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Thread: "A few ideas on using Kodak T-Max Films Successfully"

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Feb 1999

    "A few ideas on using Kodak T-Max Films Successfully"

    I am trying to find the article by John Sexton-1988 "A few ideas on using Kodak T-Max Films Successfully". Does anyone know where I can find it? Also, I am going to develop T-max 100 8x10 film using T-max dev. with JOBO processer. If anyone know about the starting point of Dev. time and good dilution of chemical 1:4 or 1:7? or any advice, please teach me. Thanks Ric yama

  2. #2

    "A few ideas on using Kodak T-Max Films Successfully"

    Ric...There is an abundance of processing information for T-max films at the Kodak website... I think the address is Best of luck -Dave

  3. #3

    "A few ideas on using Kodak T-Max Films Successfully"

    A few people have written to me asking for a copy of the Sexton article on using T-Max films. Rather than send copies off all over, I have scanned it and reproduce it below. Enjoy.

    Editor: I have moved the copy to the static LF page with John Sexton's permission.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Nov 1999
    San Clemente, California

    "A few ideas on using Kodak T-Max Films Successfully"

    I'm sure everyone appreciates Alan's effort in sharing Sexton's article with us. Please permit me to take this thread in a different direction. We semi-regularly find questions on these bulletin boards expressing concern over copyright and intellectual property issues as they relate to images. Yet, many seemingly feel no hesitation about posting complete copies of the text of periodical articles or others' Web sites content, making no mention of having received permission to do so. What are your opinions of that practice?

  5. #5

    "A few ideas on using Kodak T-Max Films Successfully"

    Sal, if this info was copyrighted I would be the first to condemn the prisoner. But this info is all over the place for the asking. Most of it comes from Kodak and common sense. james

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Nov 1999
    San Clemente, California

    "A few ideas on using Kodak T-Max Films Successfully"

    James, my intent wasn't to condemn Alan. I instead hoped to stimulate discussion of what seems to be a fairly common practice. Since I can't find the original magazine containing that Sexton article, though it may very well be in a box around here somewhere, it's not possible to say with absolute certainty that the publisher included a copyright notice, but most do. Even if the subject matter has since been widely discussed (on Kodak's Web site and elsewhere), the fact remains that Sexton's specific article was copyrighted when it was created, just as photographic images are. I understand that only the types of damages collectable are determined by registering a work's copyright, and that an infringer is always liable to some extent.

    James, thanks for chiming in. I appreciate your response. Anyone else have an opinion?

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Nov 1998

    "A few ideas on using Kodak T-Max Films Successfully"

    This article was in Darkroom & Creative Camera Techniques (now Photo Techniques) in about 1988. I would bet that Mr. Sexton nor the magazine appreciates having this information posted here.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Jan 1998

    "A few ideas on using Kodak T-Max Films Successfully"

    I should think they'd be honored. I would be. Sexton didn't make a pile of money, I'd wager, on that article and I would also bet his first intention was to help other photographers with a new and tricky film. I realize that this is all irrelevant with regard to law, but come on. A brief, informative piece that is currently unavailable except in certain Goodwill stores and a few large libraries can have no better fate than to be distributed on a top-notch site like this one. I have written many pieces for various magazines and newspapers, usually gotten a pittance for it, and would be delighted to see that someone found the information therein to be worth the trouble to scan and post someplace. There are obviously limits to this thinking: scanning somebody's out of print novel may or may not step on a few toes and you'd be a fool not to ask permission first. But a brief piece like this one is a different story, in my view. It's little more than photocopying a piece for your neighbor. I say lighten up.

  9. #9

    "A few ideas on using Kodak T-Max Films Successfully"

    Gents, not to be Draconian about this, but yes, it's both illegal and unethical to post the entire text (or any large portion of it) here without permission. The fact is, John Sexton may not mind; but the law does assert that he's the owner of the rights to his work and his words and he must be asked if you wish to legally disseminate it. Given the history of "shareware" on the internet, I'd suggest that it would be entirely in keeping with the spirit of the 'net for you to do the right thing and ask John Sexton if it's all right with him if you post his article here. If you can't get his permission, it should be removed.

    --Mike J. / Editor-in-Chief, _PHOTO Techniques_ magazine

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