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Thread: Where did the Old Masters go?

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Rondo, Missouri

    Where did the Old Masters go?

    Over the past two weeks, I have been into several bookstores. Two B&N, on of the larger Borders, and three or four of the larger local shops. I could get more
    David Hamilton I wanted along with half a dozen wannabes shooting topless teenies. Self-absorbent photographers specializing in self portraits were in abundance as well. But the books I was looking for, such Karsh and Weston are non-existent. No Minor White or Wynn Bullock either. They don't appear to be out of print, but they don't seem to be available locally either. I don't want to mail order because some of the reproduction quality is missing in many editions. I want to see what I'm shelling out fifty or sixty bucks for. Chain stores and the Internet are killing our local businesses.
    Michael W. Graves
    Michael's Pub

    If it ain't broke....don't fix it!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Re: Where did the Old Masters go?

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Graves View Post
    I want to see what I'm shelling out fifty or sixty bucks for.
    That's what the forums (fora?) are for. Ask first, then mail order...
    The Onlike Photographer (Mike Johnston) has regular book recommendations, and I admit I've purchased several books he recommended. Never regretted a single purchase, and I can say I'm also picky when it comes to reproductions.

    So, go ahead and ask. Someone's bound to have the edition you are about to buy, and will surely provide feedback re print quality, etc...
    I've long ago given up on the chance to be able to leaf through a book before buying. Being in Croatia didn't help, either
    Although I must admit I was floored when I found Ctein's "Digital restoration..." in a local (small-town) bookstore. Might be because it has "Digital" in the title
    But, I did see e.g. two Annie Leibowitz hefty (and expensive) books... Plastic-wrapped, no peeking inside...

  3. #3
    runs a monkey grinder Steve M Hostetter's Avatar
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    Re: Where did the Old Masters go?

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Graves View Post
    Over the past two weeks, I have been into several bookstores. Two B&N, on of the larger Borders, and three or four of the larger local shops. I could get more
    David Hamilton I wanted along with half a dozen wannabes shooting topless teenies. Self-absorbent photographers specializing in self portraits were in abundance as well. But the books I was looking for, such Karsh and Weston are non-existent. No Minor White or Wynn Bullock either. They don't appear to be out of print, but they don't seem to be available locally either. I don't want to mail order because some of the reproduction quality is missing in many editions. I want to see what I'm shelling out fifty or sixty bucks for. Chain stores and the Internet are killing our local businesses.
    Hi Michael,

    Try half price books

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    New York City

    Re: Where did the Old Masters go?

    I feel your pain. If you should find yourself in NYC at any time, make sure to stop in at The Strand Book Store on Broadway and 12th St. The photo book section on the second floor is really good. Good luck.

  5. #5

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    Re: Where did the Old Masters go?

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Graves View Post
    Over the past two weeks, I have been into several bookstores. Two B&N, on of the larger Borders, and three or four of the larger local shops. I could get more
    David Hamilton I wanted along with half a dozen wannabes shooting topless teenies. Self-absorbent photographers specializing in self portraits were in abundance as well. But the books I was looking for, such Karsh and Weston are non-existent. No Minor White or Wynn Bullock either. They don't appear to be out of print, but they don't seem to be available locally either. I don't want to mail order because some of the reproduction quality is missing in many editions. I want to see what I'm shelling out fifty or sixty bucks for. Chain stores and the Internet are killing our local businesses.
    I think you're stuck with mail order for the kinds of books you're talking about. You might stumble on a few things here and there in local stores but if you want any big selection I think it likely has to be on line. I'd start on Amazon and then move on to big book stores like Powell's in Portland, OR that have a big collection of used books of all kinds, then to smaller specialty stores like Photo Eye in Sante Fe. But the prices may shock you. I have some of these kinds of older books, such as Minor White's "Mirrors Messages Manifestations," and see them listed at Photo Eye for $250 - $300. I of course don't know exactly which books you're talking about but many of the books by people like Weston, White, Karsh, etc. are out of print.
    Brian Ellis
    Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you do criticize them you'll be
    a mile away and you'll have their shoes.

  6. #6
    Daniel Stone's Avatar
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    Re: Where did the Old Masters go?

    my neighborhood B&N has the same problem too. When they first opened 2 years ago, they had easily over 100 photo-related titles, most of them about the famous "old masters". Now they only have a few titles, most about how to photoshop your grandma's wrinkles out, or more topless, self-indulgent teenies.

    truelly disturbing IMO. even if they don't want to carry the bulk of their online catalog in the store, they should at least have an honest-to-God SELECTION, rather than just one sort of books.

    the Annie L. books are bound up tighter than a drum, here to , no peek-a-boo's...


  7. #7

    Join Date
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    Re: Where did the Old Masters go?

    As mentioned earlier, Mike Johnston's blog is good for book recommendations. Another more eclectic photo book blog is 5B4. Used bookstores, even some of the smaller local ones, can be good source for old masters.
    van Huyck Photography
    "Searching for the moral justification for selfishness" JK Galbraith

  8. #8

    Join Date
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    Rondo, Missouri

    Re: Where did the Old Masters go?

    You guys are pretty much confirming what I already suspected. I am in Bridgeport, CT today and tomorrow and intend to hit a couple of stores here. The adventure continues.
    Michael W. Graves
    Michael's Pub

    If it ain't broke....don't fix it!

  9. #9
    Drew Saunders drew.saunders's Avatar
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    Re: Where did the Old Masters go?

    The SFMOMA's store has a good photography section, as one would expect. I presume the NY MOMA would have a reasonable selection as well.

  10. #10

    Join Date
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    San Joaquin Valley, California

    Re: Where did the Old Masters go?

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Graves View Post
    Over the past two weeks, I have been into several bookstores. Two B&N, on of the larger Borders, and three or four of the larger local shops. I could get more
    David Hamilton I wanted along with half a dozen wannabes shooting topless teenies. Self-absorbent photographers specializing in self portraits were in abundance as well. But the books I was looking for, such Karsh and Weston are non-existent. No Minor White or Wynn Bullock either. They don't appear to be out of print, but they don't seem to be available locally either. I don't want to mail order because some of the reproduction quality is missing in many editions. I want to see what I'm shelling out fifty or sixty bucks for. Chain stores and the Internet are killing our local businesses.
    Hopefully they are on the remainder tables---that way I can afford 'em!
    "I would feel more optimistic about a bright future for man if he spent less time proving that he can outwit Nature and more time tasting her sweetness and respecting her seniority"---EB White

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