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Thread: Which Imagon For Portraits?

  1. #11

    Join Date
    Jun 1999

    Which Imagon For Portraits?

    Jeepers, Wayne, take it easy. Bob's point was that the soft effect will differ between the two lenses on a 4x5 format. Among other things, the ratio of the center to the edge of the image circle will not be the same, creating a different soft-focus look. With the longer lens, the center will take up much more of the 4x5 picture, with reduced effect.

  2. #12

    Which Imagon For Portraits?

    Anybody know where to get a used 250mm Imagon? Thanks. --John Barnier

  3. #13

    Which Imagon For Portraits?

    Also, can the 154mm Imagon for medium format be rigged to fit any particular medium format camera body? Or is it simply used on a 4x5 or 6x9 camera/board with roll fim back? Thanks for your he

  4. #14

    Which Imagon For Portraits?

    Also, can the 154mm Imagon for medium format be rigged to fit any particular medium format camera body? Or is it simply used on a 4x5 or 6x9 camera/board with roll fim back? Thanks for your hel

  5. #15

    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Loganville , GA

    Which Imagon For Portraits?

    In the past Burghard Schmactenburg made a focus mount and a modified Prontor Professional shutter as well as camera mount for MF cameras for the 120mm and 150mm Imagons. But he went out of business several years ago. Both Ken Mar Camera and Wall Street Camera purchased several of these and may still have them. Rodenstock also supplied a focus mount and camera adapters for the 200 Imagon for several MF cameras but these have beed discontinued for many years and may be found used but not new.

    The lenses are easy to mount in the systems should you be able to find the mount for your camera (and the lens if 120 or 150).

    For those using a Rollei 6008 or SL66 there are adapters made by Rollei that easily adapts Imagons (120 and 150 only on 6000 systems).

  6. #16

    Join Date
    Jun 1999

    Which Imagon For Portraits?

    John, I found my 250mm Imagon on e-bay. You can also try Lens & Repro in New York. For a picture of a 200mm Imagon fitted to a focusing bellows on a Hasselblad, see

  7. #17

    Join Date
    Jun 1999

    Which Imagon For Portraits?

    er...make that, e.htm, not e.htmb. sorry

  8. #18

    Which Imagon For Portraits?

    Thanks very much everyone. Your help is sincerely appreciated! By the way, a very good frioend of mine, Russ Young, is doing his doctorate work at St. Andrews in Scotrland on portrait and soft focus lens photography (there's a difference). If anyone has questions on other lenses drop him a note:

    Tell him John sent you.

    Thanks ag

  9. #19

    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Which Imagon For Portraits?

    Thansk to everyone for your input. I went ahead and ordered the 250mm Imagon fro m Badger Graphics this morning....Neil

  10. #20

    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Which Imagon For Portraits?

    Well, after all the wonderful input from you list members, I ordered the 250mm I magon from Badger Graphics, only to get a call back saying that the lens has bee n discontinued and Rodenstock is totally out of them. To feed my now insatiable Jones for a new lens, I ordered the 110 Super-Symmar XL which had also been on m y want list. But I wonder...and the question is...what y'all think about the Fuj inon soft lens or others as a substitute for the Imagon.

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