaoersi Portable vs Shen-Hao XPO 4X5

    If movements are not an issue for you and compact cary/portability are important; why not look at the Polaroid conversions? Razzle, Alpinhaus and Byron are all affordable options that have range-finder focusing.
    Drew Bedo

    There are only three types of mounting flanges; too big, too small and wrong thread!

  9. #29

    Re: Gaoersi Portable vs Shen-Hao XPO 4X5

    Exactly....see my post #32 for yet another choice...

    Quote Originally Posted by Drew Bedo View Post
    If movements are not an issue for you and compact cary/portability are important; why not look at the Polaroid conversions? Razzle, Alpinhaus and Byron are all affordable options that have range-finder focusing.

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