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Thread: PhotoToolsPro! It Shipped!

  1. #21
    Dave Karp
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Los Angeles, CA

    Re: PhotoToolsPro! It Shipped!

    This is awesome. Now, all I need is an IPhone. Its in the que.

  2. #22

    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Santa Cruz, CA

    Re: PhotoToolsPro! It Shipped!

    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Walker View Post
    I seem to be having problems with the "voice" notes. Everything appears to function normally but there is no sound when played back

    I just checked, mine appears to function as expected.

    We also had a bug that was fixed where the person recording did not press the stop button, but hit the back button and the resulting file did not get saved. As I said we fixed it.

    Oops, just saw Rick's response. Thanks Rick!

    We'll take a look at addressing this... and to everyone, we are always open to assisting with anything....


  3. #23

    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Santa Cruz, CA

    Re: PhotoToolsPro! It Shipped!

    Quote Originally Posted by David Karp View Post
    This is awesome. Now, all I need is an IPhone. Its in the que.
    I wish I could help.... however, it might be noted that an iPodTouch will also work - if you happen to have one of those. Slightly less zippy than a 3GS, but works well, nonetheless....


  4. #24
    Dave Karp
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Los Angeles, CA

    Re: PhotoToolsPro! It Shipped!

    Thanks Lenny. There is one in my future. Just not for a little while.

  5. #25

    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: PhotoToolsPro! It Shipped!

    As soon as my new iPhone arrives tomorrow I'll take it for a spin, Lenny -- heading to Yosemite late next week and looks like I get a day on my own for shooting, so I can give it a good trial run.

    Oh, and here's a vote for an iPad version -- I really like mine.


  6. #26

    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    South Carolina

    Re: PhotoToolsPro! It Shipped!

    Sorry this is not available for the Blackberry as that is the smart phone I use. However, I do have an iPod Touch which I just recovered from my grand daughter and have downloaded PhotoToolsPro and installed it on the Touch. So far everything seems to work fine on the Touch, except for the camera features of course as the Touch does not have one. On first look PhotoToolsPro appears to be a neat program that offers some interesting features I have not seen before in this type of application. Will offer more thoughts after using the program in a few real life situations.

    Sandy King
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  7. #27

    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Santa Cruz, CA

    Re: PhotoToolsPro! It Shipped!

    Note to all users - and prospective users: Apple changed a few things with the release of iOS4 and while we had prepared, we got bitten. Minimally, thankfully, but bitten nonetheless.

    Basically, they deprecated one of the functions and rendered one of our user interface elements unusable. This is only on the Lens entry screen, specifically the focal length page. (Focal length is a required field.) One can enter Cameras and Film, but NOT Lenses. Photos do not require that a lens be specified so the rest of the program works as expected.

    One could also wait a week to update their iPhone to the new iOS.

    We have fixed the problem and a new version of the application has already been submitted to Apple and is pending approval.

    Of course we're sorry, and more than a little upset, but we are where we are. We are getting a lot of great feedback from everyone, which we are very thankful for...


    Last edited by Lenny Eiger; 23-Jun-2010 at 11:50. Reason: typo

  8. #28

    Re: PhotoToolsPro! It Shipped!


    Just curious. Do you have anyone working on (or planning for) porting the app to the android language for use on the Droid?


  9. #29

    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Santa Cruz, CA

    Re: PhotoToolsPro! It Shipped!

    Quote Originally Posted by z_photo View Post

    Just curious. Do you have anyone working on (or planning for) porting the app to the android language for use on the Droid?

    We have been thinking about it, of course. However, we have to balance development with income. The Droid would take us learning yet another language, and quite a bit of effort... We have opted to see if we could make enough sales from photographers on the iPhone side of things first. We certainly don't expect to be millionaires, but we'd like to see some response. So far, indications are pretty good and people seem to genuinely like the app.

    Our next project is to get our web site to the place we want it to be, syncing one's images, etc.

    I don't know if that answers your question or not. We are certainly open to doing a Droid app. If enough people buy the Apple version we will.


  10. #30

    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Santa Cruz, CA

    Re: PhotoToolsPro! Updated!

    Greetings all,

    Apple has finally released our updated iPhone app. The release of iOS 4 caused an error which precluded the user from entering Lenses.

    This has now been addressed, submitted, approved, and is ready for free download from iTunes.

    And I can't say its perfect, but I did do a little work on the splash screen to make it cleaner.

    Thanks to everyone for their patience.

    Happy PTP'ing, and don't forget to tell your friends!

    All the best,

    Last edited by Lenny Eiger; 30-Jun-2010 at 15:49. Reason: forgot something


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