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Thread: Alternatives to 110mm xl?

  1. #11

    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: Alternatives to 110mm xl?

    i use a fuji 105/8 sw, the older version, single-coated and marked on inner ring. on my 5x7.

    very happy with the result.


  2. #12

    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Alternatives to 110mm xl?

    a second hand 110...

  3. #13

    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Knoxville, Tennessee

    Re: Alternatives to 110mm xl?

    I have to second the idea of a used 110mm Schneider SS XL.

    I investigated lighter alternatives to the 110 for hiking use, and concluded there really aren't any - but some are close. Nothing is as sharp, has as much coverage, or is as flare resistant which was important to me as I do near-far sunrise and sunset shots with it.

    For a while I used a 120mm Apo Symmar, and liked it very much, but not a lot of coverage to spare if you needed it, which I usually don't. Then came the time I needed the lens for a shot from a footbridge on a trail, and the 120mm was just too long and I had to borrow a friend's 110mm since I couldn't back up. The alternative was to use the 80mm and crop more than I'd like. So the 110mm went back in the 'everyday" pack.

    I'm testing a 4-3/8" (111mm) f/8 WA Gold Dagor in a Compur #1, and it looks promising. Its flare resistant (but not quite as good as the Schneider), and quite a bit lighter. It has plenty of coverage for 4x5. But it costs a good fraction of a used 110mm because of the cult status and relative rarity, so from a financial standpoint, it really isn't a viable alternative.

    Cheers, Steve

  4. #14

    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Re: Alternatives to 110mm xl?

    My compact alternative to my 110 xl is a 4-3/8" WA Dagor, but without the gold ring. Great lens but without the cult stigma and price tag. As Steve mentioned, flares a little more than the 110 so a good compendium helps a lot. However, if you use filters, you need to apply flat black paint on the writing around the front element. I noticed a little flare before I did this.

  5. #15
    Saratoga, CA
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Re: Alternatives to 110mm xl?

    Quote Originally Posted by Drew Wiley View Post
    you don't want to spend the big bucks of a 110XL or risk picking up on of the early
    lemon ones. For interiors I personally don't like the f/8 wide angles (hard to focus,
    especially with a CF in place).
    I know that there was a problem with some of the 80XL's but I haven't heard there was a problem with the 110XL. Do you know the range of serial numbers that were bad or have other info?

  6. #16

    Join Date
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    New Jersey

    Re: Alternatives to 110mm xl?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sideshow Bob View Post
    I know that there was a problem with some of the 80XL's but I haven't heard there was a problem with the 110XL. Do you know the range of serial numbers that were bad or have other info?
    I know a 80ssxl start with 149 has this problem.

  7. #17
    Saratoga, CA
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Re: Alternatives to 110mm xl?

    Quote Originally Posted by Songyun View Post
    I know a 80ssxl start with 149 has this problem.
    I'm asking about problems with the 110XL.

  8. #18

    Re: Alternatives to 110mm xl?

    Thanks guys for all these replies...great info.
    I know of most of these lenses but nothing of some such as the dagor.

    I'l be getting this lens in about a month or so and it will be part of a three set including a 210 or 240mm and a wider 75 or 90mm, all depending on what focal length my main lens ends up as (110/120/125, etc).

    The fuji 125mm seem like a good overall compromise in terms of aperture, 5.6, coverage, 204mm and weight. That 204 image circle is really the minimum movements I want for my needs. How do they perform and are there any big differences between the older but mulicoated W's and the newer versions?

    Nikkors look good by all accounts but perhaps more coverage than I need at the price of weight and slightly darker.

    A 120 super symmar looks a good bet but these days may go for so close to the 110?

    Would be interesting to hear more about the dagors in terms of how they perform..look, sharpness, etc.

    I had to sell all my large format gear about a year ago and am really looking forward to putting a kit together again and starting work on my two new projects.



  9. #19

    Join Date
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    New Jersey

    Re: Alternatives to 110mm xl?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sideshow Bob View Post
    I'm asking about problems with the 110XL.
    I have never seen a bad sample in person, but I think someone one this forum mentioned once. btw, I have seen a lot bad samples of 80ssxl.

  10. #20
    Dave Karp
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Los Angeles, CA

    Re: Alternatives to 110mm xl?


    The older multicoated Fujinon NW 125mm with EBC coating has something like a 198mm image circle, so it is smaller than the new version. In other respects, it is a very nice lens.

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